Traumatic Brain Injury Trust Fund Program
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TBI Mission & Vision

"The TBI Trust Fund strives to support all people in Colorado with traumatic brain injury through services, research and education."


"All Coloradans affected by traumatic brain injury will have access to available services and supports when needed."




The Colorado Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Trust Fund Board awards grants to support research in Colorado related to the treatment and understanding of traumatic brain injuries. Under this funding mechanism, the Colorado TBI Trust Fund Board awards research grants focused on the basic or clinical science of TBI, health services research and delivery relevant to TBI, or other quantitative research studies relevant to traumatic brain injury. Through its Research Program, the Colorado TBI Trust Fund Board will facilitate the acquisition and advancement of new knowledge regarding TBI, to improve the evidence base upon which the care of persons with TBI is predicated, and to encourage the development and growth of the TBI research field in Colorado.



Research supported by the Colorado TBI Trust Fund must focus on scientific questions related to the understanding and treatment of TBI. Although research projects whose emphases on TBI are outside the priority areas articulated by the Colorado TBI Trust Fund Board will be considered for funding, those that focus on one of the areas described below will be given priority consideration:

Basic Science: Mechanisms of neuroplasticity following TBI; mechanisms of cell death and rescue following TBI; and neurogenetics of TBI.

Clinical Science: Pharmacologic and/or nonpharmacologic interventions for the purpose of neuroprotection or the treatment of cognitive, emotional, behavioral, or neurological problems following TBI. These projects may involve either novel or existing therapeutic approaches.

Health Services and Outcome Research: The effects of TBI on developmental transitions across the lifespan; identification of gaps in the types and availability of healthcare services for persons with TBI; and the effects of cognitive rehabilitation on long-term outcome following TBI.





Due to limited funds, we are not accepting letters of intent at this time.

We are pleased with the Colorado research community’s increasing interest in the Program and are improving the application process to accommodate this growth. A revised program announcement will be posted as soon as funding for future projects is available. Please check back frequently for updates.

If you have questions or would like to be alerted to status changes, please contact Theodora Pappas at or 303-866-4811.