BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


FUSE - Featured U.S. Exporter

Feature Your Company on U.S. Commercial Service Websites throughout the East Asia/Pacific Region

Featured U.S. Exporters (or FUSE) is a directory of U.S. products featured on the websites of U.S. Commercial Services offices around the world. It gives your company an opportunity to target specific country markets in the local language of business for a nominal participation fee (minimum $25). Currently, this service is offered to qualified U.S. exporters seeking trade leads or representation in the following East Asia/Pacific markets: Australia, China, Hong Kong, Japan*, Korea*, Indonesia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam*.

Want to see how a FUSE listing looks, but can’t read Chinese or Thai? See this listing created for a U.S. supplier of information security software seeking resellers in Australia.

If your U.S. company exports American-made products and is seeking an agent, distributor, or sales leads in any of the markets listed above, we invite you to register for this program.

To be listed, simply complete this registration form. Your company information will be sent to the U.S. Commercial Service offices in the countries you select, with copy to your nearest U.S. Export Assistance Center.

*In indicated markets, you may be asked to provide the translated text, or pay a nominal fee for translation if provided by the Commercial Service.