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USGCRP Archives
& June 2002


June 2002


Changes in Ecosystems

Human Dimensions
of Global Change

Climate Variability and Change

Atmospheric Composition The Global Carbon Cycle Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

The Global Water Cycle




NOAA's Image of the Day
Image of the Day


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For documents from the Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate Change, 
see our IPCC page.


Background information on new Climate Change Science and Technology Management Structure


June 2002 Internet Postings Related to...


Climate Change Impacts on the United States
US National Assessment: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change

Access to a large collection of material, including regional & sectoral reports, workshop proceedings, and the National Assessment's newsletter Acclimations.

Educational Resources.  Includes regional papers for educators.

Agriculture: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change for the United States.  [PDF]  The report (dated 2001) of the Agriculture Sector Assessment Team of the US National Assessment.  See background information from Cambridge University Press. (links posted 24 July 2002)

21 June 2002.  Bloomington, Minnesota.  Climate Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Great Lakes Region: The Potential Impacts and What We Can Do (workshop). Sponsors: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Wildlife Federation, Michigan State University, and the Great Lakes Regional Climate Change Assessment Team. Contact Jeanne Bisanz.  Tel: 248 851 2316.  Online registration available.  (link posted 5 June 2002)

Forests. The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change (PDF, 1 Mb).  Eight-page brochure summarizing the report from the National Forest Assessment Group. (link posted 4 June 2002)

The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change for California.  The California Regional Assessment.  A report of the California Regional Assessment Group, for the USGCRP.  Draft final report (dtd June 2002) from the California Regional Climate Impacts Assessment, University of California, Santa Barbara. See also New climate study shows California's vulnerability to global warming, press release (dtd 3 June 2002) from University of California, Santa Cruz.  (link posted 3 June 2002)

The US Climate Change Research Initiative (CCRI):Survey of Research Strategies to Reduce Scientific Uncertainties.  Document (August 2001) Presented By Donald L. Evans, Secretary, Department of Commerce, at the request of President George W. Bush, Jr. (posted 24 June 2002)

Global Climate change Research ExplorerCreative and informative resource from the  San Francisco Exploratorium.  "Explore scientific data relating to the atmosphere, the oceans, the areas covered by ice and snow, and the living organisms in all these domains. You'll also get a sense of how scientists study natural phenomena-how researchers  gather evidence, test theories, and come to conclusions."

Global Climate Change and the U.S. Climate Action Report.  Hearing before the US Senate, Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, held on 11 July 2002. 

The Administration's Climate Change Initiatives.  Hearing before the US House of Representatives, Committee on Science, 10 July 2002.  Witnesses:

CanadaClimate Action Fund Scrapbook: Outreach/Science.  Projects funded by Canada's Climate Action Fund Public Education and Outreach Component.  (link posted 26 June 2002)

NOAA Head to Promote Climate Science, International Cooperation During European Tour.  Press release (dtd 7 June 2002) from NOAA.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Impact of Global Warming on mountain areas confirmed by UNEP-backed mountaineers.  Press release (dtd 6 June 2002) from United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).   (link posted 19 June 2002)

The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change for California.  The California Regional Assessment.  A report of the California Regional Assessment Group, for the USGCRP.  Draft final report (dtd June 2002) from the California Regional Climate Impacts Assessment, University of California, Santa Barbara. See also New climate study shows California's vulnerability to global warming, press release (dtd 3 June 2002) from University of California, Santa Cruz.  (link posted 3 June 2002)

Climate Action Report 2002.   The United States of America's Third National Communication Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.  On 28 May 2002, the US Government submitted the Third Climate Action Report to the United Nations in fulfillment of its commitment under the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).   Available on CD from the GCRIO Online Catalog.

Two chapters in this report are based primarily on activities sponsored by the USGCRP. These include:

Chapter 6 which deals with impacts of and potential adaptation to climate change.  Note that in addition to a PDF version of the report, we provide an HTML version that is enhanced with extensive hyperlinks to related documents and Web sites.  Also available: Point-by-point response to comments received on the review draft of Chapter 6

Chapter 8 which provides an overview of the Research Program of the USGCRP and the Climate Change Research Initiative

A draft of the Third Climate Action Report was released for public comment in November 2001. Comments (organized by reviewer) are available online.

See also:  The United States Detailed National Report on Systematic Observations for Climate: United States Global Climate Observing System (U.S.-GCOS) Program [PDF].  Document (dtd August 2001), submitted to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

 (links updated 6 June 2002)

Agency Data Sets Related to Global Change, Newly Available in 2001.  Document (dtd April 2002) from the US National Science and Technology Council (NSTC),  Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR), Subcommittee on Global Change Research (SGCR), Data and Information Working GroupFifth of a series of yearly publications.  (link posted 28 May 2002)

NOAA, NASA to Launch New Environmental Satellite.  Press release (dtd 30 May 2002) from NOAA.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

ESA [European Space Agency] selects new Earth Observation missions.  Press release (dtd 29 May 2002) from European Space Agency.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

During "National Hurricane Awareness Week," Committee Introduces U.S. Weather Research Bill .  Press release (dtd 22 May 2002)  from House Committee on Science.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

AGU Journal Highlights.  Press release (dtd 20 May 2002) from American Geophysical Union (AGU).   (link posted 19 June 2002)

The State of the Environment: Past, Present, Future?  "Hard Facts: Tough Choices as UNEP Launches the Global Environment Outlook-3."  Press release (dtd 22 May 2002) from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).  Includes link to full report, GEO: Global Environmental Outlook 3.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Margaret Leinen - Assistant Director of Geosciences [at the National Science Foundation].  Profile posted on Remarkable Careers in Oceanography: Women Exploring the Oceans,  a site sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  Among Ms Leinen's accomplishments in recent years: chairing the Subcommittee on Global Change Research (SGCR)  that has guided the US Global Change Research Program. (link posted 25 May 2002)

Science magazine's Atmospheric
Science "subject collection
Always up-to-date links
to Science articles.




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Ask Doctor Global Change
Got a question? Visit Doctor Global Change, resident expert at the site of the Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO).


June 2002 Postings Related to...
Atmospheric Composition

More on this
 Focus Area

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...
Saharan Dust over Senegal
Saharan Dust over Senegal
(image posted by NASA
June 2002)

NASA Sensors Find Pollution Hiding In The Shadoz "NASA and scientists from 10 tropical countries have used balloon-borne sensors to obtain the first picture of the structure of ozone (pollution) in the tropical troposphere ...  Under the SHADOZ (Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes) Project, they have found that ozone "piles up" over the south Atlantic Ocean due to natural circulation patterns and that pollution (low-level ozone) from Africa and South America streams into the pile-up region, making the ozone even thicker."  Press release (dtd 31 May 2002) from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.  See also Balloons burst ozone myths.   "Half the ozone over the Atlantic would be there without us."  Science Update (dtd 12 June 2002) from Nature.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Ozone hole on the mend?   "Science Update" (dtd 31 May 2002) from  Nature.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Ozone losses may be speeding up at higher latitudes, according to U. of Colorado study.  Press release (dtd 28 May 2002) from University of Colorado at Boulder.   (link posted 19 June 2002)



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June 2002 Postings Related to...
Changes in Ecosystems

More on this
 Focus Area

(See also Carbon Cycle Science section)

Warmer World will be a Sicker World, Say Scientists.  Press release (dtd 20 June 2002) from SeaWeb.    (link posted 21 June 2002)

Research shows how pollutants affect tree growth.  Press release (dtd 12 June 2002) from University of Wisconsin.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

The greening of the North: real, and caused by climate change.   Press Release (dtd 10 June 2002 Max Planck Society.   See also:  New Research Confirms Increased Greening.  Press release (dtd 4 June 2002) from the Swedish Research Council.   (links posted 19 June 2002)

U.S. Scientists Outline Problems Affecting Health of Coral Reefs.  Press release (dtd 6 June 2002) from US Department of State.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Large Volcanic Eruptions Affect the "Greener Greenhouse" .  Article (dtd 5 June 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory News.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

21 June 2002.  Bloomington, Minnesota.  Climate Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Great Lakes Region: The Potential Impacts and What We Can Do (workshop). Sponsors: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Wildlife Federation, Michigan State University, and the Great Lakes Regional Climate Change Assessment Team. Contact Jeanne Bisanz.  Tel: 248 851 2316.  Online registration available. (link posted 5 June 2002)

Forests. The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change (PDF, 1 Mb).  Eight-page brochure (dtd 2002) summarizing the report from the National Forest Assessment Group of the US National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change. (link posted 4 June 2002)



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June 2002 Postings Related to...
The Global Carbon Cycle 

More on this
 Focus Area

Soil's love affair with carbon viewed with millimeter resolution.  Press release (dtd 30 May 2002) from DOE/Los Alamos National Lab.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Scientists Develop Improved Carbon Sequestration Technology.  Article (dtd 30 May 2002) from Cool Companies News.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Hot polymer catches carbon dioxide better.  Press release (dtd 29 May 2002) from DOE/Los Alamos National Lab.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Human Interactions with the Carbon Cycle. Summary of a Workshop.   By Paul C. Stern for the  National Research Council,  Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Change, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2002).  (link posted 25 May 2002)



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June 2002 Postings Related to...
Human Dimensions
of Global Change

More on this
 Focus Area

griculture: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change for the United States.  [PDF]  The report (dated 2001) of the Agriculture Sector Assessment Team of the US National Assessment.  See background information from Cambridge University Press. (links posted 24 July 2002)

Preserving options: Short-term action required to avoid long-term climate damage.   Press release (dtd 13 June 2002) from Princeton University.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

North Carolina's First Disaster-Resistant "Fortified" Home Underway.  Press release (dtd 8 June 2002) from Institute for Business & Home Safety.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Science editor explores the role of environmental change on global security.  Press release (dtd 4 June 2002) from Stanford University.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Warming Temperatures May Freeze North American Timber Industry.  "Global warming trends may seriously harm North America's stronghold on the timber production industry, a recent study suggests."  Press release (dtd 29 May 2002) from Ohio State.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

New on-line tool tailors climate forecasts to fit resource managers' needs.  ress release (dtd 22 May 2002) from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

26-29 June 2002.  Bigfork, Montana.  Melting Mountains: Climate Change in the Asia Pacific Region.  Sponsor: The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center.  Contact: Matthew Taylor, Retreat Coordinator, The Maureen and Mike Mansfield Center, Mansfield Library 4th Level, Missoula, Montana 59812-9946, USA.  Phone: +1 406 243  5158.  Fax: +1 406 243 2181. E-mail:




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June 2002 Postings Related to...
Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

More on this
 Focus Area

Study of Dust in Ice Cores Shows Volcanic Eruptions Interfere with the Effect of Sunspots on Global Climate.  Press release (dtd 11 June 2002) from the State University of New York.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

New Way Upcoming To Test Climate Change Predictions.  "A team led by UK Royal Holloway geologist Dr. Michal Kucera will map sea-surface temperature of the Mediterranean over past millennia. The data will provide a new target to test the computer models on which our predictions of climate change are based."  Press release (dtd 10 June 2002) from UniSci.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Marine fossils improve predictions of climate change.  Press release (dtd 6 June 2002) from Royal Holloway, University of London.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

100,000-year climate pattern linked to Sun's magnetic cycles.  Press release (dtd 6 June 2002) from Dartmouth College.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

New Climate Study Challenges Thinking On Large-Scale, Global Climate Change "A study of past climate changes in the South American tropics has challenged traditional understanding of the mechanisms that triggered the advance and retreat of glaciers during the last ice age."  Press release (dtd  30 May 2002) National Science Foundation (NSF).   (link posted 19 June 2002)



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Up-to-Date Weather, Climate & Wildfire Summaries



Student Reading Book
For lots of other links especially useful to students and teachers, see our general page on Educational Resources

June 2002 Postings Related to...
Climate Variability & Change

More on this
 Focus Area


The TAO support vessel and TAO buoy.  Source: TAO Project Office, NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
The TAO support vessel and TAO buoy.
Source: TAO Project Office, NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory.

The first comprehensive effort to understand and pursue prediction of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon  was the international Tropical Oceans-Global Atmosphere (TOGA) research program.  A global legacy of the TOGA program was the placement of the Tropical Atmosphere - Ocean (TAO) array of buoys that monitor  temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean. 

Predicting El Nino and Other Climate Variations: Successes & Remaining Challenges.  Progress in predicting El Niño, months and occasionally a year in advance, has been facilitated by nearly twelve years worth of research coordinated by the USGCRP Program. (posted 20 June 2002)

Drought: air pollution link found.  Press release (dtd 13 June 2002) from Australia's Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO).   (link posted 19 June 2002)

The change in oceanic O2 inventory associated with recent global warming. Abstract of article by  Keeling and Garcia, published in the  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 99, Issue 12, 7848-7853, June 11, 2002.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

NOAA Announces New US Funding for Global Climate Observing Efforts.  Press release (dtd 11 June 2002) from NOAA.    (link posted 21 June 2002)

Climate Change May Become Major Player in Ozone Loss. Article (dtd 4 June 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory News.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Advance Warning of Storms and Cyclones with New Technique.  Press release (dtd 2 June 2002) from International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP).   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Commerce Awards New Climate and Weather Supercomputer Contract to IBM.  Press release (dtd 31 May 2002) from NOAA.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

New Climate Study Challenges Thinking on Large-Scale, Global Climate Change.  Press release (dtd 30 May 2002) from National Science Foundation (NSF).   (link posted 19 June 2002)

NASA Spacecraft Provides Critical Link in Sun-Earth Chain.  Press release (dtd 28 May 2002) from Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

A Warm Polar Winter Was Easier On Arctic Ozone.  Press release (dtd 28 May 2002) from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Climate change in individual countries.  Data (last updated May 2002) from the UK Climate Research Unit for for 289 countries and territories around the world. The information is subdivided into observed data and modelled data & graphs.  (link posted 19 June 2002)

Uncertainty in West African climate models addressed.  Press release (dtd 28 May 2002) from Penn State.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

New Method Links Rainfall Patterns To Developing El Niños . Press release (dtd May 28, 2002) from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Fleet of NASA Spacecraft Observe Atmosphere's Response to Recent Solar Storms.  Article (dtd 28 May 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory News.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Eight institutes observe the climate together.  Press release (dtd 21 May 2002) from Delft University of Technology (Netherlands).   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Recent Atmospheric Conditions & Impacts:


Audio file.Drought.  (audio).  Segment from National Public Radio's Morning Edition, originally broadcast on 23 May 2002.  "NPR's Allison Aubrey reports on the unseasonably dry weather affecting more than a quarter of the United States. (3:20)."  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Satellite view of hurricaneHurricanes.  Links to background information on the connection between climate change and hurricanes.  Other useful links related to hurricanes also provided. [link posted 19 June 2002]

Updated Forecast Of Atlantic Seasonal Hurricane Activity and US Landfall Strike Probabilities for 2002.  Report (dtd 31 May 2002) from William Gray et al.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

NOAA's Hurricane Research.  Article (dtd 3 June 2002)  from NOAA Magazine Online.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

NASA Looks a Hurricane's Temperature in the Eye.  Press release (dtd 30 April 2002) from NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

El Nino

Conditions Fuel El Niño Development.  Press release (dtd 6 June 2002) from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Most recent El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Advisory. Issued monthly by the US Climate Prediction Center/National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).  According to the most recent report (6 June 2002), evidence indicates that "weak-to-moderate El Niño conditions will continue through the end of 2002."  (link posted 19 May 2002)

El Niño Theme Page.  Site maintained by NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL), Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Project.




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Ask Doctor Global Change
Got a question? Visit Doctor Global Change, resident expert at the site of the Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO).


June 2002 Postings Related to...
The Global Water Cycle

More on this
 Focus Area

Greenland Ice Sheet Flows Faster During Summer Melting.  Article (dtd 6 June 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory News.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...
Glacial Lakes from Retreating Glaciers
Glacial Lakes from Retreating Glaciers
(image posted by NASA
June 2002)

Decline of World's Glaciers Expected to Have Global Impacts Over This Century.  Article (dtd 29 May 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory News.   (link posted 19 June 2002)

Do Bugs Form Clouds, Cause Rain? New Study To See.  Press release (dtd 28 May 2002) distributed by UniSci.  (link posted 19 June 2002)

Huge Antarctic Icebergs Break Away Near NSF Research Hub.  Press release (dtd 23 May 2002) from the National Science Foundation (NSF).  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Arctic Ice: in Meltdown?   Article, with audio links, from program (dtd 21 May 2002) broadcast by Radio Nederland.   (link posted 19 June 2002)



May 2002


Changes in Ecosystems

Human Dimensions
of Global Change

Climate Variability and Change

Atmospheric Composition The Global Carbon Cycle Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

The Global Water Cycle





NOAA's Image of the Day
Image of the Day


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For documents from the Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate Change, 
see our IPCC page.


Background information on new Climate Change Science and Technology Management Structure


May 2002 Internet Postings Related to...


Climate Action Report 2002.   The United States of America's Third National Communication Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.  On 28 May 2002, the US Government submitted the Third Climate Action Report to the United Nations in fulfillment of its commitment under the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).   Two chapters in this report are based primarily on activities sponsored by the USGCRP. These include:

Chapter 6 which deals with impacts of and potential adaptation to climate change.  Note that in addition to a PDF version of the report, we provide an HTML version that is enhanced with extensive hyperlinks to related documents and Web sites.  Also available: Point-by-point response to comments received on the review draft of Chapter 6

Chapter 8 which provides an overview of the Research Program of the USGCRP and the Climate Change Research Initiative

A draft of the Third Climate Action Report was released for public comment in November 2001. Comments (organized by reviewer) are available online.

See also:  The United States Detailed National Report on Systematic Observations for Climate: United States Global Climate Observing System (U.S.-GCOS) Program [PDF].  Document (dtd August 2001), submitted to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

 (links updated 6 June 2002)

Agency Data Sets Related to Global Change, Newly Available in 2001.  Document (dtd April 2002) from the US National Science and Technology Council (NSTC),  Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR), Subcommittee on Global Change Research (SGCR), Data and Information Working GroupFifth of a series of yearly publications.  (link posted 28 May 2002)

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...
Ship Tracks in the Sky
Ship Tracks in the Sky
(image posted by NASA
May 2002)

The State of the Environment: Past, Present, Future?  "Hard Facts: Tough Choices as UNEP Launches the Global Environment Outlook-3."  Press release (dtd 22 May 2002) from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).  Includes link to full report, GEO: Global Environmental Outlook 3.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Margaret Leinen - Assistant Director of Geosciences [at the National Science Foundation].  Profile posted on Remarkable Careers in Oceanography: Women Exploring the Oceans,  a site sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  Among Ms Leinen's accomplishments in recent years: chairing the Subcommittee on Global Change Research (SGCR)  that has guided the US Global Change Research Program. (link posted 25 May 2002)

NASA Brings New Earth Monitoring Technology to Light.  "A new, cost-effective technology based on the venerable global positioning system (GPS) may soon revolutionize the way Earth's atmosphere is monitored."  Press release (dtd 14 May 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

NOAA to Lend Environmental Satellite to Japan, Ensures Continuity of Weather Data over Western Pacific.  Press release (dtd 10 May 2002) from NOAA.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

New Partnerships Set to Reshape NASA Science Modeling.  "NASA is joining with leading university and government researchers to develop software frameworks that will enable more realistic simulations of natural phenomena and interpretation of vast quantities of observational data on high-end computers."  Press release (dtd 8 May 2002) from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Scientists recover North Pole mooring from 2� miles deep in ocean.  Press release (dtd 8 May 2002) from University of Washington.  "Scientists returned last week from the North Pole after recovering 3,500 pounds of instruments and equipment from a mooring anchored to the seafloor for a full year, eight times longer than the only previous mooring at the pole." (link posted 25 May 2002)

Weizmann Women & Science Award to Dr. Susan Solomon, NOAA.  Press release (dtd 8 May 2002) from Weizmann Institute.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

"Data from the 2001 NSF survey show that Americans have been listening to what scientists and others have been saying about global climate change. Nearly 80 percent believe in the existence of global warming, and 53 percent of those surveyed said that the possibility of global warming should be treated as a very serious problem." 

From the National Science Board's Science & Engineering Indicators 2002.  See additional excerpts.  See also Strong R & D Spending Buttresses US Economic Growth, Report Shows.  Pres release (dtd 28 April 2002) from the National Science Foundation, announcing publication of Science and Engineering Indicators 2002, a biennial report of the National Science Board to the President.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Scientist for a Day. "Dr. Kevin Czajkowski, professor of geography at the University of Toledo...and a team of researchers developed an educational outreach program, funded by the NASA New Investigator Program, that enabled teachers and students to collect data for a global change study.  Feature (25 April 2002) from NASA Earth Observatory.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Highlights from Geology .  Press release (dtd 24 April 2002) from the Geological Society of America.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

High-Level Meeting on Climate Change Between The United States and The European Union.  Press release (dtd 23 April 2002) from US Department of State.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Elects Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri as Its Chairman.  Press release (dtd 20 April 2002) from the IPCC.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

NOAA Chief Heads U.S. Delegation to First APEC  [Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum] Oceans Meeting in Seoul, South Korea.  Press release (dtd 22 April 2002) from NOAA.  See also: NOAA's Proposed Contributions to the APEC Ministerial Meeting.   Article (dtd 12 April 2002) from  NOAA Magazine.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Statement at the Nineteenth Session of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).  Statement (dtd 17 April 2002) from G.O.P. Obasi, Secretary General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Science for a Sustainable Future 2002-2007"Science for a sustainable future [dated April 2002] identifies strategic and scientific priorities for UK environmental sciences over the next five years. These priorities have evolved from extensive consultation, involving 200 people: scientists, business executives, policy makers and the public. It is only by continually working together that we will be able to turn our vision into reality."  One of the top 3 priorities is climate change.   Press release issued by the UK Natural Environment Research Council.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Second Meeting of the U.S.-Japan High-Level Consultations on Climate Change.   Press Release (dtd 5 April 2002) from the  US Department of State.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Climate Change IndicatorsBrief audio segment  (251 Kb .RAM, dated January 2002) from Environment Canada's Planet Update series discussing  the new Temperature and Precipitation indicator on Climate Change for B.C. and Yukon, recently launched at Environment Canada's EcoInfo web site.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Science magazine's Atmospheric
Science "subject collection
Always up-to-date links
to Science articles.




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Ask Doctor Global Change
Got a question? Visit Doctor Global Change, resident expert at the site of the Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO).


May 2002 Internet Postings Related to...
Atmospheric Composition

More on this
 Focus Area

Human activity raises level of sulfur gas that affects ozone layer, researchers say.  Press release (dtd 16 May 2002) from the American Geophysical Union (AGU).  (link posted 25 May 2002)

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...
Dust Obscures Liaoning Province, China
Dust Obscures Liaoning Province, China
(image posted by NASA
April 2002)

The Global Transport of Dust.  Article from the May-June 2002 issue of American Scientist.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

NASA Study Leads to Better Understanding of Ozone Depletion.  Press release (dtd 9 May 2002) from NASA.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

CSIRO tracks the world's air pollution.  Press release (dtd 12 April 2002) from Australia's Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO).  (link posted 25 May 2002)



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May 2002 Internet Postings Related to...
Changes in Ecosystems

More on this
 Focus Area

(See also Carbon Cycle Science section)

Changes in rainfall patterns spur plant growth, carbon absorption across U.S.  Press release (dtd 16 May 2002) from NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Seeing Leaves in a New Light.  Using a measurement known as Leaf Area Index, remote sensing specialists at the University of Boston and at NASA quantify plant growth on a global scale.  Feature (dtd 14 May 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Ships Return to the Southern Ocean to Enhance Understanding of Food Chain.  Press release (dtd 7 May 2002) from the National Science Foundation.  (link posted 25 May 2002).

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...
Black Sea in Bloom
Black Sea in Bloom 
(image posted by NASA
May 2002)

Satellite Data to Predict Plankton Blooms by Analyzing Ocean Color.  Press release (dtd 25 April 2002) from NSF.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Audio file. Salmon Boom.   "Fishermen accustomed to the quick boom-then-bust of Alaska's salmon runs may wish they were born in a different time -- about 800 years ago, to be exact. As Doug Schneider reports in this week's Arctic Science Journeys Radio, scientists studying Alaska lakes have found evidence that the state's salmon booms once lasted centuries, not the mere decades seen today."  Transcript & audio file for Arctic Science Journeys Radio program dated 19 April 2002.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

The Birdwatcher's Guide to Global Warming (PDF). Report published by the National Wildlife Federation and American Bird Conservancy.  (link posted 25 May 2002) 



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May 2002 Internet Postings Related to...
The Global Carbon Cycle 

More on this
 Focus Area

Human Interactions with the Carbon Cycle. Summary of a Workshop.   By Paul C. Stern for the  National Research Council,  Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Change, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2002).  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Changes in rainfall patterns spur plant growth, carbon absorption across U.S.  Press release (dtd 16 May 2002) from NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...
Deforestation in Sumatra
Deforestation in Sumatra
(image posted by NASA
May 2002)

End of 'free ride' on ecosystem CO2 absorption.  Press release (dtd 15 May 2002) from Duke University.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Emissions by Economic Sector, Excerpt from the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990-2000 (2002).  EPA's U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Program has produced this document, excerpted from the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks, which provides emission estimates and trends by a reclassified set of major economic sectors. Emissions are reported by the following economic sectors: Residential, Commercial, Industry, Transportation, Electricity Generation, Agriculture, and U.S. Territories.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

New grant supports research to reduce greenhouse gases. "Soil carbon sequestration will reduce the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere while improving America's farmland and the nation's agricultural economy. The federal government is supporting research in this area with a $15 million grant announced by U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts."  Press release (dtd 1 May 2002) from Kansas State University.  (link posted 25 May 2002)



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May 2002 Internet Postings Related to...
Human Dimensions
of Global Change

More on this
 Focus Area


Scientist issues warning over UK's coastal development.  "A scientist at Royal Holloway, University of London has condemned some of the recent developments on the coastline of south-east England ... In the face of rising sea levels, when the North Sea and the Atlantic are getting rougher and our coasts are threatened by accelerating erosion, he believes that such developments are bound to experience problems in the future."   Press release (dtd 14 May 2002) from University of London.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

United States Energy Brief.  Document (dtd May 2002 ) from the US Energy Information Administration.  See especially section on Environment.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

NASA Research Helps Communities Prepare For Flood Season. Press release (dtd 14 May 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Scientists Debate Wisdom of Plan to Save Venice From Flooding.  Press release (dtd 8 May 2002) from the American Geophysical Union.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Climate change could have wide effect on South Asian agriculture: UNEP .  Press release (dtd 2 May 2002) from the United Nations.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

A Brain for All Seasons: Human Evolution and Abrupt Climate Change.   Excerpt from book by William H. Calvin (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2002).  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Current growth trends suggest bleak future for farms and forests in DC region; 800,000 new acres will be developed by 2030, according to CBF study.  Press release (dtd 30 April 2002) from Chesapeake Bay Foundation.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Protect Your Home From Hail Damage and High Winds.  Press release (dtd 16 April 2002) from Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS).  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Workshop Report: Circles of Wisdom.  Native Peoples - Native Homelands Climate Change Workshop, 28 October - 1 November 1998, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (link posted 7 May 2002)



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May 2002 Internet Postings Related to...
Paleoenvironment & Paleoclimate

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 Focus Area

Ocean Cores May Give Clues On Climate Change.  Press release (3 May 2002) from the University of Edinburgh.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Climate change researcher Paul Mayewski.    From National Public Radio's Fresh Air (program broadcast on 24 April 2002).  "An expert in climate change research, Paul Mayewski led the National Science Foundation's Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2. The project extracted ice cores chronicling 100,000 years of climate history. Mayewski, with co-author Frank White, writes about their expeditions in the new book, The Ice Chronicles: The Quest to Understand Global Climate Change (University Press of New England). Mayewski is also co-director of the Institute of Quaternary and Climate Studies at the University of Maine."  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Ice Coring Team Heads For Alaskan Glaciers; Hope To Retrieve First North American Long-Term Climate Record From Ice.  Press release (dtd 22 April 2002) from Ohio State. (link posted 25 May 2002)

Glaciologist Thompson To Receive Prestigeous Heineken Award.  Press release (dtd 22 Apr 2002) from Ohio State.  (link posted 25 May 2002)



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Up-to-Date Weather, Climate & Wildfire Summaries

May 2002 Internet Postings Related to...
Climate Variability & Change

More on this
 Focus Area

Fiery Temperament.  Feature (dtd 14 May 2002) from NASA's Earth Observatory. The article focuses on Safari 2000,  an international regional science initiative exploring linkages between the land and the atmosphere of Africa.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Thunderstorms are affected by pollution.  Press release (dtd 2 May 2002) from NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Climate Modeling at Warp Speed.  Article (dtd 2 May 2002) from Science@NASA.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Assessing the Consequences of Global Change for Air Quality: Sensitivity of U.S. air quality to climate change and future global impacts.  Request for proposals from US Environmental Protection Agency, National Center for Environmental Research.  Opening Date 6 May 2002.  Closing Date: 10 September 2002.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

NCAR to Build Software Infrastructure.   "Scientists and engineers at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) are leaders in a national collaboration to build a software framework that will take computer modeling of the Earth's weather and climate to the next level. The framework signals a new era of coordination and cooperation among nine of the nation's top modeling centers."  Press release (dtd 9 May 2002) from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR).  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Climate change over the UK.  "New scenarios of how UK climate might change over the course of the century are being launched today (26 April 2002) by Margaret Beckett, Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The scenarios are based on predictions which were specially undertaken by the Met Office's Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research. They show changes in much more detail than has been available previously, as they have been produced using the Hadley Centre's new regional climate model with a resolution of 50 km."  Press release (dtd 26 April 2002) from the UK Met Office.  See also: It Never Rains, But it Will Pour ...Beckett Sends Early Warning on Climate Change, press release (dtd 26 April 2002) from UK Dept for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Understanding climate change.  "It is widely accepted that Britain's climate will change because of global warming, but by just how much is still open to question. Now new work being undertaken by UK scientists is helping the world's policy-makers to make more realistic plans for the future."  Press release (18 April 2002) from the UK Met Office.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

JPL [Jet Propulsion Laboratory] Takes Helm on Oceanography Mission.  "Jason 1's oceanography mission to monitor global climate interactions between the sea and atmosphere reached another major milestone this week with the successful handover of day-to-day operations from the French Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif."  Press release (dtd 26 April 2002) from JPL.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

The Changing Ozone Layer. A Greenhouse Gas Connection? (video).  Lecture (18-19 April 2002) presented by Dr. Ross Salawitch, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Research Scientist, Atmospheric Chemistry Group.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...
Unusually Low Snow Cover in the U.S.
Unusually Low Snow Cover in the U.S.
(image posted by NASA
April 2002)

Recent Atmospheric Conditions & Impacts:


April Showers Bring Some Relief to Massachusetts Drought Conditions, But Drought Watch Continues.  Press release (dtd 5 May 2002) from the US Geological Survey (USGS).  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Audio file.Drought / El Nino. (audio). From National Public Radio's Talk of the Nation, originally broadcast on 29 March 2002.  "East coast states from Maine to Georgia and western states from Montana down through Texas are facing drought conditions. Climate forecasters don't see much relief on the way. In this hour, we'll take a look at the causes of the drought, whether or not there's an El Nino connection, and the climate forecasts for the months ahead. Plus, we'll hear how the drought is affecting one part of the country -- the Great Lakes."  Guests: Donald A. Wilhite (Director, National Drought Mitigation Center), Tony Barnston  (Head, Forecast Operations, International Research Institute for Climate Prediction) and Joseph Atkinson ( Director, Great Lakes Program University at Buffalo, State University of New York).  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Audio file.Georgia Drought.  (audio).  Segment from National Public Radio's All Things Considered, originally broadcast on 21 May 2002.  "It's been five years of dry weather in the state of Georgia. In some parts of the state it would take 50 inches of rain to make up for the deficit. NPR's Kathy Lohr reports the state is now taking steps to conserve water, but there's some disagreement about who should cut back. (4:30)"  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Audio file.Drought.  (audio).  Segment from National Public Radio's Morning Edition, originally broadcast on 23 May 2002.  "NPR's Allison Aubrey reports on the unseasonably dry weather affecting more than a quarter of the United States. (3:20)."  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Colorado U-NOAA scientists say El Nino may rescue parched Southwest .  Press release (dtd 30 Apr 2002) from University of Colorado.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Audio file.Drought in the Northeast  (Transcript, audio and video files).  "Tom Bearden reports on how New Jersey's worst drought in over a century is affecting the state, its businesses, and the environment."  Program from Public Broadcasting System's Online NewsHour, originally broadcast 23 April 2002.

US Seasonal Drought Outlook from NOAA's Climate Prediction Center.  Press release (12 April 2002) from NOAA.  (link posted 25 May 2002)


Satellite view of hurricaneHurricanes.  Links to background information on the connection between climate change and hurricanes.  Other useful links related to hurricanes also provided. [link posted 3 Aug 2001]

National Hurricane Awareness Week (19-25 May).  Site maintained by the National Hurricane Center.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

NASA Looks a Hurricane's Temperature in the Eye.  Press release (dtd 30 April 2002) from NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

El Nino

El Niño Theme Page.  Site maintained by NOAA's Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL), Tropical Atmosphere Ocean Project.

Most recent El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diagnostic Advisory. Issued monthly by the US Climate Prediction Center/National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).  According to the most recent report (9 May 2002), "a slow evolution towards El Niño conditions is possible through the remainder of 2002. This assessment agrees well with several coupled model and statistical forecasts, which indicate a gradual warming over the next several months with weak-to-moderate El Niño conditions by the end of 2002. It is important to add that a weak or moderate El Niño would feature considerably weaker global impacts than were experienced during the very strong 1997-98 El Niño"  (link posted 23 May 2002)

El Nino Expected to Develop by Year's End.  Press release (dtd 9 May 2002) from NOAA. (link posted 23 May 2002)

Audio file.Drought / El Nino.  (audio). From National Public Radio's Talk of the Nation, originally broadcast on 29 March 2002.  "East coast states from Maine to Georgia and western states from Montana down through Texas are facing drought conditions. Climate forecasters don't see much relief on the way. In this hour, we'll take a look at the causes of the drought, whether or not there's an El Nino connection, and the climate forecasts for the months ahead. Plus, we'll hear how the drought is affecting one part of the country -- the Great Lakes."  Guests: Donald A. Wilhite (Director, National Drought Mitigation Center), Tony Barnston  (Head, Forecast Operations, International Research Institute for Climate Prediction) and Joseph Atkinson ( Director, Great Lakes Program University at Buffalo, State University of New York).  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Colorado U-NOAA scientists say El Nino may rescue parched Southwest .  Press release (dtd 30 Apr 2002) from University of Colorado.  (link posted 25 May 2002)




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May 2002 Internet Postings Related to...
The Global Water Cycle

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 Focus Area

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...
Larsen B Ice Shelf Collapse
Larsen B Ice Shelf Collapse
(image posted by NASA
April 2002)

Antarctic Ice

Audio file.Predicting the Sea.  Arctic Science Journeys Radio transcript & audio file for program dated 17 May 2002.  "Over the years, scientists have learned enough about the atmosphere to accurately predict the weather; well, at least occasionally. Now one oceanographer in Alaska is working on a way to predict the 'weather' beneath the ocean. Doug Schneider explains, in this week's Arctic Science Journeys Radio."  (link posted 25 May 2002)

In Midst of Drought, Scientists Hunt for Water Vapor.  Press release (dtd 8 May 2002) from the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

From NASA's
Earth Observatory Newsroom...
NASA Launches Aqua Satellite
NASA Launches Aqua Satellite
(image posted by NASA
May 2002)

NASA's Aqua Spacecraft to Study Earth's Water Cycle.  Press release (dtd 23 April 2002) from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Clouds in the Greenhouse.  Article (dtd 22 April 2002) from Science@NASA .  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Shrinking glaciers.  "In the Andes Mountains, the pace of climate change is far from glacial."  Article (dtd 22 April 2002) from Grist.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

New Zealand's oceans are hotting up.  Press release (dtd 18 April 2002) from New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA).  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Global Warming Triggers Glacial Lakes Flood Threat.  Press Releases (dtd 16 April 2002) from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).  See also: Team of climbers to investigate Himalayan environment, UN announces.  Press release (dtd 14 May 2002) from the United Nations.  (link posted 25 May 2002)

Data-gathering floats to assist in detection of climate change.  Press release (dtd 23 April 2002) from UK Met Office.  (link posted 25 May 2002)


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