Water & Environment

*Subject to federal agency allocation

Water Quality | Program details

The Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC) will receive funds according to existing formula distributions for Clean Water according to Title VI of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1381 et seq.) The ANRC, in cooperation with the Department of Health, will receive a similar distribution pursuant to the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. 300j-12). These funds shall not be subject to state matching fund requirements or federal cost share limitations. Additionally, the Stimulus Act provides that each state must use 50% of these funds "to provide assistance, in the form of additional subsidization, including forgiveness of principal, negative interest loans, and grants, to municipalities" for projects on the state's priority list.

The Clean Water Program helps communities upgrade wastewater treatment systems.

The Drinking Water Program functions to upgrade drinking water infrastructure.

All funds will be used to support approved projects that are currently underfunded.

Environmental Programs | Program details

The following is a description of Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality programs that will likely receive funding from $1.2 billion in competitive Environmental Protection Agency grant allocations provided by the Act:

  • Leaking Underground Storage Tank Trust Fund Program: These funds will be used to clean up sites around the state.
  • Diesel Emission Reduction Program: Funds will be used to improve the state's compliance with National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
  • Meeting these standards will ease the economic development restrictions placed on areas with non-attainment designations.
  • Brownfield Program: This program provides for cleanup of former industrial and commercial sites. Funds will be used in such a way as to increase the money available to municipal, local and individual projects.

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