FACES: The National
Craniofacial Association

One in 650 babies is born with some type of disorder affecting
the face, skull, and/or neck.

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Parents of these children need somewhere to
turn for valuable information and words of reassurance.


FACES Can Help.


For 40 years, FACES: The National Craniofacial Association has been dedicated to assisting children and adults who have craniofacial disorders resulting from disease, accident, or birth.

Ways that FACES can be of assistance...

Information on 28 Specific Craniofacial Disorders

Each page includes general information on the disorder, including a list of helpful materials relating to the disorder.

Networking and Resources

Contact with another family sharing a similar medical situation is a most valuable means of support. "You are not alone." is FACES' primary message, and to those who need it, is a message of great comfort.

Other Helpful Services

FACES provides resource files of specialized craniofacial centers and other relevant resources; financial aid to those needing to travel away from home for medical assistance; quarterly newsletters providing human interest stories as well as the latest research and information on craniofacial disorders.

There is never a charge for any of our services.
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P.O.Box. 11082
Chattanooga, TN 37401                               

e-mail: faces@faces-cranio.org

FACES is a member organization of .........                  

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HOME Mission Statement Craniofacial Disorders Links
Financial Issues How Can I Help? Medical Centers Contact FACES

Last updated on: Monday, July 20, 2009 03:11 PM