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. Assurance
.Access Annual Report System
.Small Organization Statement
.Foreign Institution Statement
.Review Institutional Policy
.Review Institutional Compliance
.Retaliation Complaints


Assurance - Review Institutional Compliance

Under their assurance, institutions are obligated to follow the policy they established for responding to allegations of research misconduct that complies with the PHS Policies on Research Misconduct (42 C.F.R. 93). ORI may discover possible institutional non-compliance during its oversight reviews of investigations or through complaints filed by respondents, whistleblowers, or others. Depending on the nature of the non-compliance, ORI may remind the institution of its obligations under its assurance or forward the complaint to the institution for a response or conduct a site-visit at the institution. If the complaint is substantiated, ORI may admonish the institution, require submission of a plan for remedial action, or withdraw the institution's assurance.

This page last was updated on June 15, 2007
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