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    Applier ................................  604 / 46
        Packaged ...........................  206 / 367
    Shield .................................  128 / 888
    Vaccine ................................  424 / 184.1+
Vaccine ....................................  424 / 184.1+
Vacuum (See Evacuating Receptacles;  
    Agitating in ...........................  366 / 134
    Bottle .................................  215 / 12.1
        Design .............................  D07 / 608+
    Bracket attaching by ...................  248 / 205.5+
    Bracket holding article by .............  248 / 309.3
    Brakes .................................  188
        Distribution system ................  303
    Breaking for backflow prevention .......  137 / 215+
    Bulbs or tubes  
        Apparatus for glass bulb ...........  65 / 270
        Manufacture ........................  65 / 270
        Arc lamp enclosed ..................  313
        Electric discharge lamp ............  220 / 2.1 R
        Electron tube manufacture ..........  445
        Electron tube structure ............  313
        Evacuating .........................  141 / 65
        Incandescent lamp ..................  313 / 315+
        Manufacture miscellaneous ..........  445
        Process for glass bulb .............  65 / 34
        Manufacture ........................  65 / 34+
    Chuck ..................................  279 / 3
    Cleaners (see air, blast or suction ....  15 / 300.1+
    Cleaning) ..............................  15 / 300.1+
        Cleaner attachment .................  D32 / 31+
        Convertible ........................  15 / 328+
        Design of machine ..................  D32 / 21+
        Nozzles ............................  15 / 415.1+
        Pipe joint .........................  285 / 7
        Street sweeper type ................  15 / 340.2
        With dirt filter ...................  15 / 347+
        With mechanical agitator for .......  15 / 363
        Work ...............................  15 / 363+
    Cleaning methods .......................  134 / 21
    Coating combined .......................  427 / 294
    Distillation ...........................  203 / 73+
    Distillation ...........................  203 / 91+
        Mineral oil ........................  208 / 366
        Mineral oil rectification ..........  208 / 357
        Thermolytic ........................  201 / 35
    Evaporators concentrating ..............  159 / 22+
    Food preparation apparatus .............  99 / 472
    Gauges .................................  73 / 700+
        Liquid level testing ...............  73 / 303
    Hoist ..................................  294 / 64.1+
    Holddown ...............................  248 / 362
    Insulated conductors ...................  174 / 8+
    Metal treatment  
        Air blast &/or vacuum conveyor .....  29 / DIG 78
        Casting ............................  164 / 61+
        Metal working digest ...............  29 / DIG 44
        Purifying ..........................  75
        Vaccuum exhaust type ...............  29 / DIG 84
    Motor ..................................  91
        Systems ............................  60 / 407+
    Pumps ..................................  417
        Design .............................  D15 / 7+
        Dredger combined ...................  37 / 324
    Receptacle .............................  220 / 592.27
        X-art collection ...................  206 / 829*
    Receptor for body discharges ...........  604 / 218+
    Rectifier full wave high ...............  313 / 306
    Refrigeration ..........................  62
        Vapor discharged ...................  62 / 268+
        Vapor discharged, process ..........  62 / 100
    Resuscitation devices ..................  601 / 43
    Skinner for fruit ......................  99 / 584
    Support ................................  451 / 494
        Abrasive ...........................  451 / 494
    Tube (see space discharge device)  
        Keyer ..............................  327 / 185+
        Keyer in transmitter ...............  375 / 309+
        Tester .............................  D10 / 77
    Wall for railway freight car ...........  105 / 357
    Work holders ...........................  269 / 21
    Bed ....................................  5 / 493
    Curtain ................................  D08 / 373+
    Land vehicle top .......................  296 / 135
    Trunk ..................................  190 / 28
Valises ....................................  206 / 278+
Valley Roof Gutter .........................  52 / 13+
Valve See Faucet ...........................  251
    Acetylene generator ....................  48 / 58
        Carbide feed .......................  48 / 38+
    Actuation ..............................  251
        Electric ...........................  251 / 129.01+
            Digest .........................  261 / DIG 74
        Floor controlled spittoon ..........  4 / 280
        Gas & liquid contact apparatus .....  261 / DIG 53
        Gas heated tool controlled .........  126 / 234
        Gravity controlled spittoon ........  4 / 281
        Internal combustion engine .........  123 / 188.1
            Poppet .........................  123 / 90.1
        Manual .............................  251 / 213+
        Pneumatic displacement pump ........  417 / 118+
        Pump controlled ....................  417 / 510+
        Time controlled ....................  137 / 624.11+
        Time variation, internal ...........  123 / 188.2
        Combustion engine poppet ...........  123 / 188.2+
        Wind operated ventilator cowl ......  454 / 17
        With time indicator ................  137 / 552.7
    Applying and removing apparatus ........  29 / 213.1+
        Drain ..............................  137 / 177+
        Fire extinguisher ..................  169 / 19+
        Fluid brake equalizing .............  303 / 33
        Hose holder and fluid supply .......  239 / 196
        Sewerage catch basin ...............  210 / 109+
        Sewerage trap ......................  137 / 247.15+
        Trap ...............................  137 / 171+
        Window ventilator ..................  454 / 196
        Reciprocating ......................  251 / 282
        Rotary .............................  251 / 283
    Butterfly ..............................  251 / 305+
        Ball ...............................  137 / 329.03
        Flow meter .........................  73 / 276
        Pivoted ............................  137 / 527+
        Pump ...............................  417 / 559+
        Radiator vent ......................  137 / 511+
        Reciprocating ......................  137 / 528+
        Siphon bowl ........................  4 / 426+
        Wells, in ..........................  166 / 325+
    Combined with support ..................  251 / 143
    Design .................................  D23 / 233+
    Diaphragm ..............................  359 / 227+
    Dispensing .............................  222 / 544+
        Pressure operated ..................  222 / 491+
        Resilient type .....................  222 / 490
    Electrically actuated ..................  251 / 129.01+
        Circuit makers and breakers ........  200 / 61.86
        Engine distributing ................  91 / 218+
        Liquid pump ........................  417 / 505
        Lubricator .........................  137 / 630.16
        Railway switch .....................  246 / 140+
    Electro optical ........................  359 / 245+
        Polorized light ....................  359 / 246+
    Engine igniter combined ................  123 / 151
    Float ..................................  137 / 409+
        Animal water supply ................  119 / 78+
        Automatic dispenser ................  222 / 67+
        Bath or basin ......................  4 / 669
        Closed fluid heater ................  236 / 31
        Flow meter plural chamber ..........  73 / 221
        Flow meter single chamber ..........  73 / 224
        Funnel .............................  141 / 199+
        Funnel air displacement ............  141 / 199+
        Pneumatic displacement pump ........  417 / 126+
        Pump regulator .....................  417 / 40+
        Radiator relief ....................  236 / 65
        Steam trap .........................  137 / 192+
        Temperature regulating .............  236 / 52
        Thermal trap .......................  236 / 53
        Water closet .......................  4 / 395+
        Water purifier .....................  210 / 97+
    Fluid brake system  
        Equalizing .........................  303 / 33+
        Motormans ..........................  303 / 50+
        Pipeless ...........................  303 / 90
    Fluid motor distributing ...............  91 / 218+
    Fluid pressure actuated ................  251 / 12+
        Boiler feeder ......................  122 / 451.2
        Engine distributing ................  91 / 281+
        Fluid flow meter diaphragm .........  73 / 271
        Fluid flow meter piston ............  73 / 249
        Fluid flow meter plural ............  73 / 220
        Liquid pump ........................  417 / 507
        Lubricator reciprocating ...........  184 / 76
        Lubricator rotatable ...............  184 / 72
        Radiator vent thermal ..............  236 / 61
        Receptacle filling .................  141
        Steam trap .........................  137 / 171+
        Trap thermal .......................  236 / 54
    Fluid pressure regulating ..............  137 / 505+
    Fluid pressure relief ..................  137 / 455+
        Receptacle filler ..................  141
    Fluid servomotor .......................  91 / 418+
        Actuation ..........................  251 / 15+
        Actuation closet combined ..........  4 / 249+
        Siphon bowl ........................  4 / 422+
        Spittoon ...........................  4 / 266
        Water closet bowl ..................  4 / 435+
    Gas motor ..............................  415 / 148+
        Pastry nozzle ......................  425 / 381.2
        Pastry nozzle ......................  425 / 461+
        Pivoted ............................  251 / 298+
        Pivoted check ......................  137 / 527+
        Reciprocating ......................  251 / 326+
    Grinder ................................  451 / 115+
    Gun muzzle .............................  89 / 31
        Chuck or gauge combined ............  137 / 223+
        Pressure regulation ................  137 / 224+
    Inlet or supply  
        Gas separation .....................  55 / 418+
        Internal combustion engine .........  123 / 188.14+
        Sand blast machine .................  451 / 99+
        Sewerage trap ......................  137 / 247.13+
        Spittoon ...........................  4 / 282
        Street curb for drainage ...........  404 / 4+
    Internal combustion engine .............  123 / 188.1+
    Large area valve,motor art .............  91 / DIG 3
    Larner johnson type internal ...........  137 / 219+
    Hydraulic ..............................  137 / 219+
    Light ..................................  359 / 240+
    Light ..................................  359 / 290+
    Liquid .................................  137 / 251.1+
        Thermal ............................  236 / 50
        Automotive fuel ....................  70 / 242+
        Combined ...........................  70 / 175+
        Combined operation .................  137 / 384.2+
        Lubricator .........................  184 / 86
    Making repairing and assembling  
        Applying and removing apparatus ....  29 / 213.1+
        Fluid motor and pump process .......  29 / 888.4+
        Process ............................  29 / 890.12+
        Refitting by milling ...............  409 / 64+
    Measuring ..............................  222 / 424.5+
        Plural valves ......................  137 / 602+
    Motormans air brake ....................  303 / 50+
    Multiple ...............................  137
        Gas & liquid contact apparatus .....  261 / 42+
    Multiway unit ..........................  137 / 625+
        Bypass .............................  137 / 599.11+
        Gate ...............................  137 / 625+
        Plural valves sequential ...........  137 / 630.16
        Opening ............................  137 / 630.16
        Plural valves single outlet ........  137 / 602+
        Unit ...............................  137 / 625+
    Music see music  
    Needle valves ..........................  261 / DIG 38
        Fluid flow meter combined ..........  73 / 268
    Outlet exhaust and discharge  
        Filter .............................  210 / 418+
        Filter, faucet attached ............  210 / 449
        Four cycle engine ..................  123 / 84+
        Furnace ashpan .....................  110 / 169
        Furnace spark arrester .............  110 / 129
        Gas separation .....................  55 / 417
        Grain huller .......................  99 / 611
        Internal combustion engine .........  123 / 188.1+
        Sewerage catch basin ...............  210 / 109+
        Sewerage trap ......................  137 / 247.13+
        Sink or bath .......................  4 / 650+
            Conditioned responsive means ...  4 / 668+
            Drain or overflow ..............  4 / 679+
            With supply outlet .............  4 / 671+
        Spittoon ...........................  4 / 266
        Spittoon floor orifice .............  4 / 276
        Water closet .......................  4 / 378+
    Pipe ...................................  251
        System .............................  137
    Piston for pumps .......................  417 / 481+
    Pivoted ................................  251 / 298+
        Check ..............................  137 / 527+
        Closet bowl ........................  4 / 421+
        Cowls ..............................  454 / 5+
        Register ...........................  454 / 322+
    Position indicator .....................  116 / 277
    Pressure reducing and regulating .......  137 / 505+
    Pressure relief ........................  137 / 455+
    Puppet or poppet .......................  251 / 82
        Abrading machine ...................  451 / 117
        Acetylene generator ................  48 / 53+
        Coolant containing .................  123 / 41.16
        Four cycle engine ..................  123 / 79 R
        Internal combustion engine .........  123 / 188.2
        Making .............................  29 / 888.4+
    Radiator vent ..........................  137 / 455+
        Thermostatic .......................  236 / 61+
    Reciprocating ..........................  251 / 318+
        Animal watering ....................  119 / 80
        Biased check .......................  137 / 528+
        Engine nozzle ......................  239 / 584+
        Furnace ashpan .....................  110 / 169
        Gate ...............................  251 / 326+
        Lubricator horizontal ..............  184 / 79
        Lubricator vertical ................  184 / 74+
        Reversing ..........................  137 / 309+
    Refrigeration expansion ................  62 / 527+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 222+
        Fluid pressure .....................  137 / 505+
        Pump ...............................  417 / 279+
    Removal tool ...........................  29 / 213.1
    Reversing ..............................  137 / 309+
        Reciprocating regenerating .........  137 / 309+
        Furnace type .......................  137 / 309+
        Rotary regenerating furnace ........  137 / 311
        Type ...............................  137 / 311
    Rocking and oscillating  
        Animal watering ....................  119 / 79
        Four cycle engine ..................  123 / 81 R
        Lubricator .........................  184 / 34
        Ventilator cowl ....................  454 / 3
        Wall register ......................  454 / 285
    Rotary or oscillating  
        Disk ...............................  251 / 304+
        Floor register .....................  454 / 289+
        Fluid flow meter ...................  73 / 265+
        Internal combustion engine .........  123 / 190.1
        Lubricator force feed ..............  184 / 35
        Lubricator gravity feed ............  184 / 71+
        Plug ...............................  251 / 309+
        Spherical head .....................  251 / 315.01+
        Acetylene generator ................  48 / 56
        Boiler .............................  122 / 507
        Boiler feed heater .................  122 / 437
        Fluid pressure relief ..............  137 / 455+
        High temperature cutoff ............  137 / 457
        Muffler ............................  181 / 237
        Pipe break cutoff ..................  137 / 456+
    Seat grinders  
        Abrading ...........................  451 / 115+
        Milling ............................  409 / 64+
    Seat making ............................  29 / 890.122
        Fluid motor ........................  29 / 888.44
        Abrading machine ...................  451 / 118
        Acetylene generator ................  48 / 55
    Soda water type  
        Combined with plural sources .......  222 / 129+
        Multiple valve .....................  137 / 170.1+
        Nozzles ............................  239 / 445+
        Valve ..............................  251
        With agitating .....................  366 / 195+
        With deflector nozzles .............  239 / 499+
        With fizzing stream ................  239 / 445
        With multiple inlet nozzles ........  239 / 407
        With variable discharge ............  239 / 435
    Stem cap ...............................  138 / 89+
        Combined tool ......................  152 / 431
        Seal for a pipe or conduit .........  277 / 602+
    Switch combined ........................  200 / 61.86
    Thermostat and temperature .............  236
        Burner combined ....................  431 / 83+
        Cutoff .............................  137 / 457
        Freeze responsive drain ............  137 / 59+
    Throttle and engineers  
        Fluid brake control ................  303 / 50+
        Train control ......................  246 / 189+
    Tire ...................................  137 / 223+
        Caps and cores .....................  137 / 232+
        Combined gauge .....................  137 / 227+
        Combined pressure regulator ........  152 / 431
    Train control pipe .....................  246 / 190
    Well closures ..........................  166 / 316+
Valved Device  
    Acetylene generator  
        Flap ...............................  48 / 43
    Bag closure ............................  383 / 44
        Filling ............................  141 / 68
        Filling ............................  141 / 315
    Barrel bung ............................  217 / 99+
    Bath or basin ..........................  4 / 679+
    Battery cell, weight actuated ..........  429 / 85
    Battery vent ...........................  429 / 53+
    Blow-out type ..........................  429 / 56
        Closure ............................  215 / 311+
        Nonrefillable ......................  215 / 17+
    Chute ..................................  193 / 21
        Counterweight ......................  193 / 20
    Closet vent ............................  4 / 216
    Coating implement ......................  401
    Cooking stove ..........................  126 / 52
    Dispenser ..............................  222
    Drinking fountain ......................  239 / 29
        Bubble cup .........................  239 / 31
    Dry closet .............................  4 / 466
        Bowl ...............................  4 / 471+
    Elastic ................................  429 / 54
    Filter .................................  210 / 418+
    Float ..................................  429 / 76
    Fluid flow meter  
        Diaphragm ..........................  73 / 265
        Piston .............................  73 / 248
        Proportional .......................  73 / 203
    Fluid flow path ........................  251
        Interlocking .......................  48 / 83
        Plate ..............................  48 / 52
        Pop ................................  48 / 53
        Slide ..............................  48 / 58
        System .............................  137
    Fountain pen ...........................  401
    Funnel .................................  141 / 344
        Air displacement ...................  141 / 297+
    Gas and liquid contact apparatus .......  261 / 38+
    Gas separator inflow control ...........  55 / 418+
    Gas separator outflow control ..........  55 / 417
    Heating gas purifier ...................  48 / 170
    Hoist bucket ...........................  414 / 657+
    Illuminating fixture ...................  362 / 394+
    Inhaler ................................  128 / 203.12+
        Nasal ..............................  128 / 203.12+
    Internal combustion engine  
        Cooling ............................  123 / 41.01+
        Igniter ............................  123 / 146
    Liquid level gauge .....................  73 / 332+
        Force feed pump ....................  184 / 26+
        Gravity feed .......................  184 / 65+
    Music brasses ..........................  84 / 388+
    Pastry depositor .......................  222
    Pastry depositor .......................  425 / 381.2
    Pastry depositor .......................  425 / 461+
    Piano pneumatic ........................  84 / 60+
        Bleeds .............................  84 / 59
    Pipe ...................................  251
        System .............................  137
    Pipe organ  
        Action .............................  84 / 336
        Key ................................  84 / 342
        Tremolo ............................  84 / 348
    Pipe taps ..............................  137 / 317
        Flow meter .........................  73 / 248
        Fluid motor ........................  91 / 422
        Internal combustion engine .........  123 / 47 R
        Pump ...............................  417 / 545+
        Pump oscillating ...................  417 / 484
        Pump reciprocating .................  417 / 545+
    Pneumatic tire  
        Tire and valve stem ................  152 / 429+
        Tool and valve stem cap ............  152 / 431
        Wheel and valve stem ...............  152 / 427+
    Preserving apparatus ...................  422
    Pump ...................................  417 / 559
        Diaphragm ..........................  417 / 480
        Regulator ..........................  417 / 279+
    Receptacle filler ......................  141
    Refrigeration producer .................  62
    Refrigerator, air controlling ..........  62 / 408+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 186+
        Blocking air at access opening .....  62 / 265+
    Sand blast machine .....................  451 / 99+
        Plug ...............................  114 / 197
        Sea cock ...........................  114 / 198
        Ventilator .........................  114 / 212
        Discharging ........................  209 / 258
        Feeding hopper .....................  209 / 246
    Sink strainer ..........................  4 / 287
    Smoking device .........................  131 / 223
    Sound muffler ..........................  181 / 254
    Spray nozzle ...........................  239 / 569+
        Deflector ..........................  239 / 506
        Multiple outlet ....................  239 / 562+
        Whirler ............................  239 / 476+
    Strainer ...............................  210 / 156
        In pipeline ........................  210 / 418+
        Multiple in pipeline ...............  210 / 294+
    Textile pounder ........................  68 / 218
        With plunger .......................  68 / 217
    Track sander ...........................  291 / 6
        Sewerage ...........................  137 / 247.13+
        Steam ..............................  137 / 171+
        Air pump ...........................  454
        Backdraft preventer for inlet ......  454 / 259
        Backdraft preventer for outlet .....  454 / 359+
        Backdraft preventer for window .....  454 / 227
        Building inlet .....................  454 / 333+
        Chimney cap ........................  454 / 3+
        Thimbles ...........................  454 / 273+
            For inlet ......................  454 / 270+
    Water closet  
        Bowl ...............................  4 / 434+
        Siphon bowl ........................  4 / 421+
        Tank ...............................  4 / 378+
Vamp and Quarters ..........................  36 / 48+
    Trimming machines ......................  12 / 57.6
    Alloys, ferrous ........................  420 / 127
    Alloys, non-ferrous ....................  420 / 424
    Carbon compounds .......................  556 / 42+
    Compound stock .........................  428 / 662
    Electrolytic preparation ...............  205 / 564
    Inorganic compound recovery ............  423 / 62
    Pyrometallurgy .........................  75 / 622
    Aircraft control .......................  244 / 82
    Ammunition and explosive device ........  244 / 3.24+
    Combined ...............................  244 / 3.24+
        Drop bomb combined .................  102 / 384
        Fuse arming ........................  102 / 225+
        Parachute flare ....................  102 / 339
        Rocket combined ....................  102 / 348
    Fluid flow direction measuring .........  73 / 170.05+
    Forming working member .................  92 / 121+
    For expansible chamber device ..........  92 / 121+
    Gate mounted wind balance ..............  49 / 135
    Meter ..................................  73 / 861.74+
        Expansible chamber .................  73 / 232+
    Pump ...................................  418
    Ships log ..............................  73 / 186+
    Signaling see semaphores  
    Turbine guide vane .....................  415 / 148+
    Ventilating cowl .......................  454 / 3+
    Windmill guide vane ....................  416 / 12+
Vanillin ...................................  568 / 442
    Cases or compacts ......................  132 / 293+
        Absent non-coating article eg, .....  401 / 118
        Mirror .............................  401 / 118+
        Illuminated mirror .................  362 / 136
Vapor (See Gas)  
    Baths ..................................  4 / 524+
    Coating ................................  427 / 248.1+
    Condenser ..............................  165 / 110+
    Contact with solids ....................  34
    Cookstove ..............................  126 / 44
        Design .............................  D07 / 339+
    Deposition .............................  427
        Apparatus ..........................  118 / 715+
        Single crystal formation ...........  117
    Doping, semiconductor ..................  438 / 565+
        Apparatus ..........................  118 / 900*
    Electric lamp ..........................  313 / 567+
        Arc ................................  313 / 567+
        Lanterns ...........................  362 / 263+
    Electric space discharge tubes .........  313 / 567+
    Generator for disinfecting .............  422 / 305+
    Heating burners ........................  431 / 161+
    Heating burners ........................  431 / 207+
    Heating stoves .........................  126 / 95
    Liquefied or solidified ................  62 / 601+
    Medicators .............................  604 / 23+
    Testing for explosive  
        Catalytic ..........................  73 / 25.01+
        Miners lamp ........................  362 / 164+
    Therapeutic baths ......................  607 / 83+
    Thermometer ............................  374 / 201+
    Treating ...............................  34
        Cabinets ...........................  312 / 31+
        Coating processes ..................  427 / 335+
        Distilled vapors treated ...........  203
        Distilled vapors treated ...........  201 / 29
        Gases with separation ..............  95
        Mineral oil vapors treated .........  208 / 3
        Textile apparatus ..................  68 / 5 R+
        Textile processes ..................  8 / 149.2+
    Tube amplifying system .................  330 / 41
Vaporizer Making ...........................  29 / 890.07
Vaporizing and Vaporization ................  122
    Concentrators ..........................  159
    Design .................................  D23 / 360+
    Distilling .............................  201
        Distilling .........................  203
    Drying .................................  34
    Electrical heating for .................  392 / 386+
    Fumigators .............................  43 / 129+
    Heat motors ............................  60 / 531
    Heat or energy exchange agents .........  252 / 67+
    Internal combustion engines ............  123 / 250+
        External vaporizing ................  123 / 522+
    Jet gas pumps ..........................  417 / 152+
    Liquids ................................  122
    Medical inhalers .......................  128 / 203.12+
    Mineral oils ...........................  208
    Nuclear reactors involved in ...........  376 / 370
    Nuclear reactors involved in ...........  376 / 371
    Nuclear reactors involved in ...........  376 / 378
    Pumps ..................................  417 / 208+
    Recovery of actinide compounds by ......  423 / 249
    Refrigeration ..........................  62
    Resolving colloids by ..................  516 / 194+
    Vaporizers .............................  261 / DIG 65
Variable Capacitor .........................  361 / 277
    With variable resistor .................  323 / 354
Variable Denier  
    Extruding apparatus ....................  425 / 76
    Stretching .............................  28 / 243
Variometer .................................  336 / 115+
    Radio tuning system ....................  334 / 62
    Asphalt ................................  106 / 273.1+
        Fatty oil ..........................  106 / 246+
    Natural resin  
        Fatty oil ..........................  106 / 220+
        Polymer ctg (see synthetic  
        Resin or natural rubber)  
        Solvent ............................  106 / 236
    Removing ...............................  134 / 38
        Compositions .......................  510 / 201+
Varnishing .................................  427
    Apparatus for varnishing ...............  118
    Photographic material ..................  118
    Photographic images ....................  427
    Prints .................................  427
    Shells .................................  86 / 17
Vase .......................................  D11 / 143+
Vasodilators ...............................  424
Vasopressin ................................  530 / 315
Vats See Vessel  
    Cheese .................................  99 / 452+
    Metallic and miscellaneous .............  220
    Textile fluid treating apparatus  
        Movable carrier in vat .............  68 / 157
        Separate centrifuge and vat ........  68 / 26
    Vat or sulfur dyeing ...................  8 / 650+
        Several dyes including .............  8 / 642
        Textile printing ...................  8 / 453
        Textile printing ...................  8 / 461
    Wooden .................................  217 / 4
Vaulted Roof Design ........................  D25 / 18+
    Building lights ........................  359 / 591+
    Burial .................................  52 / 128+
        Lifting or handling ................  52 / 124.1+
    Design .................................  D99 / 1+
    Dry closet .............................  4 / 474+
    Road or pavement vault cover ...........  404 / 25+
        Design .............................  D25 / 36
Vcr (See Recording and Recorders) .........  386 / 46+
Vectograph .................................  359 / 489
Vector .....................................  435 / 320.1
    Bacteriophage ..........................  435 / 320.1
    Viral ..................................  435 / 320.1
        Apparatus brushing or wiping .......  15 / 3.1+
        Apparatus liquid treatment .........  134
        Processes ..........................  426 / 478+
    Coffee substitutes from ................  426 / 594
    Comminuting machines ...................  241
    Cutting,comminuting,peeling,paring .....  99 / 588+
        Fluid or chemical ..................  426 / 287+
    Fertilizers from .......................  71 / 23+
        Liberation chemical ................  162 / 1+
        Liberation mechanical ..............  19
    Gathering ..............................  56 / 327.1
        Digger type ........................  171
    Grating ................................  241 / 95+
    Jellies ................................  426 / 573+
    Juices .................................  426 / 599+
    Peeling ................................  99 / 584+
    Pit stem or core removal  
        Corers .............................  99 / 544+
        Processes ..........................  426 / 484+
        Seeders and stoners ................  99 / 547+
        Stemmers ...........................  99 / 635+
    Planters ...............................  111 / 913*
    Plants .................................  PLT / 258
    Preservation ...........................  426 / 321+
        Canning ............................  426 / 392+
        Coating ............................  426 / 289+
        Dehydration ........................  426 / 471+
        Refrigeration ......................  426 / 524
    Protein foods ..........................  426 / 656
        Retting ............................  162 / 1+
        Retting bacteriological ............  435 / 277+
    Synthetic resins from extracts .........  528 / 1+
    Fuel ...................................  44 / 605+
        Briquette ..........................  44 / 589+
    Hydrocarbon recovery from ..............  585 / 240+
    Imitation ..............................  428 / 17+
    Treated ................................  428 / 17+
Vehicle See Specific Type  
    Advertising on vehicles ................  40 / 591+
    Air ....................................  244
    Air bag passenger restraints ...........  280 / 728.1+
    Air conditioner ........................  D23 / 351+
    Air cushion ............................  180 / 116
        Cushion design .....................  D12 / 5
    Animal draft appliances ................  278
    Artificial intelligence see  
    Artificial intelligence  
        Abrading ...........................  451 / 434
        Antennas ...........................  343 / 700 R+
        Automobile carried .................  40 / 591
        Body lifters .......................  254 / 48
        Cutting tool .......................  83 / 928*
        Electric lamps .....................  315 / 77+
        Fluid sprinkling etc ...............  239 / 172+
        Jack ...............................  254 / 418+
        Land ...............................  280 / 727+
        Land wheel ornament ................  301 / 37.101+
        Load accomodating on freight .......  410
        Carrier ............................  410
        Package and article carrier ........  224 / 400+
        Receptacles ........................  224 / 400+
        Sifter support .....................  209 / 421
        Steps ..............................  280 / 163+
        Weigher ............................  177 / 136+
    Automobile see automobile  
    Bevel gear .............................  74 / 424
    Bicycle ................................  280 / 200+
    Bodies and tops ........................  296
        On & off freight load bearer .......  410 / 52+
    Body ornament ..........................  428 / 31
    Brake operator  
        Automatic ..........................  188 / 110+
        Fluid pressure .....................  188 / 152+
        Multiple ...........................  188 / 106 R+
        Speed responsive ...................  188 / 181 R
        Spring .............................  188 / 167+
        Vehicle step .......................  188 / 108
        Weight .............................  188 / 176+
    Brake position adjusters  
        Supports ...........................  188 / 208
        Vehicle body movement ..............  188 / 190+
    Brakes .................................  188 / 2 R+
        Clutch combined ....................  192 / 13 R
    Cab or body  
        On & off freight bearer ............  410 / 52
    Car see car  
    Carriers, attachable ...................  224 / 400+
    Carriers, attachable ...................  294 / 904*
    Cleaning ...............................  15 / 53.1+
        Apparatus ..........................  134 / 123
        Railway car brushing machines ......  15 / 54
    Collision avoidance ....................  367 / 909*
    Compositions coating or plastic ........  106 / 311
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  701 / 1+
    Control calculator .....................  701 / 1+
    Convertible ............................  280 / 30+
    Cycle ..................................  280 / 200+
    Dials ..................................  D12 / 192
    Draft devices ..........................  280 / 400+
        Animal .............................  278
        Draft appliances ...................  213
    Dumping ................................  298
        External cooperating means .........  414 / 373+
        Railway ............................  105 / 239+
    Electric power  
        Locomotive .........................  104 / 35+
        Locomotive .........................  104 / 49+
        Motor vehicle, traction motor ......  180 / 65.1+
        Motors .............................  D13 / 112
    Electricity transmission to ............  191
        Self loading .......................  37 / 304+
        Vehicle actuated scoops ............  37 / 436+
    Fender .................................  293
        Design .............................  D12 / 186
    Floor mat design .......................  D12 / 203
    Fluid cushion ..........................  180 / 116+
    Fluid handling device supported by .....  137 / 899+
    Freight accomodating ...................  410
        On & off freight container .........  410 / 52+
    Gas pumps and fans  
        Combined ...........................  417 / 331+
        Fans combined ......................  416 / 146 R
        Operating devices vehicle ..........  417 / 231
        Actuated ...........................  417 / 231+
    Ground effect ..........................  180 / 116+
    Headlights and spotlights ..............  362 / 459+
        Design .............................  D26 / 28+
    Headrest ...............................  D06 / 501
    Heat and power plant ...................  237 / 12.3 R
        Motor vehicle boiler plants ........  122 / 3
    Heating ................................  237 / 28+
    Heating and cooling ....................  165 / 41
    Inflatable passenger restraint .........  280 / 728.1+
    Instrument panel .......................  D12 / 192
    Jacks for lifting ......................  254 / 2 R
    Land (see land vehicles) ..............  296
        Bodies & tops ......................  296
        Dumping ............................  298
        Freight accomodating ...............  410
        Motor ..............................  180
    License plates .........................  40 / 200+
    Lighting ...............................  362 / 459+
        Circuits ...........................  315 / 77+
        Design .............................  D26
    Loading and unloading  
        Chutes .............................  193 / 5
        Dumping ............................  298
        External cooperating means .........  414 / 373+
        Self loading or unloading ..........  414 / 467+
        Vehicles ...........................  414 / 467+
    Locks ..................................  70 / 237+
        Inorganic ..........................  514 / 769+
        Organic ............................  514 / 772+
        X-art collections ..................  514 / 800+
    Mirrors ................................  359 / 838+
        Mirror frames ......................  52 / 785.12
        Plural .............................  359 / 850+
        Plural combined ....................  359 / 850+
        Signal .............................  359 / 515+
    Moped ..................................  180 / 205+
    Motion picture .........................  352 / 132
    Motor ..................................  180
        Boiler plants ......................  122 / 3
        Supports ...........................  248 / 637+
    Motorcycle .............................  180 / 210+
        Two-wheeled ........................  180 / 218+
            Tandem .........................  180 / 219+
    Movement display .......................  434 / 305
    Operation teaching .....................  434 / 30+
    Periscopes .............................  359 / 402+
    Position indicating ....................  340 / 988+
    Railways ...............................  104
        Freight accomodating ...............  410
        Rolling stock ......................  105
            Wheel making ...................  29 / 894.01+
    Refrigerated ...........................  62 / 239+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 133+
        Process ............................  62 / 61
    Roof rack ..............................  D12 / 412+
    Running gear  
        Land vehicle .......................  280 / 80.1+
        Railway trucks .....................  105 / 157.1+
        Suspension arrangement .............  280 / 124.1+
            Active control .................  280 / 5.5+
            Stub axle mounts ...............  280 / 124.125+
    Safety belt or harness .................  280 / 801.1+
        Passive ............................  280 / 802+
        System responsive ..................  180 / 268+
        With seat structure ................  297 / 468+
    Safety guard ...........................  280 / 748+
    Safety promoting means .................  180 / 271+
    Seat belt passenger restraints .........  280 / 801.1+
    Seats ..................................  297 / 195.1+
    Shelter support ........................  135 / 88.01+
    Signals ................................  340 / 425.5+
    Simulators .............................  434 / 29+
    Snowmobile .............................  180 / 182+
    Special purpose ........................  D12 / 1+
    Springs ................................  267 / 2+
    Steering mechanism moves pivoted .......  362 / 37
    Lamp ...................................  362 / 37
    Steering switches light system .........  362 / 36
    Suction effect .........................  180 / 164
    Surface effect .........................  180 / 116+
    Suspension arragement ..................  280 / 124.1+
        Active control .....................  280 / 5.5+
        Springs ............................  267 / 2+
    Tires, resilient .......................  152
    Tool driving or impacting ..............  173 / 184+
    Device combined ........................  173 / 184+
    Tool, mounted ..........................  83 / 928*
    Toy ....................................  446 / 431+
        Design .............................  D21 / 533+
        Draft appliances ...................  213
        Electricity transmission to ........  191 / 11
        Land ...............................  280 / 400+
        Motor ..............................  180 / 422
            Braking ........................  188 / 112 R+
        Railway ............................  105 / 1.4+
            Braking ........................  188 / 124
    Tricycle ...............................  280 / 200+
    Washer .................................  134 / 123+
        Head lamp ..........................  239 / 284.2
        Windshield .........................  239 / 284.1
    Water, ie ships ........................  114
        Buoys, rafts, aquatic devices ......  441
        Marine propulsion ..................  440
    Weigher combined .......................  177 / 136+
    Wheel propelled ........................  280 / 3
    Wheel substitutes ......................  305
    Wheelchair see wheelchair ..............  280 / 250.1
    Wheels & axles (see axle; wheel)  
        Axle making ........................  72
            Method .........................  72 / 713
        Land ...............................  301
        Railway ............................  295
        Resilient wheels ...................  152
        Wheel making .......................  29 / 894+
Veils ......................................  2 / 207
    Design .................................  D05 / 47+
    Textile dyeing .........................  8 / 478+
Velocipede .................................  280
    Brake ..................................  188 / 24.11+
    Canopies ...............................  135 / 88.01+
    Design .................................  D12 / 107+
    Figure toys ............................  446 / 440
    Land vehicle ...........................  280
        Coasters ...........................  280 / 87.01+
        Convertible ........................  280 / 7.1+
        Dust and mud guards ................  280 / 152.1+
        Occupant propelled .................  280 / 200+
        Occupant steered ...................  280 / 263+
        Simulations ........................  280 / 827+
        Wheel guards .......................  280 / 160.1
        Windshields ........................  296 / 77.1+
    Racks ..................................  211 / 17+
        Locking ............................  211 / 5
    Seats for ..............................  297 / 195.1+
    Walkers nonsteered .....................  280 / 87.2
Vending Machine ............................  D20 / 1+
Veneer and Veneering  
    Laminate ...............................  428 / 411.1+
        Metal-to-metal .....................  428 / 615+
    Static mold on product or existing .....  249 / 15
    Building structure .....................  249 / 15
    Tile adhered ...........................  52 / 390
    Tile backer ............................  52 / 384
        Lathe ..............................  144 / 209.1+
        Press ..............................  156 / 349+
Venetian Blind See Blind ...................  160 / 166.1+
    Cleaning machines ......................  15 / 77
        Wiping .............................  15 / 102
    Design .................................  D06 / 577
    Making .................................  160 / 405
        Assembly ...........................  29 / 24.5+
        Method .............................  160 / 405
    Tape cutting ...........................  26 / 11.4
        Woven float cutting ................  26 / 7
    Wood slat slotting .....................  144 / 136.1+
Venom Extractors ...........................  604 / 314
Ventilators & Ventilated Items .............  454
    Abrasive tool or support ...............  451 / 488
    Aircraft cabin having ..................  454 / 71+
    Animal enclosure .......................  119 / 500
    Automobile having ......................  454 / 69+
    Barrel .................................  217 / 74
    Bath closets sinks spittoons ...........  4 / 209 R+
    Bed mattresses .........................  5 / 724+
        Fluid filled .......................  5 / 673
        Forced air heating,cooling .........  5 / 423
    Blowers ................................  415
    Boot or shoe ...........................  36 / 3 R
    Building ...............................  454
    Cabinets having ........................  312 / 213
        Electronic .........................  454 / 184
    Chimneys ...............................  454 / 1+
    Clean rooms ............................  454 / 187
    Cleaning or polishing ..................  15 / 230.1
    Tool or support ........................  15 / 230.1
    Consumable electrode arc lamp ..........  314 / 26
    Having .................................  314 / 26+
    Cooking oven ...........................  126 / 21 R
    Cowls ..................................  454 / 3+
    Crankcase ..............................  92 / 78+
    Crates .................................  217 / 42
    Door ...................................  454 / 195
    Dry closet  
        Inclosed receptacle ................  4 / 477
        Receptacle .........................  4 / 482
        Valved bowl ........................  4 / 472
        Vault ..............................  4 / 475
    Electric batteries .....................  362 / 480
    Electric batteries .....................  429 / 82+
        Cap type ...........................  429 / 89
        Gang type ..........................  429 / 87
        Non-spill type .....................  429 / 84
        Plug type ..........................  429 / 89
        Reactive, absorbable type ..........  429 / 86
        Separate inlet and exhaust .........  429 / 83
        Stopper ............................  429 / 89
        Weight actuated valve type .........  429 / 83
    Electric cables conduits boxes .........  174 / 16.1
    Electric insulators ....................  174 / 187
    Equipment ..............................  D23 / 370+
    Fans ...................................  416
    Fire escapes ...........................  182 / 47
    Hats ...................................  2 / 171.3
        Sweats .............................  2 / 181.6
    Heating and cooling systems ............  165 / 59
    Heating systems ........................  237 / 46+
    Hog house ..............................  119 / 448
    Hoods and offtakes .....................  454 / 49+
    Light projectors .......................  362 / 294
    Locomotive cab .........................  454 / 84+
        Dust guards ........................  454 / 86
    Louvers ................................  454 / 309+
    Mask ...................................  128 / 205.25+
    Mine ...................................  454 / 168+
    Oven doors .............................  126 / 198
    Pavement vault cover ...................  404 / 25+
    Photographic dark cabinet ..............  396 / 593
    Poultry enclosure ......................  119 / 493
    Pressure maintenance ...................  454 / 70+
        Inlet ..............................  454 / 255
        Inlet and outlet ...................  454 / 238
        Outlet .............................  454 / 340
        Vehicle ............................  454 / 70+
    Provision safes ........................  454 / 183
    Railway cars ...........................  454 / 83+
    Railway tunnels and subways ............  454 / 166+
    Registers ..............................  454 / 284+
    Roof eaves .............................  454 / 260
    Ships ..................................  114 / 211+
    Shoes, making ..........................  12 / 142 V
    Solar power ............................  454 / 900*
    Storage ................................  454 / 173+
    Stove attachments ......................  126 / 80
        Fluid fuel stoves ..................  126 / 84
        Platforms ..........................  126 / 279
        Stovepipe combined .................  126 / 312
            Damper combined ................  126 / 293
            Thimble combined ...............  126 / 316
    Temperature regulated ..................  236 / 49.1+
    Tents having ...........................  135 / 93
    Umbrella cover .........................  135 / 33.7
    Water closet  
        Siphon bowl ........................  4 / 351+
        Urinal .............................  4 / 306+
        Valved bowl ........................  4 / 348+
        Washout bowl .......................  4 / 348+
    Window .................................  454 / 196+
    Automobile no-draft ....................  49 / 390+
    Ball point pen .........................  401 / 217
    Building with ..........................  52 / 198+
    Fountain pen ...........................  401 / 242
    Molding devices  
        Chills .............................  164 / 372
        Metal founding .....................  164 / 410
        Metal founding core ................  164 / 234
        Metal injection die having .........  164 / 305
        Static molds .......................  249 / 117+
    Ordnance ...............................  89 / 30
    Pump priming and venting ...............  417 / 435
        Rotary .............................  415 / 11
        Batteries ..........................  429 / 82+
        Bottle closure .....................  215 / 307+
        Check valves for radiator ..........  137 / 511+
        Closures ...........................  220 / 367.1+
            Pressure responsive ............  220 / 203.01+
        Cutter for vent and dispensing .....  222 / 85
        Openings ...........................  222 / 85+
        Dispenser ..........................  222 / 478+
        Dispenser handle with ..............  222 / 468
        Dispenser movable trap chamber .....  222 / 332
        With ...............................  222 / 332
        Dispenser trap chamber with ........  222 / 442
        Dispenser with fluid trap seal .....  222 / 188
        For ................................  222 / 188
        Dispenser with follower and ........  222 / 387
        Float closure for dispenser ........  222 / 69
        Vent ...............................  222 / 69
        Fluid operated lubricator ..........  184 / 59
        Fluid pressure brake systems .......  303 / 70
        Open top liquid heating ............  126 / 389.1
        Tube bottle closure ................  215 / 307+
        Wick burner fuel supply ............  431 / 321
    Rubber or heavy plastic mixer ..........  366 / 75
    Sifting bins with ......................  209 / 378
        Closet etc ventilation .............  4 / 216
        Independent multiple air ...........  137 / 583+
        Multiway rotary plug ...............  137 / 625.22+
        Serial dependent drainage ..........  137 / 512+
            Direct response ................  137 / 512+
            Selective motion actuation .....  137 / 636+
            Separate actuators .............  137 / 637+
            Sequential .....................  137 / 628+
    Venting ................................  425 / 812*
    Wall with ..............................  52 / 302.1+
    Carburetor .............................  261 / DIG 12
    Flow meter .............................  73 / 861.63+
    Restrictor type ........................  138 / 44
    Scrubbers ..............................  261 / DIG 54
    Variable venturi .......................  261 / DIG 56
Veratramine ................................  546 / 195
Veratridine ................................  546 / 34
Veratrol ...................................  568 / 648
VERELâ„¢    (Polyacrylonitrile ...............  526 / 342
    Vinylidine chloride) ...................  526 / 342
    Card or tape punch .....................  234 / 34
Verifying Statistical Cards ................  73 / 156
Vermicelli .................................  426 / 557
Vermiculite ................................  423
    Compositions including .................  106 / 122
        Alkali metal silicate ..............  106 / 605
        Ceramic ............................  501 / 141+
        Pigment ............................  106 / 415+
        Settable cement ....................  106 / 672+
    Expanding ..............................  252 / 378 R
Vermilion ..................................  423 / 511
Vermin Destroying ..........................  43 / 124+
    Antivermin treatment of animals ........  119 / 650+
    Traps ..................................  43 / 58+
        Currycomb combined .................  119 / 626
        Design .............................  D22 / 119+
Verneuil Single-Crystal  
    Apparatus ..............................  117 / 207
    Growth processes .......................  117 / 12
Vernier See Machine With Which .............  33 / 1 D
    Combined ...............................  33 / 1 D
    Ruler type .............................  33 / 494
    Tabular calculator type ................  235 / 85 R+
VERONALâ„¢    ................................  544 / 307
Vessel (See Crucible; Tank; Tub;  
    Receptacles; vats)  
    Drinking ...............................  215
        Design .............................  D07 / 509+
        Metallic ...........................  220
        Electric ...........................  219 / 438+
        Liquid and open top ................  126 / 373.1+
        Dry closets ........................  4 / 479+
        Measuring ..........................  73 / 426+
        Metallic and miscellaneous .........  220
        Open top liquid heater .............  126 / 373.1+
        Portable fire extinguishers ........  169 / 30+
        Suspended household filter .........  210 / 473+
        Testing sealed .....................  73 / 52
    Ships ..................................  114
        Insubmergible ......................  114 / 68+
        Raising and docking ................  114 / 44+
        Submarine ..........................  114 / 321
    Staved wooden ..........................  217 / 72+
        Insulated ..........................  217 / 131
    Livestock carrying vehicle .............  119 / 404
    Railway train connection ...............  105 / 8.1+
Vests ......................................  2 / 102+
    Coat combined with .....................  2 / 95
        Design .............................  D02 / 830+
    Design .................................  D02 / 829+
    Design vestees .........................  D02 / 854
    Animal care and handling ...............  D30
    Animal dips and sprays .................  424
    Animal poisons .........................  424
    Dental instrument ......................  433 / 1
        Gag ................................  600 / 237+
        Pivoted specula ....................  600 / 184+
    Equipment ..............................  D24
    Medicines ..............................  424
        Radionuclide containing ............  424 / 1.11+
    Obstetric forceps ......................  606 / 205+
    Oral dosing device .....................  604 / 77
Vibrating Motor ............................  310 / 15+
    Piezoelectric ..........................  310 / 311+
    Systems ................................  318 / 114
Vibration (See Jarring; Vibrator)  
    Ammunition igniters  
        Marine mine ........................  102 / 416
        Mine ...............................  102 / 424
    Audio intensifiers .....................  381 / 161
        Centrifugal extractor with .........  68 / 23.1+
        Centrifugal extractor with .........  210 / 144
        Centrifugal extractor with .........  210 / 363
        Electric brake .....................  310 / 93
        Electricity conductors etc .........  174 / 42
        Overhead ...........................  174 / 42
        Flywheels with .....................  74 / 574.3
        Flywheels with .....................  74 / 574.2
        Flywheels with .....................  74 / 574.4
        Hammer .............................  173 / 210+
        Heat exchanger element .............  165 / 69
        Inductor ...........................  336 / 100
        Interia ............................  188 / 378+
        Internal-resistance motion .........  188 / 266+
        Retarding ..........................  188 / 266+
        Machinery bases ....................  248 / 560+
        Machinery brackets .................  248 / 560+
        Machinery supports .................  248 / 638
        Machinery suspension ...............  248 / 610+
        Plastic deformation ................  188 / 371+
        Resilient deformation ..............  188 / 268
        Separator, imperforate bowl ........  494 / 82
        Centrifugal ........................  494 / 82
        Shaft structure ....................  464 / 180
    Dispenser feeding  
        Articles ...........................  221 / 200+
        Discharge assistant ................  222 / 196+
        Grain hulling apparatus ............  99 / 609+
        Nail etc making ....................  470 / 169
        Planter with chute .................  111 / 76
        Planter with hopper ................  111 / 75
        Supply container ...................  222 / 161
    Earth boring by ........................  175 / 56
    Electrical applications to body ........  607 / 72+
    Grain separator straw carriers .........  460 / 96
    Gravity feed lubricator cutoff .........  184 / 69
    Heat exchanger surface .................  165 / 84
    Kinesitherapy ..........................  601 / 46+
        Vibrant membrane ...................  601 / 61+
    Liquid purification  
        As treatment of liquid .............  210 / 748
        Filter .............................  210 / 388+
        Flocculation or precipitation ......  210 / 738
        For cleaning filter ................  210 / 785
        Membrane process ...................  210 / 637
    Measuring and testing ..................  73 / 507+
        Recording combined .................  346 / 7
    Metal treatment ........................  148 / 558
        During casting .....................  164 / 71.1
        Vibrating x-art ....................  72 / 710*
            Continuous casting .............  164 / 478
        Welding apparatus ..................  228 / 1.1
    Mining by ..............................  299 / 14
        Motor or generator .................  310 / 51
        Pipe joint .........................  285 / 48+
        Rotating shaft for .................  464 / 180
        Supports, nonresilient .............  248 / 636
        Supports, resilient ................  248 / 562+
        Tool drive vibration isolator ......  173 / 162.1+
        Transformer ........................  336 / 100
    Musical instrument .....................  84
        Rigid ..............................  84 / 402+
        Tuned sound wave generator or ......  84 / 723
        Resonator ..........................  84 / 723
    Razor ..................................  30 / 44+
    Road and earth compacting ..............  404 / 113+
    Road finishing by ......................  404 / 113+
    Signs ..................................  40 / 613+
    Textile weaving ........................  139
    Toy ....................................  446 / 3
        Air actuated reed ..................  446 / 207+
    Typewriter ribbon mechanism ............  400 / 215+
    Vegetable etc cutting processes ........  426 / 518+
    Warp stopping ..........................  28 / 188+
    Well processes .........................  166 / 249
Vibrato ....................................  381 / 62
Vibrator (See Vibration)  
    Agitating ..............................  366 / 127
    Bodine vibrator ........................  366 / 600*
    Electric ...............................  310 / 15+
        Medical ............................  601 / 46+
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 119+
        Motor systems ......................  318 / 114
    Feed conveyer, vibratory type ..........  209 / 920*
    Geophysical ............................  367 / 189
    Mechanical sensor ......................  73 / 662+
    Metal casting device having ............  164 / 260+
    Power supply ...........................  307 / 150
        Inverter system ....................  363 / 110
    Sifting ................................  209 / 381
    Sonar or submarine type ................  367 / 141+
    Sound mold compactor ...................  164 / 203+
    Ultrasonic measuring & testing .........  73 / 570+
VICTROLAâ„¢    (See Phonograph)  
Video Disc Player ..........................  386 / 125+
    Capacitive .............................  369 / 126
        Disc structure .....................  369 / 276
    Disc player mechanism ..................  369 / 30.38+
        Changer ............................  369 / 30.64+
    Magnetic ...............................  386 / 46+
    Mechanical .............................  369 / 127+
    Optical ................................  369 / 100+
        Initialization startup .............  369 / 44.27
        Optical servo system ...............  369 / 44.11
        Optical track structure ............  369 / 275.1
    Pause control ..........................  358 / 908*
    Picture signal processing ..............  386 / 128+
        Color ..............................  386 / 15
    Stored modulated carrier signal ........  369 / 61
Video Display Screen Support ...............  248 / 917*
Video Pentode ..............................  313 / 300
Video Tape Recorder ........................  386 / 46+
    Commercial killers .....................  358 / 908*
    For preventing auto theft ..............  705 / 13
    Track skippers .........................  358 / 907*
View Finder  
    Camera .................................  396 / 373+
Viewing Devices ............................  40 / 361+
    Stereoscopic ...........................  359 / 466+
    Photographic ...........................  396 / 545
        Contact printing ...................  355 / 125
        Projection printing ................  355 / 40+
Vignoles ...................................  238 / 125+
Vinaigrette ................................  D11 / 184
Vinblastine ................................  540 / 478
    In drug ................................  514 / 283
Vincamine ..................................  546 / 51
    In drug ................................  514 / 283
Vincristine ................................  540 / 478
Vinegar ....................................  426 / 650
    Apparatus ..............................  99 / 323.12
Vinyl Compounds  
    Cyanide ................................  558 / 462
    Esters from acetylene ..................  560 / 242
    Ether ..................................  568 / 687+
    Solid polymers .........................  526 / 59+
Vinylidene Compounds .......................  526 / 343
    Processes of molding articles of .......  264 / DIG 79
    Vinylidene chloride ....................  264 / DIG 79
    Solid polymers .........................  526 / 59+
Viola See Violin  
Violin .....................................  84 / 274+
    Bows ...................................  84 / 282
    Bridges ................................  84 / 309
        Mutes ..............................  84 / 310+
    Cases ..................................  206 / 14
    Chin rests .............................  84 / 279
    Design .................................  D17 / 17+
    Pianos with bowed strings ..............  84 / 256+
    Strings and fastenings .................  84 / 297 R+
    Supports and shoulder rests ............  84 / 280
    Tailpieces .............................  84 / 302
Violin Cello See Violin  
Viquidil, in Drug ..........................  514 / 314
    Attenuation ............................  435 / 236
        Using electrical or wave energy ....  435 / 173.3
    Culture ................................  435 / 235.1+
Viscera, Removing and Processing ...........  452 / 106+
Viscose ....................................  536 / 60+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 166.01+
        Alkali metal silicate ..............  106 / 618+
        Casein .............................  106 / 138.1
        Gelatine or glue ...................  106 / 138.1
        Ink ................................  106 / 31.37+
        Magnesium oxy chloride .............  106 / 687
        Plaster of paris ...................  106 / 780
        Polishes ...........................  106 / 5
        Portland cement ....................  106 / 729+
        Prolamine ..........................  106 / 138.1
        Protein miscellaneous ..............  106 / 138.1
    Filament making processes ..............  264 / 188+
    Ripening ...............................  536 / 61+
    Control ................................  137 / 92
        Dividing lamina ....................  52 / 408+
    Measuring ..............................  73 / 54.01+
Vises ......................................  269
    Anvil ..................................  72 / 457+
    Anvil attached .........................  72 / 457+
    Daguerreotypy ..........................  396 / 438
    Design .................................  D08 / 74
    Drilling machine .......................  408 / 72 R+
    Fruit jar ..............................  81 / 3.31+
    Milling machine ........................  269
    Saw clamping ...........................  76 / 79.5
    Tool attached ..........................  29 / 560.1
    Type casting ...........................  199 / 50
Vision (See Eye; Optics)  
    Testing & correction ...................  351
Visor, Sun .................................  359 / 234+
    With article carrier ...................  224 / 312
Visors (Head Covering Having) ..............  2 / 195.1+
    Hat with ...............................  D02 / 882+
Visual Display (See Display)  
    Communication ..........................  345+
    A ......................................  568 / 824
    B1 .....................................  544 / 327+
    B2 or riboflavin .......................  544 / 251
    B6 .....................................  546 / 301
    C ......................................  549 / 315
    Composition ............................  424
    D ......................................  552 / 653
    Design .................................  D24 / 101+
    E ......................................  549 / 408
    Electrostatic treatment ................  204 / 166
    Foods containing .......................  426 / 72+
    G (see vitamin b2)  
    K ......................................  552 / 299
    Preparation by wave energy .............  204 / 157.67
Vitreous (See Glass)  
Vitrification or Devitrification  
    Color processes photo ..................  430 / 198
    Glass composition ......................  501 / 2+
    Glass preform ..........................  65 / 33.1+
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588
    Containment ............................  588
    Artificial electric ....................  704 / 258+
    Doll ...................................  446 / 297+
        Air operated .......................  446 / 188+
    Operated circuits relay ................  361 / 160+
    Reflector for therapy ..................  D24 / 175
Void Former ................................  52 / 577
    Within module ..........................  52 / 576
Volleyball .................................  473 / 459+
    Practice device for ....................  473 / 459+
    Differentiator electric ................  333 / 19
        Miscellaneous electronic device ....  327 / 335
        Type ...............................  327 / 335
        Plural different voltages ..........  307 / 15
    Integrator electric ....................  333 / 19
        Miscellaneous electronic device ....  327 / 336+
        Type ...............................  327 / 336+
    Magnitude & phase control systems ......  323
    Regulation electronic ..................  323
    Regulator (see regulator;  
    Stabilization (see regulator)  
Voltage Magnitude Control  
    Audio signal ...........................  381 / 104+
    Facsimile ..............................  358 / 400+
    Pulse or digital communications ........  375 / 345
    Radio ..................................  455 / 232.1+
    Telecommunications .....................  455 / 232.1+
    Television .............................  348 / 678+
        Color ..............................  348 / 645+
Voltmeter See Galvanometer  
    Amplifier tube for .....................  313 / 293+
Volume Control Automatic  
    Amplifier type with  
        Bias control .......................  330 / 129+
        Impedance control ..................  330 / 144+
        Thermal impedance control ..........  330 / 143
    Public address type ....................  381
    Radio receiver type ....................  455 / 234.1+
        Input coupling impedance ...........  330 / 185+
        Adjustment .........................  330 / 185+
        Interstage coupling impedance ......  330 / 157+
        Adjustment .........................  330 / 157+
        Output coupling impedance ..........  330 / 192+
        Adjustment .........................  330 / 192+
Volume Control Manual  
    Amplifier type by  
        Bias adjustment ....................  330 / 129
        Cathode self bias impedance ........  330 / 142
        Adjustment .........................  330 / 142
Volume Meters  
    Calibration of .........................  73 / 1.73+
    Dispenser combined .....................  222 / 71+
        Check controlled ...................  194
        Preset cutoff ......................  222 / 14+
    Fluid ..................................  73 / 861+
    Liquid level ...........................  73 / 290 R+
    Measurers ..............................  33 / 1 V
    Measuring vessel .......................  73 / 426+
    Proportional flow control ..............  137 / 87.01+
    Receptacle filling  
        Stationary measure .................  141
        Traveling measure ..................  141 / 135+
    Timing fluid flow ......................  137 / 552.7
    Volumetric content measuring ...........  73 / 149
Vortex Tube for Cooling ....................  62 / 5
Vortical Separator .........................  209
    Gas separation .........................  55 / 447+
        Liquid contact combined ............  96 / 301+
    Booths .................................  52 / 36.1+
        Flexible wall ......................  52 / 63
    Computer controlled, monitored .........  705 / 12
    Machines ...............................  235 / 51+
        Teaching ...........................  434 / 306
Vulcanizable Gums  
    Apparatus for ..........................  425 / 28.1+
    Apparatus for ..........................  425 / 113
    Apparatus for ..........................  425 / 381.2
    Dyeing of ..............................  8
    Electrophoretic or electroosmotic ......  204 / 475+
    Coating or forming using ...............  204 / 475+
    Synthetic resin (see synthetic  
    Resin or natural rubber)  
    Machinery design .......................  D15 / 199
    Molding apparatus for composite ........  425 / 500
    Articles ...............................  425 / 500+
    Molding devices ........................  425 / 363+
    Molding devices ........................  425 / 383+
        Presses ............................  425 / 335+
        Molding combined ...................  264
    Synthetic resin or natural rubber ......  525 / 50+

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