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Analysis and Payment

2009 PQRI – Incentive Payments

Eligible professionals who satisfactorily report quality-measures data for services furnished January 1, through December 31, 2009, will earn a single consolidated incentive payment in mid-2010. The incentive payment will be 2.0% of estimated total allowed charges for covered Medicare Part B Physician Fee Schedule services provided January 1 through December 31, 2009. Incentive payments will be paid to the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) under which the incentive-earning professional submitted PQRI claims.

2009 PQRI - Validation of Satisfactory Reporting

As required by statute, the 2009 PQRI includes validation processes. The determination of satisfactory reporting will itself serve as a general validation because the analysis will assess whether quality-data codes are appropriately submitted in a sufficient proportion of the instances when a reporting opportunity exists. In addition, for those professionals who achieve a reporting rate at or above 80% for each of fewer than three PQRI measures submitted through claims, a measure-applicability validation process will determine whether they should have submitted quality-data codes for additional measures.

For information on how the 2009 PQRI measure-applicability validation will be implemented, see the document titled "2009 Measure-Applicability Validation Process for Claims-Based Participation", which is available in the "Downloads" section below.  Additionally, see the document titled "2009 Measure-Applicability Validation Process for Claims-Based Participation Flow Chart", which is also available in the "Downloads" section below.

2008 PQRI - Incentive Payments

Eligible professionals who participate in the 2008 PQRI program will have access to a CMS analysis of their reported data.

Those who satisfactorily report quality-measures data on claims for services furnished January 1 through December 31, 2008, will earn a single consolidated incentive payment. The incentive payment will be 1.5% of estimated total allowed charges for covered Medicare Part B Physician Fee Schedule services provided January 1-December 31, 2008. Incentive payments earned will be paid to the TIN under which the incentive-earning professional submitted PQRI claims in fall 2009.

New! Updated January 1, 2008 – September 30, 2008 Quality Data Code Submission Error Report by Measure.

This report, which is available in the "Downloads" section below, contains updated aggregate-level information about the quality data codes submitted January 1, 2008 through September 30, 2008, by measure. This report reflects PQRI analysis after implementing the analytic fixes discussed in the 2007 PQRI Experience Report.

2008 PQRI - Validation of Satisfactory Reporting

As required by statute, the 2008 PQRI includes validation processes.  The determination of satisfactory reporting will itself serve as a general validation because the analysis will assess whether quality-data codes are appropriately submitted in a sufficient proportion of the instances when a reporting opportunity exists.  In addition, for those professionals who achieve a reporting rate at or above 80% for each of fewer than three PQRI measures, a measure-applicability validation process will determine whether they should have submitted quality-data codes for additional measures.

For information on how the 2008 PQRI measure-applicability validation will be implemented, see the document titled "2008 Measure-Applicability Validation Process for Claims-Based Participation", which is available in the "Downloads" section below.

New! January 1, 2008 - September 30, 2008 Quality Data Code Submission Error Report by Measure [PDF, 368KB]

2009 Measure-Applicability Validation Process for Claims-Based Participation [PDF, 113 KB]

2009 Measure-Applicability Validation Process for Claims-Based Participation Flow Chart [PDF, 32 KB]

2008 Measure-Applicability Validation Process for Claims-Based Participation [PDF, 74 KB] 


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Page Last Modified: 05/06/2009 3:32:45 PM
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