



Jack on the Floor - We need bipartisan energy action

June 27th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor of the House this week to argue for bipartisan action on energy policy.  Jack and Congressman Eliot (D/NY-17) have been working together for years to bring real reform to our energy crisis.  Their bill, H.R. 670 “The D.R.I.V.E. Act” would provide tax incentives to increase the use and production of alternative fuels and new, more efficient vehicle technology.

To view the clip, click below:

For more information on what Jack’s doing to combat high gas prices, click here.�

Bush to Congress: Open Offshore Resources

June 18th, 2008 by Press Staff

President Bush made this announcement in the Rose Garden.  More to come…

Rasmussen gets it right

June 17th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

A Rasmussen poll released today shows that 67% of Americans favor opening up more of our outercontinental shelf to offshore drililng and that 64% believe it will lower gas prices.

That’s a pretty good indicator of the direction they’d like to see our government move yet, for some reason, it’s fallen on deaf ears here in Congress.  Just yesterday, Congressman John Peterson’s motion to do just this was voted down by Democrats in a subcommittee hearing (release here).

 It’s time to answer the call to open our domestic resources and bring down the price at the pump.  America is the ONLY nation in the world that restricts its domestic energy resources.  While we can’t drill our way out of this problem, we’ve got to start somewhere.

To see more about what Jack’s doing on energy prices, click here.  If you haven’t done so already, take Jack’s energy survey to show him what you’re willing to do to lower gas prices.

Tim Russert

June 14th, 2008 by Spokesblogger


Washington and, indeed, America is shocked and saddened by the sudden loss of Tim Russert.  Mr. Russert was larger than life figure and the Kingston office’s thoughts and prayers go out to the Russert familiy.

NBC has launched a memorial of sorts on their website.  To view it, click here.

The way out of the energy crunch

June 14th, 2008 by Press Staff

In today’s Wall Street Journal, Jonathon Lesser puts it plainly, “to lower gasoline prices permanently, you can reduce demand, increase supply, or do both.”

Sounds pretty logical right?  The problem is that Congressional Democrats don’t seem to understand this fact.  They refuse to increase domestic supply by drilling in ANWR or off shore and their only idea thus far to combat the high price we pay at the pump is a “windfall” profit tax on oil companies.

Sure, oil companies have a lower approval rating than Congress itself so they’re a pretty easy target.  There are just a few glaring issues with this rationale.  First, any American with a retirement plan or investments in a mutual fund is more than likely a stock holder in one of these companies.  Second, these profits are what funds the exploration and research that could prove to be a market-based way out of this crisis.  Finally, as Lesser points out, “unfortunately, by reducing supplies, a windfall profits tax will only lead to even higher prices.”

With Speaker Pelosi and congressional Democrats blocking all the other alternatives, what’s Lesser’s proposal?  Rationing:

“The next obvious step for our solons is to cap demand by rationing gasoline, and then gradually reduce the quantity of ration coupons.

“‘Trading’ in coupons would be encouraged to ensure gasoline is allocated to uses of only the highest value. So Congress could reserve quantities of ration coupons for key lobbyists and their clients. Environmentalists could buy up coupons and “retire” them, lowering gasoline sales even more. Refineries could continue to produce gasoline, but as consumer demand would be sharply limited (and declining), oil companies would be forced to reduce the prices they charge. No more windfall profits! And lower carbon emissions!

“For legislators and environmentalists – if not average citizens – this plan has other virtues: As ration coupons are reduced, consumers would increasingly clamor for more electric cars, cars that ran on French-fry oil, and ‘flex-fuel’ cars that burn everything from gasoline to garbage. Eventually, gasoline could just be banned, reducing prices to zero and eliminating all ill-gotten profits.

“And if Congress then had to tackle French-fry oil speculators and impose a windfall profits tax on Big Spud, well why not?”

Sounds bizarre right?  What Lesser does a good job of pointing out, however satirically, is that if Democrats are blocking the most logically solutions to our problem we’re just going to have to start thinking outside the box.

To weigh in with your thoughts on how to lower gas prices, take Jack’s energy survey by clicking here.

To read Lesser’s full article, click here.

Jack on the Floor - Business Card on a Basketball Court

June 12th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

As you may remember, the Kingston interns developed this visual aid to remind everyone that, if ANWR were the size of a basketball court, the area reserved for drilling would be the size of a business card.  (For the full blog post with all the visual aids, click here)

 Jack took to the floor to drive home this message and remind Americans just what the extremists are blocking us from doing - realizing our Nation’s energy independence.

To see Jack’s speech, click below.

If you didn’t believe Jack…

June 11th, 2008 by Press Staff

Looks like the U.S. News and World Report was just as flabergasted as Jack by the wealth created by the high cost of oil.


Jack recently returned from a fact finding mission to the Middle East and came back reinvigorated to fight for domestic exploration.  When Jack and the other members on the trip questioned oil leaders in the region they noted the lunacy of Americans blaming them for high oil prices when we don’t have the refinery capacity to accomodate additional input and we remain the only country in the world  that restricts our domestic supply.

Check out the section in US News and World Report here.

Jack believes we should open our domestic resources and invest the profits into developing alternative fuels, more fuel efficient vehicles, and to realize America’s Fuel Independence.

 For more information, on what Jack’s doing to combat high fuel prices, click here.

To take Jack’s energy survey, click here.


June 11th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor of the House last night to discuss his recent fact finding mission to the middle east.  The purpose of the mission was to question the high cost of oil and seek assistance to bring down the price American families are paying at the pump.

When Jack and the other members on the trip questioned the oil leaders, they highlighted the hypocrisy of asking them to increase demand when we won’t drill for oil at home or even build new refineries.  As they pointed out, oil production was increased in response to President Bush’s recent trip to the region but it won’t effect the prices here at home because we don’t have the refinery capacity to handle it.

Jack also reminded listeners that China and Cuba are drilling 45 miles off the coast of Florida while government regulations forbid us from doing so.

Keep in mind, America is the ONLY country in the world to restrict its domestic energy resources.

New Dems see the light

June 10th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

Even if their leadership can’t, freshmen Democrats Bill Foster and Don Cazayoux saw the light when it came to the largest tax increase in American history.  The tax hike came in the form of the Democrats budget resolution which passed the House last week.

From today’s The Hill:

“I can’t support a budget, from either party, that raises taxes on the middle class,” Foster said in a statement posted on his website. “I campaigned on a platform of middle-class tax relief, and I was elected to Washington to bring about change. When asked to choose between my party and the people I represent, I will choose the families of the 14th district every single time.”

“I voted against [the budget] because it allows tax cuts to expire in 2010, raising taxes on most American taxpayers,” [Cazayoux] said in a statement given to The Hill. “I promised the people of the 6th district of Louisiana to vote with my party when they are right, and vote against them when they are wrong. My vote today was the right vote for my constituents.” (Full article here.)

This goes in exact opposition to what Speaker Nancy Pelosi said on the floor last Thursday:

“This year’s budget plan does not include a tax increase. It actually calls for a $340 billion reduction in revenues,” Pelosi said on the House floor Thursday afternoon. “The problem that our friends on the Republican side have is that these tax cuts are for the middle class, not just for their friends in the upper 1 percent bracket.”

So what is it?  Did Pelosi and her tax and spend friends pass the largest tax increase in history or are their newly elected members lying?

Take Jack’s energy survey!

June 10th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

Gas prices have gotten out of control.  The nationwide average has broken through the glass ceiling of $4.00/gallon and is heading towards $5.00/gallon.

As part of his ongoing efforts to tackle this issue, Jack’s created a survey with several proposals to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil and to bring down gas prices.  To take the survey, click


For more information on Jack’s stance on energy issues, click here.

Did you know?

June 6th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

That there is 175.28 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 1.127 trillion barrels of oil  off limits to exploration because of government restrictions.  America is the only nation in the world that restricts its domestic energy supply.  If these resources were made available it would not only lower gas prices but provide $60 TRILLION in revenue that could be diverted to developing and producing more alternative fuels and vehicles.

It’s time to open these resources, bring down gas prices, and realize America’s fuel independence.

Visual Aid

June 5th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

In Jack’s floor statement today, he reference some statistics that helps put the ANWR debate into perspective.  With the help of the Kingston interns, here are some visual aids to help you:

Alaska is two times the size of Texas:


ANWR is the size of South Carolina:


In relative size, if ANWR was a basketball court the oil fields would be the size of a business card (that little red dot):



JACK ON THE FLOOR: One more day without addressing gas prices

June 5th, 2008 by Legislative Staff

Jack took to the floor today to highlight that today is one more day that Congress has ignored the rising cost of fuel.  Rather than do anything to help American families with the squeeze being caused by $4 gas, the House yesterday passed the “Soapbox Derby Appreciation Day”.

As Jack points out, this could prove to be significant legislation.  At the rate taxes are increasing, we could go Flintstones-style and start soapboxing our way around.  Since Speaker Pelosi took control of the House promising “commonsense solutions” to America’s energy crunch, gas prices have gone from an average of $2.33 to $3.99.  What are the Democrats doing about it?  Absolutely nothing.  They have ignored any serious legislation to address gas prices.

To see Jack’s floor statement, click below:

JACK ON THE FLOOR: Realizing Our Energy Indpendence

June 4th, 2008 by Spokesblogger

Jack took to the floor today to discuss the absurdity that’s driving our Nation’s energy policy.  America is the only country in the world to restrict its domestic energy resources.  Government regulations currently block 62% of our proven domestic reserves onshore.  Eighty-five percent of the lower forty-eight states’ offshore potential is blocked and we don’t even know how much oil is there because government regulations won’t even allow us to sonar for estimations.

There’s a clear choice on energy policy - Jack and Republican members of the House want every option on the table to reduce our dependence on foriegn oil and to drive down the price we pay at the pump.  Democrats, however, don’t want anything on the table even as middle-class American families are struggle to make ends meet under the Pelosi Premium.

To view Jack’s comments, click below.