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Last Updated June 7, 2002

View Title 8 of the Farm Bill

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Title VIII Side-by-side comparison of the new Farm Bill with 1996-2001 farm legislation

TITLE VIII. Forestry

A. Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978

  1. Forest Land Enhancement Program
    The Secretary is directed to establish a Forest Land Enhancement Program (FLEP) for the purpose of providing financial, technical, educational and related assistance to State Foresters to assist private landowners in actively managing their land. To be eligible for cost-share assistance on up to 1,000 acres (which can be increased by the Secretary to not more than 5,000 acres), a landowner must agree to develop and implement for not less than 10 years a management plan that has been approved by the State Forester. The Secretary shall make cost-share payments to the landowner up to 75 percent of the total cost of implementing the plan. The Secretary shall distribute funds to States after giving consideration to specified factors. The Secretary shall use $100,000,000 of Commodity Credit Corporation funds to carry out the program through September 30, 2007.

  2. Enhanced Community Fire Protection
    Recognizing the significant Federal interest in enhancing community protection from wildfire, the Secretary is authorized to cooperate with State Foresters in the management of lands to (1) focus the Federal role in promoting optimal firefighting efficiency at the Federal, State and local levels; (2) expand outreach and education programs to homeowners and communities about fire protection; and (3) establish space around homes and property that is defensible against wildfire. The Secretary, in consultation with State Foresters and with the consent of private landowners, may undertake specified activities on non-Federal lands to further these purposes.

B. Amendments to Other Laws

  1. Renewable Resources (RREA)
  2. International Forestry
    The Office of International Forestry within the Forest Service is reauthorized through September 30, 2007.

C. Miscellaneous Provisions

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