FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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CFSAN/Office of Cosmetics and Colors
September 2005; Revised October 3, 2006

Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program (VCRP)
Instructions for using the Online FDA Form 2511
Registration of Cosmetic Product Establishment

Filing Form FDA 2511 is the way to register your cosmetic establishment with FDA. You also can use this form to amend establishment registration information or to cancel an establishment registration.

Please take a few minutes to read the following information and instructions for using the VCRP online registration system. This material is designed to familiarize you with Form FDA 2511 - Registration of Cosmetic Product Establishment - in order to make your participation in the VCRP as easy as possible. You may want to print out these instructions for easy reference when you are filling out your forms.

How to Complete Your Form FDA 2511 -
Registration of Cosmetic Product Establishment:

First, you will need to indicate whether you are submitting an original establishment registration, or amending or canceling an existing one.

Type of submission:

  • If this is the first time you have filed a Registration of Cosmetic Product Establishment under this name, under this management, at this location, this is an original submission. If you have more than one location, register each location separately. Read the instructions for filing an original registration.
  • If you have registered this establishment before and are adding, deleting, or amending a parent company or other business trading names, this is an amendment. Read the instructions for filing an amended registration.
  • If the establishment no longer conducts business under the same name or at the same location stated in its current registration, this is a cancellation. Read the instructions for canceling a registration.
    NOTE: Minor name changes, such as changing "Co." to "Inc.," do not require a cancellation.
  • To register under a new name or at a new location, submit a cancellation for the name that is no longer in use, then file a new original registration. Read the instructions for canceling a registration and filing an original registration.

You also may request to review your firm's registration. This provides a safe way to view your data without changing it. Read the instructions for reviewing a registration.

Instructions for Filing Registration of a Cosmetic Product Establishment
Original Submission

Before you register an establishment for the first time, you must set up an account. Select "Request new account" and fill in the information as indicated. After you submit your account request, you will receive a temporary password by email. You should then login using this temporary password and create a new password. We recommend that you keep your new password in a safe place.

After you indicate that you wish to file an original submission, Form FDA 2511 will appear. You will be asked to submit the following information. For security reasons, your login will "time out" after an hour of inactivity, so it will help to have all necessary information ready when you begin. Please shorten the information if necessary to the number of characters permitted in each field.

Establishment Name

Enter the name under which you are registering the establishment at this physical location under this management. Use customary abbreviations, such as "CO" for "company" and "INC" for "incorporated." (maximum 55 characters)

Kind of Business

Indicate whether the establishment is a manufacturer, packer, or both.

Name of Parent Company (if any)

If the company is a subsidiary to a parent company, such as Smith and Company, Division of Jones International, Incorporated, enter "Smith & Co" for the establishment name and "Div of Jones International Inc" in the space for Name of Parent Company. (maximum 55 characters)


Enter the establishment's physical location. For establishments in the United States, use the "drop down" menu to enter the state. (maximum 45 characters for street address, 25 characters for city)

For establishments outside of the United States, enter the name of the country in the space provided. You may enter territorial subdivisions (such as province or prefecture) in the space for city or country, whichever is appropriate for addresses in your country.

You may add a Post Office Box number only as additional information for postal communications.

Phone Number

Please provide the phone number where we can most easily reach the person authorized to submit information to the VCRP.

After you have finished entering this information, please review it for accuracy. Make any necessary corrections, then select "Next."

Enter Other Business Trading Names

These are defined as subsidiary or related firm names used on a cosmetic product label, which are owned by the cosmetic manufacturer or packer, but are different from the principal name under which the cosmetic product manufacturer or packer is registering or is registered. If you produce cosmetics under other business trading names, please list those names here. If you have more than three other business trading names, select "Add More." (maximum 37 characters each)


In the signature block, enter the name and title of the individual authorized to submit registration information to FDA. Make certain that this information is accurate. Any change to this information will require a written submission on company letterhead.

When you have finished, you may select "Clear All Information" if you do not wish to continue with this registration. If the information is correct and you wish to submit this registration, select "Submit." You will receive a message indicating that you have successfully submitted Form FDA 2511 for our review.

We strongly suggest that you print this page by selecting the print button on your browser.

If your submission is accepted, you will receive an acknowledgment, including a registration number, by e-mail, usually within seven business days.

If we find any problems with your submission we will notify you by phone or e-mail.

When you have completed your Form FDA 2511, you may then return to the login page to submit an additional Form FDA 2511, move on to Form FDA 2512, or Exit the VCRP.

Instructions for Filing a Registration of Cosmetic Product Establishment

Login to Form FDA 2511 and select "Access Your Establishments." Next, select the Establishment Number of the establishment you want to amend.

You will see the information currently on file for that establishment. Carefully review the information and replace the obsolete information with the current information wherever necessary. Check your new information for accuracy, then select "Amend Establishment."

If you want to add, cancel or review any registration information, select "Return to Form FDA 2511 Menu." If not, you may select "Log Out and Return to Main VCRP Menu."

Instructions for Filing a Registration of Cosmetic Product Establishment

Login to Form FDA 2511 and select "Access Your Establishments." Next, select the Establishment Number of the establishment you want to cancel.

You will see the information currently on file for that establishment. Make sure that is the correct establishment to be cancelled. Then select "Cancel Establishment."

If you want to add, amend or review any registration information, select "Return to Form FDA 2511 Menu." If not, you may select "Log Out and Return to Main VCRP Menu."

Instructions for Reviewing a Registration of Cosmetic Product Establishment

Login to Form FDA 2511 and select "Access Your Establishments." Next, select the Establishment Number of the establishment you want to review. You will see a list of your establishments currently registered in the VCRP.

Next select "Review." You will be asked for the 7-digit registration number assigned to the cosmetic establishment registration that you wish to review.

You may then select "Amend Establishment," "Cancel Establishment," or return to the main Form FDA 2511 menu and log out.

Instructions for Transferring Establishments That You Have Filed Previously on Paper Forms to Your New Online VCRP Account

Login to the online VCRP system as usual, selecting Form FDA 2511. Next, select "Transfer My Establishments." Fill in the required information. Print out the report and attach it to your company letterhead, or print it directly onto your letterhead. Send it to the address indicated on the screen so that FDA can process your request.

Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program (VCRP) Frequently Asked Questions

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