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Only active and retired employees of Brookhaven National Laboratory, on-site employees of Brookhaven Science Associates, and the U.S. Department of Energy, and permanent employees of service organizations on site may place classified advertisements with The Bulletin or the Laboratory's intranet listing service.

By submitting an advertisement, you agree that you have been issued the life number that is entered above and that your advertisement adheres to the terms and conditions of the Bulletin's Classified Advertisement Policy.


Please note: This system of submitting ads from off site is designed only forpeople who are unable to submit ads from on site: such as retirees, distant guest scientists, others unable to come to the Lab, and people on site who do not have easy access to a computer because of their jobs.

If you are a Lab employee or guest scientist who works on site and has access to a computer here, we ask that you submit ads from the homepage while you are on site and therefore inside the firewall.

This is because, although this online method of sending an ad from off site makes you think that you are filling out a form that will godirectly into the Bulletin ad system, that is not the case. Any entry from this page, i.e., outside the firewall, turns into an e-mail to the Bulletin editor and staff. We must manually re-enter all your information into the ad system on the homepage. When too many people use this method, we get backlogged.

If you have questions about how to enter an ad, please call GloriaBennett, Ext. 2345, and she will explain how to do it. Once you have done it a few times, you will realize that it is easy and practical. The new system also allows you to remove your ad when you have sold the item, which is more convenient.

Thank you very much in advance for complying with this request.

Liz Seubert, Bulletin Editor

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Last Modified: March 26, 2009