National Institute for Literacy

[EnglishLanguage 3571] distance learning programs and the economic crisis

Paul Rogers pumarosa21 at
Mon Jan 26 15:12:29 EST 2009

     I am the author and voice of a free ESL website, PUMAROSA.COM, which is part of a distance learning program primarily for Spanish speaking adults.
     Distance learning that includes online or computer based courses appears to be serving an important role - more and more - in providing ESL instruction to the diverse immigrant populations.
     The economic crisis, at least in California, has led to hiring freezes and cutbacks in classes.
     I believe that well planned distance learning programs can and should play an integral part in meeting the needs of ESL students.
     In my experience, a distance learning program:
1. Serves as an effective "Teacher's Aide" such that one teacher can provide instruction to perhaps twice as many students as before.
2. Increases student interest and retention.
3. Provides a basis to conduct "Multi-level, multi-language" ESL classes more effectively.
4. And helps to "Bridge The Digital Divide."
     In addition, there are many grants available that focus on providing new or refurbished computers to low income immigrants. So it would seem that distance learning will increase in its importance and scope.  
     I would like to know if there is an interest among the particpants of this list in sharing information and ideas concerning the "nuts and bolts" of implementing distance learning programs.
Paul Rogers
pumarosa21 at

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