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Jupiter and Ulysses

Ulysses Second Encounter with Jupiter

Between November 2003 and April 2004, the Ulysses spacecraft will again be in the proximity of Jupiter creating an opportunity for more in-situ and correlated remote-sensing observations. The first encounter in February 1992 took place at distance of closest approach of 6 Jupiter radii (Rj) and changed the inclination of the Ulysses trajectory so that it would pass above the sun's polar regions. Twelve years later, Jupiter has returned to near its previous location and Ulysses is again approaching aphelion near the orbit of Jupiter at 5.3 AU. This encounter is at much larger distances and Ulysses does not enter, but remains upstream of, the Jovian magnetosphere.

Encounter Trajectory

Jupiter Distant Encounter Scientific Investigation


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Ulysses Investigators


This page was last updated August 25, 2005
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