



If you didn’t believe Jack…

June 11th, 2008 by Press Staff

Looks like the U.S. News and World Report was just as flabergasted as Jack by the wealth created by the high cost of oil.


Jack recently returned from a fact finding mission to the Middle East and came back reinvigorated to fight for domestic exploration.  When Jack and the other members on the trip questioned oil leaders in the region they noted the lunacy of Americans blaming them for high oil prices when we don’t have the refinery capacity to accomodate additional input and we remain the only country in the world  that restricts our domestic supply.

Check out the section in US News and World Report here.

Jack believes we should open our domestic resources and invest the profits into developing alternative fuels, more fuel efficient vehicles, and to realize America’s Fuel Independence.

 For more information, on what Jack’s doing to combat high fuel prices, click here.

To take Jack’s energy survey, click here.