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TES is a high-resolution infrared-imaging Fourier transform spectrometer offers a line-width-limited discrimination of essentially all radiatively active molecular species in the Earth's lower atmosphere.

TES has significantly more the spectral resolution of the AIRS instrument being flown aboard EOS Aqua. TES employs both the natural thermal emission of the surface and atmosphere and reflected sunlight, thereby providing day-night coverage anywhere on the globe.

TES operates in a combination of limb and nadir mode (called global survey mode) every other. On alternate days, TES does special observations including "step and stare" mode and assessment of special targets like volcanoes.

OMI Parameters

Maximum sampling time of 16 sec, signal-to-noise ratio of 600:1
Name Parameter
Limb mode: Altitude coverage = 0-34 km
Nadir and limb viewing (fully targetable)
Spectral region: 3.2 to 15.4 µm, with four single-line arrays optimized for different spectral regions
Swath: 5.3 x 8.5 km
Spatial resolution: 0.53 x 5.3 km
Mass: 385 kg (allocation)
Duty cycle: Variable
Power: 334 W (allocation)
Data rate: 6.2 Mbps (peak); 4.9 Mbps (average)
Thermal control by: 2 Stirling cycle coolers, heater, radiators
operating range:
0-30Á C FOV: +45Á to -72Á along-track, ±45Á cross-track
Instrument IFOV: 12 x 7.5 mrad
Pointing requirements (platform+instrument, 3s):
Control: 156 arcsec (pitch)
Knowledge: 124 arcsec
Stability: 156 arcsec (over 50 sec)
Physical size: 140 x 130 x 135 cm (stowed); 304 x 130 x 135 cm (deployed)

Key Facts

+ Heritage: ATMOS, SCRIBE, AES

+ High-spectral-resolution infrared-imaging Fourier transform spectrometer

+ Generates three-dimensional profiles on a global scale of virtually all infrared-active species from Earth's surface to the lower stratosphere

+ Measurements of gradients of many tropospheric species in order to understand troposphere-stratosphere exchange;

+ Determination of long-term trends in radiative active minor constituents in the lower atmosphere to investigate effects on global radiative balance and atmospheric dynamics.


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Related Sites

+ TES Homepage at JPL
+ TES EOS Data
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