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Historic Joint Session Hears President Make His Case for Troop Increase

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE—January 23 , 2007Washington, D.C. –

Today Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo joined members of the House of Representatives and the Senate along with Cabinet members, Supreme Court Justices, and the Diplomatic Corps for the President’s State of the Union address to the nation.  This historic session was called to order by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the first woman Speaker of the House of Representatives. 

Congresswoman Bordallo invited, as her guest, U.S. Marine GySgt Glen Tedtaotao of Camp Pendleton, California, who observed the address from the gallery of the House chamber in the U.S. Capitol.  Tedtaotao is the son of Enrique and Nhung Tedtaotao and his family is originally from Umatac.  Tedtaotao and his wife Ofelia have two daughters:  Kira Tatiana, 6; and 14-month-old Sabrina Anika.  Tedtaotao has served in the United States Marine Corps for fourteen years.


GySgt Tedtaotao represents the men and women of Guam who are serving in the United States Armed Forces.  GySgt Tedtaotao, assigned to 1st Radio Division, Armored Vehicle Division, Camp Pendleton, California, has served two seven-month tours of duty in Iraq in 2003 and 2004.

“We all support the troops and we are concerned about the deterioration of the situation in Iraq and in other areas in the Middle East.  The President spoke of the high stakes of failure, and while no one wants failure, victory in Iraq is not assured unless the Iraqi government shows that it can provide for its own citizens’ security,” Congresswoman Bordallo said. 

The President also talked about a health care initiative to address the uninsured. 

“I welcomed the President’s comments that focused on improving health care for uninsured families.  I also hope that Medicare and Medicaid reform can re-open the door to addressing the Medicaid cap in the territories.”

The President emphasized again the need for comprehensive immigration reform legislation that he can sign into law.

“The proposal for a temporary guest worker program as part of a broader immigration reform effort could be the vehicle for reforms to the H-2 guest worker system which has been operating under a cap that has been inadequate for several years.  Our community has a distinct interest in this issue and I will be following these reform efforts very carefully.”

President Bush also outlined his plan to increase the size of the Army and the Marine Corps by 92,000 over the next five years. 

“I am concerned about the toll the Global War on Terror is taking on the readiness of the active, reserve, and National Guard components of our Armed Forces.  Some units are now experiencing their third and fourth deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Horn of Africa.  This is a hardship not only for servicemembers, but also for their families, loved ones, and our community.”   

Photo: Congresswoman Madeleine Z. Bordallo and GySgt Glen Tedtaotao walk through the National Statuary Hall of the Capitol, on their way to the floor of the House of Representatives for last night's Presidential State of the Union Address


Contact: Joseph E. Duenas in Washington, D.C. at 202-225-1188 or Joy James at

671-477-4272/4. or


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