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Creating Equity in the Federal Farm Bill

Read Congressman Cardoza's letters to Secretary Salazar and Governor Schwarzenegger regarding California's water crisis

Snapshot of California Agriculture

Agriculture is a major industry in the state of California comprising nearly $32 billion in direct annual economic activity and more than $100 billion in farming-related business. Throughout California there are over 88,000 farms and ranches producing more than 350 plant and animal commodities, including over 100 commodities that are only produced within the state; making California the number one agricultural-producing state in the country.

California 's dedicated farmers and ranchers have achieved this great success through a combination of innovation and resilience, even in the face of adversity. Severe water shortages and drought are commonplace and the San Joaquin Valley region is in varying stages of non-attainment for ozone, PM10 and PM2.5, forcing many producers to adopt far more stringent farming methods than their competitors in order to comply with numerous federal, state and local regulations.

Statewide, the top 10 commodities are: dairy products, grapes, nursery products, almonds, cattle, lettuce, strawberries, processing tomatoes, floriculture and hay. In the 18 th Congressional District, our top commodities are dairy products, almonds, walnuts, and chickens.

Despite its place as the highest agricultural-producing state country, historically California has not received its fair share in federal Farm Bills. This is because, prior to the passage of the 2008 Farm Bill, the majority of the support went to so-called “commodity crops”, such as wheat, corn, cotton, rice, and soybeans farmed predominately in the Midwest and the South. It has been a top priority of mine since elected to Congress in 2002 to bring equity to the Farm Bill, making sure all of American agriculture is recognized and supported by the federal government.


•  Expanding past federal Farm Bills to provide support for all of American Agriculture, including specialty crops and organic agriculture.

•  Providing a strong safety net for California 's farmers and ranchers while encouraging the use of innovative conservation and environmental stewardship programs.

•  Planning for the future of agriculture in a changing environment and developing opportunities for California agriculture to become a partner in state and federal efforts to reduce the effects of global warming.

•  Maintaining a safe, high-quality and abundant domestic food supply.




•  As Chairman of the Subcommittee on Horticulture and Organic Agriculture on the House Committee on Agriculture, I was appointed to serve on the 2008 Farm Bill Conference Committee. Through this position I was able to secure over $2 billion in federal funding for fruits, vegetables, nuts and other specialty crops.

•  Convened the first Congressional hearing on the state of Organic Agriculture and helped provide millions in mandatory funding for organics in the 2008 Farm Bill.

•  Held the first Congressional hearing on the mysterious decline in domestic honey bee populations—termed “Colony Collapse Disorder”—and secured crucial research funding to determine its cause.

•  Organized a number of dear colleagues on agriculture issues important to California such as disaster funding for the 2007 Citrus Freeze and expanding the markets for exports of pistachios to India

•  Obtained $100,000 in federal funding for the Agricultural Science Center in Modesto, CA at the site of the proposed National Ag Science Center. Also am the lead author of legislation to designate the site as the National Ag Science Center.

•  Lead author of H. Res. 88—honoring the life of Ernest Gallo of the E&J Gallo Winery in Modesto, CA. Legislation was approved by both the House and Senate and became law.

Representative Dennis Cardoza
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