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Tennessee has the following Pesticide Applicator Categories:

DoD Category Tennessee State Equivalent and Number
2 Forest Forest Pest Control (C02)
3 Ornamental and Turf Ornamental and Turf Pest Control (C03)
3a Soil Fumigation No Equivalent
5 Aquatic Plant and Animal Aquatic Pest Control (C05)
6 Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Pest Control (C06)
6a Grassland and Non-Crop Agricultural Land Right-of-Way Pest Control (C06) (Weed Control Right-of-Way Subcategory)
7 Industrial, Institutional, Structural and Health-Related Industrial, Institutional, Structural and Health-Related Pest Control (C07), and the following subcategories: Wood Destroying Organisms, General Pest Control and Product Control (Household and Commercial), General Pest Control and Rodent Control, Fumigation, Bird Control
7a Stored Product Fumigation Industrial, Institutional, Structural and Health-Related Pest Control (C07) Fumigation-Structural and Commercial Subcategory
8 Public Health Public Health Pest Control (C08)
10 Demonstration and Research Demonstration and Research Regulatory Pest Control (C10)
11 Aerial Aerial (AER)

Certifications granted by Tennessee Department of Agriculture

Other Licenses/Permits Required

Contractor's license: Information not available.
Subcontractor's license: Information not available.

State Regulatory POC

Jimmy Hopper, Director Regulatory Services

Directory of Pesticide Control Officials

(4) Categories and Subcategories in which Commercial Applicators and Commercial Control Operators Are Certified
  1. Agricultural Pest Control
    1. Description - This category includes commercial applicators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides in production of the foregoing, tobacco, peanuts. cotton, feed grains. soybeans and forage; small fruits, tree fruits and nuts, as well as on grasslands and non-crop agricultural land.
    2. Standards of Competency - Applicators must demonstrate a practical knowledge of the crops grown and the specific pests of those crops on which they may be using restricted use pesticides. The importance of such competency is amplified by the extension areas involved, the quantities of pesticides needed. and the ultimate use of many commodities as food and feed. Practical knowledge is required concerning soil and water problems, preharvest intervals, re-entry intervals, phytotoxicity, and potential for environmental contamination, non-target injury and community problems resulting from the use of restricted use pesticides in agricultural areas.
    3. Subcategories
      1. Weed Control-Agricultural
        1. Description - This subcategory includes commercial pest control operators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides in the control of plants, whether woody or herbaceous, by the application generally classed as herbicides to planted and/or cultivated crops or to land otherwise used in agricultural production.
        2. Standards of Competency - Applicators shall demonstrate practical and technical knowledge of all types of weeds encountered in the production of agricultural crops and formulations of pesticides used in their control. They must also demonstrate a practical knowledge of the time, placement, soil types, type of crops being treated and at the same time provide maximum protection for the environment around the area being treated.
      2. Agricultural-Ground Equipment
        1. Description - This subcategory includes commercial pest control operators using or supervising the use of pesticides in the control of insects, fungi, bacteria, and weeds in the production of agricultural crops. Agricultural fumigation is excluded from this category.
        2. Standards of Competency - Applicators must demonstrate practical and technical knowledge of the crops grown and the specific pests of those crops on which they may be using pesticides. Their competency must be demonstrated in type and quantity of pesticide needed to control the various pests encountered. Practical knowledge is required in run-off or drift problems and the environmental contamination that could occur.
      3. Fumigation-Agricultural
        1. Description - This subcategory includes commercial pest control operators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticide fumigants in the control of soil pests in the production of agricultural crops.
        2. Standards of Competency - Applicators shall demonstrate practical and technical knowledge of fumigants used in the fumigation of agricultural soils, the type of pests being controlled, such as weeds, fungi, insects, bacteria, and nematodes. They must also demonstrate practical knowledge of time and placement of applications. types of safety equipment necessary to protect those involved in application and the residual effect fumigants may have on the crop being treated.
  2. Forest Pest Control
    1. Description - This category includes commercial applicators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides to control pests in the maintenance and production of ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers, and turf.
    2. Standards of Competency - Applicators shall demonstrate practical knowledge of the types of forests, forest nurseries, and seed production in this State and the pests involved. They should possess practical knowledge of the cyclic occurrence of certain pests and specific population dynamics as a basic for programming pesticide applications. A practical knowledge is required of the relative biotic agents and their vulnerability to the pesticides to be applied. Because forest stands may be large and frequently include natural aquatic habitats and harbor wildlife, the consequences of pesticide use may be difficult to assess. The applicator must demonstrate practical knowledge of control methods which will minimize the possibility of secondary problems such as unintended effects on wildlife. Knowledge of proper use of specialized equipment must be demonstrated, especially as it may relate to meteorological factors and adjacent land use.
  3. Ornamental and Turf Pest Control
    1. Description - This category includes commercial applicators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides to control pests in the maintenance and production of ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers, and turf.
    2. Standards of Competency - Applicators shall demonstrate practical knowledge of pesticide problems associated with the production and maintenance of ornamental trees, shrubs, plantings, and turf, including cognizance of potential phytotoxicity due to a wide variety of plant material, drift, and persistence beyond the intended period of pest control. Because of the frequent proximity of human habitations to application activities, applicators in this category must demonstrate practical knowledge of application methods which will minimize or prevent hazards to humans, pets, and other animals.
    3. Subcategories
      1. Lawn and Turf Maintenance
        1. Description - This subcategory includes commercial pest control operators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides for the control of pests of turf such as that found in lawns, golf greens, athletic fields and the like.
        2. Standards of Competency - Applicators shall demonstrate practical and technical knowledge of pesticide problems associated with the production and maintenance of lawn and turf. Due to close proximity of other plant materials and human habitation to application activities, applicators in this category must demonstrate practical knowledge of application methods which minimize or prevent hazards to plants, humans, pets, and other domestic animals.
      2. Horticultural
        1. Description - This subcategory includes commercial pest control operators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides for the control of pests and diseases of shrubs, trees (including fruit trees) and the like, encountered in pest control services on the grounds of clubs, institutions, residences, orchards, etc.
        2. Standards of Competency - Applicators must demonstrate practical and technical knowledge of pesticide problems associated with the production and maintenance of ornamental trees, shrubs, and other herbaceous plants (including fruit trees) in and around buildings, parks, orchards, and plant nurseries. Because of the frequent proximity of humans during application activities, applicators must demonstrate in this category practical knowledge of application methods which will minimize or prevent hazards to humans, pets, and other animals.
  4. Seed Treatment
    1. Description - This category includes commercial applicators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides on seeds.
    2. Standards of Competency - Applicators shall demonstrate practical knowledge of types of seeds that require chemical protection against pests and factors such as seed coloration, carriers, and surface active agents which influence pesticide binding and may affect germination. They must demonstrate practical knowledge of hazards associated with handling, sorting and mixing, and misuse of treated seed into food and feed channels, as well as proper disposal of unused treated seeds.
  5. Aquatic Pest Control
    1. Description - This category includes commercial applicators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides in aquatic environments.
    2. Standards of Competency - Applicators shall demonstrate practical knowledge of the secondary effects, which can be caused by improper application rates, incorrect formulations, and faulty application, of restricted use pesticides used in this category. They shall demonstrate practical knowledge of various water use situations and the potential of downstream effects. Further, they must have practical knowledge concerning potential pesticide effects on plants, fish, birds, beneficial insects and other organisms, which may be present in aquatic environments. These applicators shall demonstrate practical knowledge of the principles of limited area application.
  6. Right-of-Way Pest Control
    1. Description - This category includes commercial applicators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides in the maintenance of public roads, electric power lines, pipelines, railway rights-of-way or other similar areas.
    2. Standards of Competency - Applicators shall demonstrate practical knowledge of a wide variety of environments since rights-of-way can traverse many different terrains, including waterways. They shall demonstrate practical knowledge of problems of runoff, drift, and excessive foliage destruction and ability to recognize target organisms. They shall also demonstrate practical knowledge of the nature of herbicides and the need for containment of these pesticides within the right-of-way area, and the impact of their application activities in the adjacent areas and communities.
    3. Subcategories
      1. Weed Control-Right-of-Way and Industrial
        1. Description - This subcategory includes commercial pest control operators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides for the control of plants, whether wood or herbaceous, to industrial sights and rights-of-way such as, but not limited to highways, transmission lines, drainage ditches, etc. These chemicals may be desiccants, defoliants, growth regulators, soil sterilizing agents, and the like.
        2. Standards of Competency - Applicators must demonstrate practical and technical knowledge of a wide variety of environments since rights-of-way can traverse many different terrains, including waterways. They shall demonstrate knowledge of herbicides used in weed control around industrial sites and rights-of-way. They shall demonstrate knowledge on runoff, drift, and excessive foliage destruction and ability to recognize target organisms. They shall also demonstrate practical knowledge of herbicides such as how they kill plants and the impact of their application activities in the adjacent areas and communities.
  7. Industrial. Institutional. Structural and Health Related Pest Control
    1. Description - This category includes commercial applicators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides in, on, around food handling establishments, human dwellings, institutions, such as schools and hospitals, industrial establishments, including warehouses and grain elevators, and any other structures and adjacent area, public or private; and for the protection of stored, processed, or manufactured products.
    2. Standards of Competency - Applicators must demonstrate a practical knowledge of a wide variety of pests including their life cycles, types of formulations appropriate for their control and methods of application that avoid contamination of food, damage and contamination of habitat and exposure of people and pets. Since human exposure, including babies, children, pregnant women, and elderly people, is frequently a potential problem, applicators must demonstrate practical knowledge of the specific factors which may lead to a hazardous condition, including continuous exposure in the various situations encountered in this category. Because health related pest control may involve outdoor applications, applicators must also demonstrate practical knowledge of environmental conditions particularly related- to this activity.
    3. Subcategories
      1. Wood Destroying Organisms
        1. Description - This subcategory includes commercial pest control operators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides for the control of termites, various wood borers, carpenter bees, carpenter ants, and decay without regard to the type or use or structure involved. Control of silverfish, mealworms. roaches, etc., which may damage wood or wood products infrequently, are not included in this subcategory.
        2. Standards of Competency - Applicators must demonstrate practical and technical knowledge of pests that destroy wood and wood products, their life cycles, types of damage, and the type of pesticide formulations used in their control. Since there are human and animal exposure during and after treatment, they must demonstrate practical knowledge in the use and placement of pesticides in and around structures to protect humans, other animals and the environment.
      2. General Pest Control and Product Control (Household and Commercial)
        1. Description - This subcategory includes commercial pest control operators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides to control those pests encountered in or about residences (homes, apartments, etc.) and commercial operations (stores, motels. office buildings, etc.) This subcategory does not include those pests specifically included in other subcategories, such as bird control or termite control.
        2. Standards of Competency - Applicators in this category must demonstrate practical and technical knowledge of a wide variety of pests including life cycles, living habits, and the types and kind of food they desire. Since these applications will be made in homes and all types of commercial buildings, where humans, pets, and foods are involved, applicators must the know how to make application of pesticides to control these pests and at the same time provide maximum protection to people, pets, food, and their environment.
      3. General Pest Control and Rodent Control (Non-restricted)
        1. Description - This subcategory includes commercial pest control operators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticide to control those vertebrate or invertebrate pests encountered in or about industrial, manufacturing, or processing plants, dumps, warehouses, institutions, hospitals, schools, residences, stores, motels, office buildings, or such other operations as may be subject to regulatory practices from such agencies as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture or the Interstate Commerce Commission. This category does not include those pests specifically covered by other categories such as termite control, weed control, bird control, etc.
        2. Standards of Competency - Applicators must demonstrate practical and technical knowledge of a wide variety of pests including their life cycles, living habits, the types of formulations appropriate for their control and methods of application that will avoid contamination of food, habitat, and exposure of people and pets. Since these pests are encountered in or about residences (homes and apartments, etc.), industrial, manufacturing, or processing plants, dumps, warehouses, institutions, hospitals, schools, and areas arraign these buildings, applicators must demonstrate a practical knowledge of the placement of pesticides so as to provide maximum protection for the environment and at the same time control their pests.
      4. Fumigation-Non-restricted
        1. Description - This subcategory includes commercial pest control operators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticide fumigants in the control of structural pests and pests found in all types of buildings, ships, boxcars, trailers, and other additional sites other than agricultural land.
        2. Standards of Competency - Applicators shall demonstrate practical and technical knowledge of the application of all types of fumigants used in industrial, manufacturing, or processing plants, warehouses, institutions, food storage areas, ships, boxcars, and other structures where pest may occur. They shall also demonstrate practical knowledge of the necessary equipment for application, safety equipment for the protection of the applicator, and the protection for those areas around the site being fumigated. Since many foods are involved, applicators must demonstrate his or her knowledge of using the proper fumigant to kill the target pest and at the same time not contaminate foods and other products that may be used for human and other animal consumption.
      5. Fumigation-Structural and Commercial
        1. Description - This subcategory includes commercial pest control operators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticide fumigants in the control of structural pests and pests found in and commercial buildings.
        2. Standards of Competency - Applicators must demonstrate practical and technical knowledge in the application of fumigants and the effects it has on the control of structural pests and pests found in commercial buildings. They shall also demonstrate practical knowledge of the necessary application equipment, safety equipment necessary to protect the applicator and protecting the area around the site being fumigated. Since food and fiber is often encountered in warehousing areas, the applicator must demonstrate practical knowledge of the type of fumigants that can be used safely and not contaminate food and fiber used for human or other animal consumption.
      6. Bird Control
        1. Description - This subcategory includes commercial pest control operators using or supervising the use of restricted use pesticides for the control of pest birds.
        2. Standards of Competency - Applicators shall demonstrate practical and technical knowledge in the identification of protected and non-protected species, types of control measures. both chemical and mechanical devices and the habitat where birds live. Applicators shall also demonstrate practical knowledge of how pesticides used in bird control affects the environment. This is very important in bird control since most bird roosts occur in wooded and urban areas near their food supply.
      7. Consulting Entomologist
        1. Description - This subcategory includes commercial pest control operators offering consulting services with reference to insect pests and other entomological problems. Licensing in this subcategory does not authorize the performance of control work.
        2. Standards of Competency - He or she must demonstrate practical knowledge of insect pests and the problems they may create wherever infestations occur. He or she must demonstrate practical knowledge of insect life cycles, control measures, stages in life cycles in which control is best achieved quantities of pesticides needed to effectively control the pests involved, and how the use of pesticides may or may not affect the environment.
  8. Public Health Pest Control
    1. Description - This category includes all governmental employees and commercial applicators who use or supervise the use of pesticides in public health programs or in the commercial application of pesticides for the management and control of pests having medical and public health importance.
    2. Standards of Competency - Applicators shall demonstrate practical knowledge of vector disease transmission as it relates to and influences application programs. A wide variety of pests is involved, and it is essential that they be known and recognized, and appropriate life cycles and habitats be understood as a basis for control strategy. These applicators shall have practical knowledge of a great variety of environments ranging from streams to those conditions found in buildings. They should also have practical knowledge of the importance and employment of such non-chemical control methods as sanitation, waste disposal, and drainage.
  9. Demonstration and Research and Regulatory Pest Control
    1. Description - This category includes State, Federal, or other governmental employees who use or supervise the use of restricted use pesticides in the control of regulated pests. This category also includes: (1) individuals who demonstrate to the public the proper use and techniques of application of restricted use pesticides or supervise such demonstration, and (2) persons conducting field research with pesticides, and in doing so, use or supervise the use of restricted use pesticides. Included in the first group are such persons as extension specialists and county agents, commercial representatives demonstrating pesticide products, and those individuals demonstrating methods used in public programs. The second group includes: State, Federal, commercial and other persons conducting field research on or utilizing restricted use pesticides.
    2. Standards of Competency - Persons demonstrating the safe and effective use of pesticides to other applicators and the public will be expected to meet comprehensive standards reflecting a broad spectrum of pesticide uses. Many different pest problem situations will be encountered in the course of activities associated with demonstration, and practical knowledge of problems, pests, and population levels occurring in each demonstration situation is required. Further, they should demonstrate an understanding of pesticide/organism interactions and the importance of integrating pesticide use with other control methods. Applicators shall demonstrate practical knowledge of regulated pests, applicable laws relating to quarantine and other regulations of pests, and the potential impact on the environments of restricted use pesticides used in suppression and eradication programs. They shall demonstrate knowledge of factors influencing introduction, spread, and population dynamics of relevant pests. Their knowledge shall extend beyond that required by their immediate duties since their services are frequently in other areas of the country where emergency measures are invoked to control regulated pests, and where individual judgments must be made in new situations.
  10. Wood Preservatives
    1. Description - In general, it is expected that applicators of this category possess a practical knowledge of the specific standards required for categories (a) through (I) above applicable to their particular activity. In addition, they shall meet the specific standards required for categories (a) through (i) of this section as may be applicable to that particular activity.
    2. Standards of Competency - Producers and applicators shall demonstrate practical and technical knowledge of wood preservatives. They should demonstrate knowledge in the type of pests being controlled. They must also demonstrate practical knowledge in the methods of applying the preservatives to wood. Applicators should have a knowledge of types of safety equipment necessary to protect those involved in the application as well as the after effects of application to plants, humans, pets, and other domestic animals.
  11. Pesticide Dealers
    1. Description - This category is for persons who are engaged in wholesale or retail sales of restricted use pesticides. Each dealer location selling restricted use pesticides must have a certified dealer at that location. Each certified dealer shall be responsible for the actions of every person who acts as the dealer's employee or agent in the sale of restricted use pesticides.
    2. Standards of Competency - Persons would demonstrate the practical knowledge to advise applicators and the public on the safe and effective use of pesticides. They shall also be expected to meet comprehensive standards reflecting a broad knowledge of pesticide uses. They shall also demonstrate an understanding of pesticide-organism interactions and the importance of integrating pesticide use with other control methods.
  12. Antifouling Marine Paint
    1. Description - This category includes commercial applicators using or supervising the use of restricted use antifouling marine paints.
    2. Standards of Competency - Applicators shall demonstrate practical knowledge of TBT product labels and understand why they are classified as RUP. Applicators shall demonstrate a knowledge of the health and environmental hazards associated with the use of antifouling paints. They shall demonstrate practical knowledge of the application and testing equipment and have knowledge of the need and use of personal protective equipment. In addition, applicators will demonstrate knowledge of proper storage, handling, transport and disposal including disposal of excess material, waste, and containers.
  13. Microbial Pest Control
    1. Description - This category includes commercial applicators using or supervising the use of antimicrobial agents to control microorganisms (bacteria. fungi. algae and viruses) in cooling towers and swimming pools.
    2. Standards of Competency - Applicators shall demonstrate practical knowledge of antimicrobial agents in the control of bacteria, fungi., algae and viruses. Applicators shall demonstrate a knowledge of the health and environmental hazards associated with the use of antimicrobial agents in cooling towers and swimming pools. They shall demonstrate practical knowledge of the application and testing equipment and have knowledge of the need and use of personal protective equipment. They shall also demonstrate knowledge of proper storage. handling, transport and disposal including disposal of excess material, waste and containers.
  14. Trainer, Worker Protection Standard
    1. Description - This category includes private and commercial applicators who train workers and handlers of pesticides. The trainer must be able to teach all the subjects required in the Standards of Competency (below). Trainers must be able to train pesticide handlers, workers, and early-entry workers.
      1. Pesticide handlers include those who (1) are employed (including self-employed) for any type of compensation by an agricultural establishment or a commercial pesticide handling establishment that uses pesticides in the production of agricultural plants on a farm, forest, nursery, or greenhouse; and (2) are doing any of the following tasks: mixing, loading. transferring or applying pesticides: handling opened containers of pesticides; acting as a flagger, cleaning, handling, adjusting, or repairing the parts of mixing. loading, or application equipment that may contain pesticide residues; assisting with the application of pesticides, including incorporating the pesticide into the soil after the application has occurred, entering a greenhouse or other enclosed area after application of pesticides; entering a treated outdoor area after application of any soil fumigant to adjust or remove soil coverings, performing tasks as a crop advisor; and disposing of pesticides or pesticide containers.
      2. Workers include those who (1) are employed (including self-employed) for any type of compensation and (2) are doing tasks such as harvesting, weeding, or watering relating to the production of agricultural plants on a farm, forest, nursery or greenhouse.
      3. Early-entry workers include those who enter treated areas prior to the expiration of a restricted entry interval and come in contact with anything that has been treated with a pesticide, including soil, water, air and plant surfaces in three work situations: (1) short-term tasks that last less than one (1) hour and do not involve hand labor, (2) tasks that are necessary because of an agricultural emergency, and (3) specific tasks approved by the Environmental Protection Agency through a formal exception process.
    2. Standards of Competency - Any person seeking certification in this category must be certified as a commercial or private applicator in Tennessee.
      1. A trainer shall be able to present general pesticide information to workers either orally, from written materials, or audiovisually in a manner that the workers can understand (such as through a translator). The trainer shall also be able to respond to workers questions. The pesticide safety training materials must include, at a minimum, the following subjects: (1) Format and meaning of information contained on pesticide labels and in labeling, (2) Hazards of pesticides resulting from toxicity and exposure. (3) Routes through which pesticides can enter the body, (4) Signs and symptoms of common types of pesticide poisoning, (5) Emergency first aid for pesticide injuries or poisoning, (6) How to obtain emergency medical care, (7) Routine and emergency decontamination procedures, including eye flushing. (8) Hazards from chemigation and drift, (9) Hazards from pesticide residues on clothing, (10) Warnings about taking pesticides or containers home. (11) Precautions to reduce the risks of illness or injury resulting from workers occupational exposure to pesticides including application and entry restrictions, the design of the warning sign, posting of warning signs, oral warnings. the availability of specific information about applications, and the protection against retaliatory acts.
      2. A trainer shall be able to present general pesticide information to handlers either orally, from written materials. or audiovisually in a manner that the handlers can understand. The trainer shall also be able to respond to handlers questions. The pesticide safety training materials Must include, at a minimum, the following subjects: (1) Format and meaning of information contained on pesticide labels and in labeling, (2) Hazards of pesticides resulting from toxicity or exposure, (3) Routes through which pesticides can enter the body, (4) Signs and symptoms of common types of pesticide poisoning, (5) Emergency first aid for pesticide injuries or poisoning, (6) How to obtain emergency medical care, (7) Routine and emergency decontamination procedures, (8) Need for and appropriate use of personal protective equipment, (9) Prevention, recognition, and first aid treatment of heat-related illness, (10) Safety requirements for handling, transporting storing, and disposing of pesticides, including general procedures for spill cleanup, (11) Environmental concerns such as drift, runoff, and wildlife hazards, (12) Warnings about taking pesticides or pesticide containers home, and (13) Requirements that must be followed by the handlers' employers for the protection of handlers and other persons, including (a) the prohibition against applying pesticides in a manner that will cause contact with workers or other persons, (b) the requirement to use personal protective equipment, (c) the provisions for training an decontamination, and (d) protection against retaliatory acts.
      3. A trainer shall be able to present general pesticide information to early entry workers either orally, from written materials, or audiovisually in a manner that the early-entry workers can understand. The trainer shall also be able to respond to early-entry workers questions. The pesticide safety training materials must include, at a minimum, the same information that must be taught to workers and, in addition, the trainer must instruct early-entry workers (1) how to put on, use, and take off early-entry personal protective equipment (PPE) correctly, (2) the importance of washing thoroughly after removing PPE, (3) how to prevent, recognize, and give first aid for heat stress, and (4) when and what kind of decontamination site must be provided to early-entry workers.
    3. Those who are certified as trainers must keep a roster of names and addresses of those who the trainer personally trained.

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