General Information
Technical Program
Lodging Information
Boulder Visitor Info.
Students' Comments
Optoelectronics Division

The National Institute of Standards and Technology offers a short course on display metrology in Boulder, Colorado, several times during the year. The three- or four-day course consists of a two half-day lectures and two or three days of hands-on measurements, diagnostics, and experiments (Friday has been added to give more time for the experiments). The area around Boulder is beautiful! You may want to plan for an extended visit of the area to enjoy the mountains while you are here (e.g., Estes Park, Rocky Mountain National Park, Winter Park, skiing, hiking, etc.-- see Boulder Visitor Info page for more information).

Dates:    February 24-27, 2009 CANCELED (Sorry)
                June 16-19, 2009
                November  2009

For specific program content information not covered in the Technical Program page, contact:

Edward F. Kelley (kelley@nist.gov)

Please Note:
  • Cost is $1500 per person. NO FOOD IS SUPPLIED WHATSOEVER!!! We will have to go to the cafeteria where you buy your own food and refreshments. Eat breakfast at your place of lodging if you can. We apologize for this ... inconvenience and waste of our precious time. This is a result of a new interpretation of existing rules. Sorry.
  • Foreign Visitors: Be sure to supply all the information requested, see our Registration Page.
  • Please don't wear your good clothing to the course -- we work in laboratories, not offices.
  • Registration is on the first day of the course from 8:00 am to 8:30 am in the lobby of NIST.
  • Each day we meet in the lobby of NIST at 8:30 am.
  • Some have difficulty finishing the lab work in the equivalent of two full days. They want to spend more time with the experiments and fully absorb them. You are welcome to stay an extra day (Friday) to finish up work in the labs should you wish to do so.
  • Computers are supplied for recording measurement results and running the instrumentation. There really is not enough room for your laptops. You keep your results on a USB memory stick supplied with the course handouts (yours to keep).
  • We've found that people seem to enjoy working in pairs or threesomes when doing the experiments; e.g., one person performs the measurement and the other person records the results. You are free to work by yourself or with others. Working in pairs seems to be the most efficient (one can make the measurements and the other enter the data into the spreadsheets).
  • Space is limited but we can accommodate as many as 24 people per course offering (working in pairs). There are between 11 and 13 laboratory settings and the space can be a little cramped in the labs. The course may be cancelled (money refunded) if there are too few registered.
  • A single-page description for the current course offering  is available for downloading and distribution (in PDF format): Click HERE.
  • Because of the required Internet security within NIST, no Internet connections will be made available inside NIST, nor will any computer inside NIST be made available for Internet use, electronic mail, downloading files, uploading files, data collection, or even floppy-disk access during the course.
Updated 20080409T0919