West Point Experience: Cadet Development
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Graduating cadets

USMA Admissions
Building 606
West Point,
New York 10996
(845) 938-4041
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Join the "Long Gray Line"

Robert E. Lee, Class of 1829 West Point is renowned as an historic and distinguished military academy, and a leading, progressive institution of higher education. Made legendary in books and movies, the Academy's "Long Gray Line" includes some of our nation's most famous leaders: Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, George S. Patton, Omar Bradley, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisenhower, and Norman Schwarzkopf.

Air Assualt training photo Because of this superb education and leadership experience, West Point graduates historically have been sought for high-level civilian and military leadership positions, including two U.S. Presidents, several ambassadors, state governors, legislators, judges, cabinet members, educators, astronauts, engineers, and corporate executives.

Today, West Point continues to provide hundreds of young men and women the unique opportunity to develop physically, ethically, and intellectually while building a foundation for an exciting, challenging, and rewarding career as an Army officer in the service of our nation.

ACT Plus Writing Requirement for West Point Candidates:

All West Point candidates are required to submit writing scores with their SAT and/or ACT exams. The SAT requires the writing exam as part of the test. However, the writing portion on the ACT is optional. If you register for the ACT, you must select the “ACT Plus Writing” exam. If you have already registered for an upcoming ACT and did not select the “ACT Plus Writing” exam, you should immediately contact ACT (319-337-1270) to add the writing portion. For more information, please visit: