
A New Direction: Progress for the American People

A New Direction: Progress for the American People

The 111th Congress is off to a strong start, working with President Obama to take America in a New Direction, to turn our economy around and create good jobs, with common sense reforms and targeted investments in: affordable health care, clean energy jobs, educational excellence, fiscal responsibility, and tax fairness.

A New Direction for Veterans and Troops

Under Democratic leadership since 2007, New Direction Congresses have made historic gains for America's Troops, Veterans, and Military Families.

Delivering Results for the Gulf Coast

House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn today concluded a congressional delegation tour to the Gulf Coast which included House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, and Democratic Caucus Vice-Chair John Larson. The delegation of 22 members traveled to the Gulf Coast from July 19-22 to mark the third anniversary of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.