Representing Massachusetts and the 9th District in the United States House of Representatives
help with federal agencies

If you live in Massachusetts' Ninth Congressional District and need assistance in dealing with the federal government, please contact my Boston or Brockton office.  My office can help you with a wide variety of issues, including: 

  • Federal Grants 
  • Federal Student Loans or other forms of financial aid 
  • Housing 
  • Immigration and Passport Issues 
  • Medicare
  • Military Issues 
  • Problems with federal agencies, such as the IRS or the Postal Service 
  • Social Security 
  • Veterans' Benefits 
  • Worker's Compensation and Employment Issues

How To Get Assistance

  • As required by the Federal Privacy Act, my staff needs your written consent to discuss your case with the appropriate agency.  Please fill out the applicable privacy release form below.

General Privacy Release Document
Immigration Privacy Release Document

  • Gather all relevant paperwork pertaining to your case.  This may include correspondence with federal agencies, medical documentation, financial records, receipts, or confirmation of filed applications. 
  • Mail or fax your privacy release and relevant paperwork to one of my district offices.  Please send copies and retain the originals unless otherwise instructed by my staff.



Washington Office
221 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(phone) 202-225-8273 (fax) 202-225-3984

Boston Office
88 Black Falcon Avenue, Suite 340
Boston, MA 02210
(phone) 617-428-2000 (fax) 617-428-2011

Brockton Office
155 West Elm Street, Suite 200
Brockton, MA 02301
(phone) 508-586-5555 (fax) 508-580-4692