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National Assessment

The LANDFIRE team understands the importance of determining and communicating to users the characteristics of project products. To accomplish this end, LANDFIRE leadership established the Product Quality Working Team (PQWT). The PQWT is composed of LANDFIRE production team members and external experts.

LANDFIRE Product Quality Working Team
Greg Dillon LANDFIRE – USFS Missoula Fire Sciences Lab (MFSL)
Don Ohlen LANDFIRE – USGS Center for Earth Resources Observation Science (EROS)
Brian Schwind USFS - Remote Sensing Applications Center (RSAC)
Jim Smith (Chair) LANDFIRE – The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Steve Stehman State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Zhi-liang Zhu USGS - Reston (formerly LANDFIRE - EROS)
Tom Bobbe* USFS - RSAC
Stephen Prisley* Virginia Tech
*former PQWT member

A Product Quality Control and Assessment (PQCA) Plan was developed by the PQWT and accepted by the LANDFIRE Leadership Team and LANDFIRE Executive Oversight Committee. The plan includes quality control procedures for production processes as well as a product quality assessment approach where applicable. For details of the assessment approach, please download and review the PQCA Plan currently posted for the Western U.S. Milestone.

In short, the LANDFIRE products quantitatively assessed under the PQCA Plan are those that are modeled directly from geo-referenced field plots contained in the LANDFIRE Reference Data Base (LFRDB). This includes the Existing Vegetation Type (EVT) and Environmental Site Potential (ESP) products for the Western U.S. Milestone. For the Eastern U.S. Milestone, only the EVT layer is assessed, due to changes in ESP mapping methods. Canopy Fuels and Fire Behavior Fuel Model (FBFM) spatial products are also assessed under the PQCA plan, although with different methods than those used for EVT. Complete results from the product quality assessment process are available below for the Western U.S. Milestone, and will be made available for the Eastern U.S. Milestone as soon as they are completed.

Many of the product quality assessment results are presented by Super Zones, which are aggregations of individual LANDFIRE mapping zones. Super Zones represent areas with large enough sample sizes to enable meaningful inferences about product quality, given the sampling design used to withhold field plots for product quality assessment. See the PQCA Plan and the Western Milestone Agreement Assessment Super Zone Analysis for more detail on the holdout sample design and the use of super zones in the product quality assessment process.

For the western U.S. mapping zones, results are summarized in two reports:

Click in the map below to download full class-specific contingency tables for a particular area in the West. Eastern map zone information will be available in spring 2009.

Milestone Area Southwest Super Zone Great Basin Super Zone Northern Rockies Super Zone Pacific Southwest Super Zone Northwest Super Zone East Milestone Area

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