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Healthy People Home > Healthy People 2020 > Secretary's Advisory Committee > Phase I Report > Appendix 3

Healthy People 2020 logoPhase I Report
Recommendations for the Framework and Format of Healthy People 2020

Appendix 3.
Timeline of the Advisory Committee's Efforts

The Advisory Committee is required to meet at least once per year. In keeping with the guidelines of the Government in the Sunshine Act, 5 U.S.C. 552b(c), all of its meetings are open to the public except as otherwise determined by the Secretary or designee. Advisory Committee members have agreed to serve for the duration of the Advisory Committee, which will terminate after a period of two years unless its charter is renewed.xii

At their first meeting, Committee members were given an overview of HHS plans for a two-phased release of Healthy People 2020. The framework, overarching goals, vision statement and mission statement would be released in phase I (late 2008 or early 2009) to enable states, local health departments, and other stakeholders to use it for their own planning processes. During the second phase, a complete set of objectives and strategies for achieving those objectives would be developed for a release date of January 2010.

The timeline for the Advisory Committee's work on Healthy People 2020 is aligned with that of HHS. In the first phase (January – October, 2008), the Advisory Committee has developed recommendations for the overall framework and approach to Healthy People 2020, as described in this Phase I report.

During the second phase of its work (October 2008 – September 2009), the Advisory Committee will provide additional guidance to the Secretary on topics such as designing and selecting useful objectives, presenting information for specific user groups, and preparing implementation strategies and tools for inclusion in Healthy People 2020 to increase the likelihood that objectives will be reached and progress can be tracked.

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Last revised: December 11, 2008