This is where you will find all the information you need regarding the operating status of the Federal government including specifics for employees in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area. Call (202) 606-1900* to obtain Operating Status in the Washington, DC, area when you do not have access to internet.
The information provided on our status page will be updated immediately upon a determination that operating status is anything other than OPEN. For information on Operating Status by telephone call (202) 606-1900*.
Our operating status procedures apply to employees in all executive agencies located inside the Washington Capital Beltway. These procedures do not apply to employees of the U.S. Postal Service, the government of the District of Columbia, or private sector entities, including contractors. Facilities outside the Beltway may prefer to develop their own plans, since they are subject to different weather and traffic conditions than those inside the Beltway. In unusual situations, however, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) may issue guidelines affecting facilities outside the Beltway, as well. See the Emergency Closure or Dismissal Procedures for further information on the coverage of these advisories.
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* Hearing impaired users may utilize the Federal Relay Service by dialing 1-800-877-8339 to reach a Communications Assistant (CA). The CA will dial the requested number and relay the conversation between a standard (voice) telephone user and text telephone (TTY) user.