Dept. of Transportation
Metro Transit Division

King Street Center
201 S Jackson St
Seattle, WA 98104
Metro Online Home

Passenger Conduct

Be Safe and Ride Right

To help ensure the safety, security, comfort and convenience of those who use our services, Metro Transit has a "Code of Conduct." In simple terms, it's best described as the way to "ride right." When you ride right, you treat others as you would like to be treated. You show respect for your fellow passengers, transit employees and the transit vehicles and facilities you use.

Follow these common-sense guidelines and you'll be in basic compliance with Metro's Code of Conduct.

  • Pay the right fare
  • Respect other passenger's privacy
  • Do not cause safety problems
  • Use headphones
  • No eating, smoking or littering
  • No alcoholic beverages
  • Do not harass the driver or other riders
  • Do not lie down on the seats
  • Respect transit property
  • Use Metro services and facilities for transportation purposes only.

The guidelines listed above are enforceable by law. Those in violation will be asked to leave the vehicle or the facilities or property immediately. In addition, Metro Police and local law enforcement agencies can and will cite those in violation of this code of conduct.

We appreciate your help in abiding by these rules, and thank you for doing your part to "ride right."

The complete Transit Code of Conduct document exists on file at the King County Clerk of the Council, King County Courthouse W1025, 516 Third Avenue, Seattle, Washington 98104 and at most county libraries. It is also available on King County Metro's web site.