Participating Institutions:

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The University of British Columbia
North Carolina State University

FreeLoader: Distributed Storage Scavenging











Research Publications.

  1. S.A. Kiswany, A. Bahramshahry, H. Ghasemi, M. Ripeanu, S.S. Vazhkudai, "A High-Performance GridFTP Server at Desktop Cost", Poster in Supercomputing 2007 (SC07): Int'l Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Reno, Nevada, November 2007. pdf

  2. X. Ma, Z. Zhang, S. Vazhkudai, "Improving Data Availability for Better Access Performance: A Study on Caching Scientific Data on Distributed Workstations", ORNL Technical Report, March 2007.

  3. S. Vazhkudai, D. Thain, X. Ma, V. Freeh, "Positioning Dynamic Storage Caches for Transient Data", in Proceedings of the International Workshop on High Performance I/O Techniques and Deployment of Very Large Scale I/O Systems (HiperIO'06 at IEEE Cluster Computing),Barcelona, Spain, September 2006. pdf

  4. X. Ma, S. Vazhkudai, V. Freeh, T.A. Simon, T. Yang, S.L. Scott, "Coupling Prefix Caching and Collective Downloads for Remote Data Access", in Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, pp. 229-238, Cairns, Australia, June 2006. pdf Talk

  5. S. Vazhkudai, X. Ma, V. Freeh, J. Strickland, N. Tammineedi, T.A. Simon, S.L. Scott, "Constructing Collaborative Desktop Storage Caches for Large Scientific Datasets", To appear in the ACM Transaction on Storage (TOS), 2006. pdf

  6. V.W. Freeh, X. Ma, S. Vazhkudai, J. Strickland, "Controlling Impact While Aggressively Scavenging Idle Resources", To appear in the Journal of Cluster Computing, 2006.

  7. S. Vazhkudai, X. Ma, V. Freeh, J. Strickland, N. Tammineedi, S.L. Scott, "FreeLoader:Scavenging Desktop Storage Resources for Scientific Data", Proceedings of Supercomputing 2005 (SC'05): Int'l Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking and Storage, Seattle, Washington, November 2005. pdf Talk

  8. V. Freeh, X. Ma, J. Strickland, S. Vazhkudai, "Synergetic Resource Stealing: We Promise It Will Not Hurt Much", Tech Report P05-123434, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 2005. pdf

  9. J. Strickland, V. Freeh, X. Ma, S. Vazhkudai, "Governor: Autonomic Throttling for Aggressive Idle Resource Scavenging", Proceedings of 2nd IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2005), Seattle, WA, June 2005. pdf Talk

  10. N. Tammineedi, "Design of the management component in a scavenged storage environment", Masters Thesis Report, Computer Science Department, North Carolina State University, May 2005. pdf

  11. S. Vazhkudai, X. Ma, V. Freeh, J. Strickland, N. Tammineedi, S.L. Scott, "FreeLoader: Distributed Storage Infrastructure Using Scavenging", ORNL Booth Poster at Supercomputing 2004. poster JPG

  12. S. Vazhkudai, "On-demand Grid Storage using Scavenging", Proceedings of the Session on New Trends in Distributed Data Access, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 2004. ps Talk


  1. Sudharshan Vazhkudai, "Optimizing End-User Data Delivery Using Storage Virtualization", Systems Group Seminar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Ohio State University, October 2006. Talk
  2. Xiaosong Ma, "FreeLoader: Lightweight Data Management", IBM Almaden, September 2004. Talk


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Updated: Wednesday, 30-Jan-2008 11:09:37 EST