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Latest News
Constituent Services
Media Center
10th District of FL

DOD Section
Active Duty and Reserve Personnel

Military Pay: Congress passed a 3.5% pay raise for FY08.

BAH Rates: New housing rates for military members and families have been posted.

Request an Absentee Ballot: Military members can vote even if you are deployed or not currently living in your home state.

TRICARE benefits

Support Services: 1-800-342-9647
-Need financial or other counseling services?
-Were you severely injured while serving?
-Need assistance for permanent change of station (PCS) moves?
-Need help finding child care?
-Need help with tax preparation?

Survivor Benefits Plan (SBP): Retired pay stops when you die. The Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) helps make up for the loss of part of this income. It pays your eligible survivors an inflation-adjusted monthly income.

America Supports You: The America Supports You website provides a one-stop location for citizens and service members to connect with hundreds of benevolent organizations eager to help our troops.

Service Academy Admissions Links

United States Air Force Academy

United States Coast Guard Academy

United States Merchant Marine Academy

United States Military Academy

United States Naval Academy

Veterans Section

Montgomery GI Bill:Get NEW information on your GI Bill benefits.

Home loans: Find out how to apply for a VA home loan.

Health Care: Information about health care benefits, patient information, find a VA facility, and prescription drugs.

Apply Online for VA benefits

Disability payments: See current disability rates, a summary of VA benefits and survivor benefits.

Inspector General: To lodge complaints about care or report fraud, waste and abuse. 1-800-488-8244

Concurrent Receipt: Read the latest change to this policy.

Phone numbers list


House of Reps Seal
2407 Rayburn House Office Bldg.
Washington, D.C. 20515
(202) 225-5961
9210 113th Street
Seminole, FL 33772
(727) 394-6950
360 Central Ave. Suite 1480
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
(727) 893-3191