Gordon Research Conferences
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Proposing a New Gordon Conference


The Gordon Research Conferences promote discussion and the free exchange of ideas at the frontiers of the biological, chemical, and physical sciences. Scientists with common interests in a particular field come together for a week of intense examination of the most advanced aspects of their field. The Conferences have a long record of stimulating advanced research in industrial laboratories, colleges and universities, research institutes, and government laboratories. To maintain discussions at the frontiers of knowledge, the Gordon Research Conferences invite proposals for new Conferences in vital, emerging areas that will benefit from this type of interaction. The subject proposed must be in fundamental research and technology and at a state of development that places it at the very frontiers of science.

Any scientifically-qualified individual may initiate a Conference proposal. A written proposal is sent to the GRC Program Manager, who oversees the review process and submits it to the Conference Evaluation Committee (CEC), which meets annually to evaluate the current Conferences and to select the most promising proposals for future Conferences. The selected proposals are recommended to the Board of Trustees. When a Conference is approved, the proposed Chair is responsible for the selection of the subject matter, speakers, and other participants, as well as the development and conduct of the Conference.

Please note that the expectation of all Gordon Conference offerings is a focus on the frontiers of the underlying science of a given subject. New Gordon Conference proposals that cover policy are expected to primarily focus on the cutting edge aspects of the scientific research driving policy in that particular subject, rather than focusing wholly on the issues beyond the science. Proposals will be carefully evaluated to ensure that they are devoted primarily to new science and that any interest in focusing on policy aspects is limited to a small part of the meeting week. Should you have any questions regarding the suitability of your idea for a new Gordon Conference, please contact Gerri Miceli directly at gmiceli@grc.org.

Proposals for new Gordon Research Conferences are to be submitted to GRC by June 1st for evaluation and timely consideration for scheduling.

For inquiries, guidance on proposing a new GRC, the proposal form and instructions, or details on the submission, evaluation, and timeframe for scheduling of new Gordon Conferences, please contact Gerri Miceli, GRC Program Manager (401-360-1508; gmiceli@grc.org).

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