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D D T, in Drug .............................  514 / 748
D D V P, in Drug ...........................  514 / 136
D N A ......................................  536 / 23.1+
D N A Mimics ...............................  536 / 24.1
Dacron Insulated Cable .....................  174 / 100
DACRON™    (See Also Synthetic Resin .......  528 / 308.1
    Or natural rubber) .....................  528 / 308.1
    Cutter .................................  144 / 222
    Lapped multiplanar surfacing ...........  52 / 536
    Machine ................................  144 / 133.1+
Daggers ....................................  30 / 295
Daguerreotypy ..............................  396 / 438
    Analysis and analytical control  
        Apparatus ..........................  422 / 50+
    Apparatus design .......................  D16
Dairy Type Bottles .........................  D09
Dairy, Food Treatment ......................  99 / 452+
Dam ........................................  405 / 107+
    Dental .................................  433 / 136+
    Mortar .................................  52 / 421
    Power extraction from water ............  405 / 78
Dampening (See Damper; Moistener; ..........  68 / 5 R
    Steaming) ..............................  68 / 5 R
    Consumable electrode electric lamp  
        Electromagnet feeding with .........  314 / 128
        Damping ............................  314 / 128
        Feed with damping ..................  314 / 99+
    Instrument mechanism damping ...........  73 / 430
        Bourdon tube .......................  73 / 739+
    Musical instrument damping .............  84
    Overhead electric conductor with .......  174 / 42
    Vibration damping ......................  174 / 42
    Paper making calender ..................  100 / 73+
    Planographic printing ..................  101 / 147+
        Copying apparatus ..................  101 / 132.5
    Pressure compensator  
        Pipes and tubular conduits .........  138 / 26+
        Pumps combined .....................  417 / 540+
    Vibration damping support ..............  248 / 562+
        Nonresilient .......................  248 / 636
        Resilient ..........................  248 / 562+
        Suspension .........................  248 / 610+
    Ear sound stoppers .....................  128 / 864+
    Electric measuring instruments for .....  324 / 125
    Electric musical instrument for ........  84 / 600
        Envelope shaping (i.e., attack, ....  84 / 627
        Decay, sustain, or release) ........  84 / 627
        Envelope shaping (i.e., attack, ....  84 / 663
        Decay, sustain, or release) ........  84 / 663
        Envelope shaping (i.e., attack, ....  84 / 702
        Decay, sustain, or release) ........  84 / 702
        Envelope shaping (i.e., attack, ....  84 / 738
        Decay, sustain, or release) ........  84 / 738
        Volume control .....................  84 / 633
        Volume control .....................  84 / 665
        Volume control .....................  84 / 711
        Volume control .....................  84 / 741
    Electric winding for alternating .......  310 / 183+
    Or direct current dynamos ..............  310 / 183+
    Fluid damper for planetary gear ........  475 / 92
    Element ................................  475 / 92
    Flywheels having .......................  74 / 574.1+
    Furnace draft ..........................  110 / 163
    Heat exchanger .........................  165 / 69
    Impact absorption ......................  49 / 9
        By flexible barrier ................  49 / 9
        By plastic deformation .............  188 / 371+
        By resilient deformation ...........  188 / 268
    Inertial vibration damper ..............  188 / 378+
    Microphone or diaphragm ................  381 / 354
    Piano damper head and stems ............  84 / 255
        Harmonic ...........................  84 / 234
        Held ...............................  84 / 218
        Lifted .............................  84 / 217
    Railway truck ..........................  105 / 193
    Stove or furnace flue ..................  126 / 285 R+
        Open evaporating pans having .......  159 / 41
        Time controlled ....................  126 / 285.5
    Weighing scale .........................  177 / 184
    Zither .................................  84 / 287+
Damping Diode ..............................  313 / 317
    With emissive cathode ..................  313 / 310
    With thermionic cathode ................  313 / 310
    With two cathodes and anodes ...........  313 / 1
    Figure toys ............................  446 / 330+
    Shoes ..................................  36 / 8.3
    Teaching ...............................  434 / 250
Dandy Roll .................................  162 / 314
    Cabinet photography ....................  396 / 589+
    Lantern with shutter or screens ........  362 / 167+
        Illuminators .......................  362 / 293
        Ventilators ........................  454 / 49+
    Knitting ...............................  66 / 2
    Last ...................................  223 / 100
    Sewing machines ........................  112 / 121
        Design .............................  D15 / 66+
        Elements ...........................  112 / 236
    Weaving ................................  139 / 33.5
Dart .......................................  473 / 578+
    Design .................................  D22 / 115
        Amusement devices ..................  D21 / 387
        Projector ..........................  D22 / 107
    Projector ..............................  124 / 22
    Targets ................................  273 / 348+
Dashboard ..................................  362 / 482
    Land vehicle ...........................  296 / 70+
        Automobile .........................  362 / 23+
        Trolley car or rail car ............  362 / 478+
    Motor vehicle ..........................  180 / 90
    Food ...................................  366 / 69+
    Gas and liquid contact .................  261 / 32+
    Check valve ............................  137 / 514+
    Closure check ..........................  16 / 82+
    Closure check brake type ...............  188 / 266+
    Door check and closer ..................  16 / 49+
    Electrode feed retarder ................  314 / 99+
    Electromagnetic electrode ..............  314 / 128
    Operator combined with .................  314 / 128
    Gas & liquid contact apparatus .........  261 / DIG 18
    Spring combined with ...................  267 / 195+
    Switch contact retarder ................  200 / 34
    Valve retarder .........................  251 / 48+
    Water closet elements ..................  4 / 248
    Water closet tank valve ................  4 / 388+
Dasymeters .................................  73 / 30.01+
Data Comparing  
    Calculator .............................  235 / 431
    Cards perforated sorting ...............  209 / 613
        Condition responsive ...............  209 / 554
    Lens ...................................  333 / 248+
    Meter fluid flow .......................  73 / 196+
    Punching machine .......................  234 / 34
Data Conversion  
    Analog to digital ......................  341 / 126+
    Card or tape punch .....................  234 / 69+
    Cryptographic ..........................  380
    Digital to analog ......................  341 / 126+
    Digital to digital .....................  341 / 50+
    Radix conversion .......................  341 / 50+
    With card or type punch ................  234 / 69+
    With computation .......................  341 / 75+
    With visual display ....................  345+
Data Handling  
    For voting, computerized ...............  705 / 12
    Selective punching .....................  234
        Storage ............................  234 / 55+
Data Presentation ..........................  358 / 1.1+
Data Processing, Electrical ................  700
    Applications ...........................  700 / 90+
        Product assembly or ................  700 / 95+
        Manufacturing ......................  700 / 95+
    Business management ....................  705 / 1+
    Business, using cryptography ...........  705 / 50
        Data distribution ..................  705 / 51
            Copy protection or prevention ..  705 / 57
            Using a program or origin ......  705 / 58
            Identifier .....................  705 / 58
            Licensing ......................  705 / 59
            Requiring additional user ......  705 / 55
            Input for authorization ........  705 / 55
            Requiring additional user inpu .  705 / 55
            Specific computer id ...........  705 / 56
            With usage or charge ...........  705 / 52
        Determination ......................  705 / 52
            Multi-layered rights for use ...  705 / 54
            Third party billing ............  705 / 53
        Electronic negotiation .............  705 / 80
        Home banking .......................  705 / 70
        Initializing .......................  705 / 73
        Key management .....................  705 / 71
        Postage meters .....................  705 / 60
            Data protection ................  705 / 405
            Including printing or ..........  705 / 62
            Verification of mark ...........  705 / 62
            Reloading or recharging ........  705 / 61
        Radio communication ................  705 / 73
        Secure transactions ................  705 / 64
            Able to use multiple cards .....  705 / 73
            Anonymous user .................  705 / 74
            Authorization to proceed .......  705 / 76
            Charge determination at ........  705 / 77
            Remote site ....................  705 / 77
            Communication between two ......  705 / 79
            Financial networks .............  705 / 79
            With third party ...............  705 / 78
        Specialized keypad .................  705 / 73
        Specialized terminal ...............  705 / 73
        Transaction confirmation ...........  705 / 75
        Verification of pin ................  705 / 72
        With intelligent token .............  705 / 65
            Balancing account ..............  705 / 68
            Detecting double spending ......  705 / 69
            Initializing or reloading ......  705 / 66
            With authentication ............  705 / 67
        Utility metering ...................  705 / 63
    Calibration or correction system .......  702 / 85+
    Computers, generic control .............  700 / 1+
    Controlled by record means .............  235 / 375+
    Electrical computers and ...............  706
    Financial ..............................  705 / 35+
    General purpose digital data ...........  706
    Processors .............................  706
    Graphics ...............................  345 / 418+
    Measuring system .......................  702 / 127+
    Measuring system in a ..................  702 / 1+
    Specific environment ...................  702 / 1+
    Microprocessors ........................  706
    Programmed processing ..................  706
    Selective punching, for ................  234 / 55+
    Synchronous transmission of digital ....  375 / 354+
    Data ...................................  375 / 354
    Testing system .........................  702 / 108+
    Text/document ..........................  715 / 200+
    Three dimensional ......................  345 / 419+
    Video color signal derived by data .....  348 / 571+
    Processor ..............................  348 / 571+
Data Processing, Non-Electrical ............  705 / 500
Data Storage  
    Dynamic information storage or .........  369
    Retrieval ..............................  369
        Magnetic ...........................  360
        Optical ............................  720
    Registers electrical ...................  377
    Registers mechanical ...................  235
    Static information storage or ..........  365
    Retrieval ..............................  365
Dauber .....................................  15 / 209.1+
    Animal antivermin treatment ............  119 / 652
    Polisher combined ......................  15 / 107+
        Kit including polish ...............  401 / 118+
    Supply container closure attached ......  401 / 126+
Daunomycinone ..............................  552 / 201
Davenports, I.E., Sofa Beds ................  5 / 12.1+
Davit ......................................  114 / 368+
Davy Lamp ..................................  362 / 164+
Day Beds ...................................  5 / 12.1+
DC to AC Chopper ...........................  363 / 124+
Dead Bolt for Lock .........................  70 / 113+
Dead Center Overcoming .....................  74 / 36
Dead End Connector Cord Holder .............  24 / 115 R+
Dead Man Type Anchor .......................  52 / 166
Dead Mans Switch ...........................  191 / 1 R
    Switch structure .......................  200
Deadeners (See Dampening)  
    Gearing having plural sections .........  74 / 443
        Car wheel ..........................  295 / 7
        Cushioning of track ................  238 / 283+
        Rolling stock ......................  105 / 452
        Track ..............................  238 / 382
Dealkylation (See Cracking)  
    Aromatic hydrocarbon synthesis .........  585 / 483
    Foam breaking ..........................  516 / 115+
    Mineral oil ............................  208 / 46+
Debarking ..................................  144 / 340
Debit Account  
    Used at point of sale terminal .........  705 / 17
    Carcasses ..............................  452 / 135+
Debris Accumulating Pencil .................  30 / 453+
    Sharpener ..............................  30 / 453+
Debris Control .............................  29 / DIG 50
    Chutes .................................  29 / DIG 102
    Receptacle, remover ....................  29 / DIG 79
    Remover, catcher, deflector ............  29 / DIG 94
    Remover, plural type ...................  29 / DIG 61
    Separators from workpiece ..............  29 / DIG 53
Decade Counter  
    Electronic tube type ...................  377 / 103
    Gas tube ...............................  315
    Oscillator .............................  377
    (See alicyclic hydrocarbon)  
    Naphthalene hydrogenation ..............  585 / 266+
    Synthesis ..............................  585 / 350+
        Hydrogenation of unsaturated .......  585 / 266+
        Hydrocarbon ........................  585 / 266+
Decal See Decalcomania  
Decalcomania (See Transfer) ...............  D20 / 11
    Exposable adhesive layer ...............  428 / 40.1+
    Fraud or tamper detecting ..............  428 / 915*
    Made by coating ........................  427 / 147+
    Process of transfer ....................  156 / 230+
    Stock material .........................  428 / 914*
Decalin (See Alicyclic Hydrocarbon)  
    Coffee .................................  222 / 475.1
    Design .................................  D07 / 300+
    Distillation systems separatory ........  202 / 204
    Filter combined ........................  210 / 299+
        Heating means ......................  210 / 182+
    Gas and liquid contact .................  261 / 7+
    Liquid separation ......................  210 / 513+
    Starch .................................  127 / 27
Decanting ..................................  210 / 767+
    Filtering combined .....................  210 / 806
    Chicken ................................  452 / 64
    Fish ...................................  452 / 166+
    Absorbents .............................  502 / 20+
    Catalysts ..............................  502 / 20+
    Mineral oil vaporizing combined ........  208 / 347+
        Apparatus ..........................  196 / 122
        Conversion combined ................  208 / 48 R
    Processes ..............................  134 / 39
        Heating combined ...................  134 / 20
    Stills .................................  201 / 2
        Apparatus ..........................  202 / 241
Decarboxylation Aromatic ...................  562 / 479
    Polycarboxylic acid ....................  562 / 479
Deceleration (See Acceleration)  
Decelerometer ..............................  73 / 514.01+
Decibel Meter  
    Meter movement .........................  324 / 76.11+
    Sound loudness measurement .............  73 / 646
Decimal Point on Calculators ...............  235 / 61 DP
    Binary coded ...........................  377 / 33
    Elimination ............................  235 / 63 DE
    Locators ...............................  235 / 64.3
Deciphering See Cryptography  
    Bridge .................................  14 / 6
        Freight cars with ..................  105 / 370
        Convertible decks ..................  105 / 370
        Livestock carrying cars with .......  119 / 406+
        Passenger cars double decked .......  105 / 340
    Ship ...................................  114 / 85
    Type insulator for antenna .............  174 / 158 R
    Paper making  
        Finishing ..........................  162 / 286
        Web forming ........................  162 / 310
    Pinking shears .........................  30 / 229+
        Cutting ............................  83
        Tearing ............................  225
Decladding Nuclear Fuel ....................  252 / 625
Decoding (See Cryptography)  
Decollator .................................  270
    Web ....................................  270 / 52.01+
Decolorizing (See Bleaching)  
    Liquids ................................  210 / 660+
        X-art collection ...................  210 / 917+
Decomposing Fat ............................  554 / 160
Decoration (See Article By Name;  
    Bow rosette, pompon ....................  428 / 4+
    Collapsible ............................  428 / 12
    Displays and exhibitors ................  40 / 406+
        With special effects ...............  40 / 427+
    Feathers and plumes ....................  428 / 6
    Festoon ................................  428 / 10
        Collapsible ........................  428 / 9
    Filamentary ............................  428 / 542.6
    Flora, artificial ......................  428 / 17+
    Lamp housing ...........................  362 / 362+
    Lights .................................  362 / 227+
        X-art collection ...................  362 / 806*
    Party type .............................  428 / 7+
    Pole, cap ..............................  52 / 301
    Roof finial or cresting ................  52 / 57
    Sheet-form .............................  428 / 542.6
    Trimming for clothing ..................  2 / 244
    Trimming for hat .......................  2 / 175.3
    Trimstrip for building .................  52 / 716.1+
Decorticating ..............................  19 / 5 R+
Decoupling Filter ..........................  333 / 181+
    Design .................................  D22 / 125+
    Trapping ...............................  43 / 2+
    War training ...........................  434 / 11
Deep Drawing Metal .........................  72 / 347+
Deer Sling .................................  224 / 101+
Defecating Apparatus .......................  127 / 11+
Defect Coating .............................  430 / 938*
Defiberizers ...............................  241
Deflating Tool for Resilient Tires .........  81 / 15.4
    Cathode ray stream .....................  313 / 421+
    Cathode ray stream .....................  315 / 399
    Gas separation apparatus ...............  96 / 396+
        Gas separation processes ...........  95 / 267+
        Liquid treatment ...................  96 / 243+
    Lamp arc ...............................  313 / 153+
        Consumable electrode ...............  314 / 20
    Solid separator  
        Gas suspension .....................  209 / 143+
        Liquid suspension ..................  209 / 210
    Testing ................................  73 / 849+
    Wind motor wheel .......................  416 / 9+
    Bearing lubricator .....................  384 / 322+
    Blowpipe nozzle ........................  239 / 461+
    Breath .................................  128 / 863
    Drip ...................................  52 / 97
    Fluid distributor ......................  239 / 461+
    Fluid fuel burner nozzle ...............  239 / 461+
    Furnace air ............................  110 / 310+
    Gas separation apparatus ...............  55 / 434+
        Gas sparation processes ............  95 / 267+
    Pipe ...................................  138 / 37+
    Plant ..................................  172 / 517
    Scouring dredger with current ..........  37 / 342+
    Ship armor .............................  114 / 10
    Sprinkler combined .....................  239 / 461+
    Water motor ............................  416 / 9+
    Windmill ...............................  416 / 9+
    Window wind ............................  454 / 196+
        Vehicle ............................  454 / 69+
    Liquid separation ......................  210 / 696+
    Solid separation .......................  209 / 5
Defoliants .................................  504 / 162+
    Metal ..................................  72
        Casting combined ...................  29 / 527.5+
        Apparatus ..........................  425
        Processes ..........................  264
    Single roll per se .....................  492 / 1+
Defribrillators ............................  607 / 5+
    Electrical resistance heaters ..........  219 / 203
    Heat applying window cleaner ...........  15 / 250.05
    Material applying window cleaner .......  15 / 250.01
    Refrigerator design ....................  D08 / 29.2
    Surface heater .........................  126 / 271.1+
    Vehicle power plant heater .............  237 / 12.3 A
    Combined ...............................  237 / 12.3 A
    Window .................................  52 / 171.2+
        Building type ......................  454 / 198
        Vehicle type .......................  454 / 121+
    Defrosting device ......................  D08 / 29.2
    Heat pump ..............................  165 / 231
    Refrigeration apparatus ................  62 / 272+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 151+
        Automatic, frost initiated .........  62 / 140
        Frost indicator ....................  62 / 128
        Process ............................  62 / 80+
Degasification .............................  588
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588
    Degasification .........................  588
Degasifying Liquids  +
    Apparatus ..............................  96 / 155+
    Process ................................  95 / 241+
Degassers ..................................  261 / DIG 19
Degaussing See Demagnetizing  
    Means in cathode ray tube circuit ......  315 / 8
    Television .............................  361 / 150
    Torpedo nets ...........................  114 / 240 R
Degradability Enhanced Synthetic ...........  523 / 124+
    Resin or natural rubber composition ....  523 / 124+
    Cellular product .......................  521 / 916*
        Still and extractor ................  202 / 168+
        Still extractor ....................  202 / 170
    Solids .................................  134
    Textiles ...............................  8 / 139+
Degumming ..................................  8 / 138
    Dyeing combined ........................  8
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588 / 300+
    Destruction ............................  588 / 300+
    Preparation of epoxy compounds .........  549 / 518+
    Preparation of olefines ................  585 / 641+
    Preparation of unsaturated esters ......  560 / 213
    Electric heater type ...................  606 / 164
    Hand tool ..............................  30
Dehumidifier ...............................  D23 / 359+
Dehydrating Oil  
    Fatty oils .............................  554 / 223+
    Mineral oil ............................  208 / 187+
        Electrical separation ..............  204 / 559+
        Electrophoretic or .................  204 / 513+
        Electroosmotic .....................  204 / 513+
Dehydration (See Drier)  
    Acid anhydrides by .....................  562 / 869+
    Acyclic ketones from alcohols ..........  568 / 403+
    Aldehydes from alcohols ................  568 / 485+
    Compositions ...........................  252 / 194
    Concentrating evaporating ..............  159
    Distillation ...........................  203 / 12+
    Fatty oils or acids ....................  554 / 24+
    Foods ..................................  426 / 443+
        Apparatus ..........................  99 / 467
    Gas or vapor contact with solids .......  34
    Gas separation .........................  95
        Refrigeration combined .............  62 / 271
        Refrigeration combined process .....  62 / 93+
        Electrical .........................  204 / 559+
            Electrophoretic or .............  204 / 513+
            Electroosmotic .................  204 / 513+
    Mineral oils ...........................  208 / 187+
    Olefine production by ..................  585 / 638
    Refrigerant ............................  62 / 474+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 195
        Process ............................  62 / 85
Dehydroabietic Acid ........................  562 / 404
Dehydroandrosterone ........................  552 / 636
7-Dehydrocholesterol .......................  552 / 547
    Acyclic ketones from alcohols ..........  568 / 403+
    Aldehydes from alcohols ................  568 / 485+
    Aromatic hydrocarbon synthesis .........  585 / 440
    Diolefin hydrocarbon synthesis .........  585 / 616+
    Esters from alcohols ...................  560 / 239
    Mineral oil ............................  208 / 46+
    Olefines from hydrocarbons .............  585 / 654+
    Synthesis aromatic from alicyclic ......  585 / 430
    Alicyclic hydrocarbon synthesis ........  585 / 359
    Diolefin hydrocarbon synthesis .........  585 / 612
    Olefin hydrocarbon synthesis ...........  585 / 641+
Dehydrothiotoluidine Azo Compounds .........  534 / 800
Deicer See Thawing  
    Aircraft ...............................  244 / 134 C
    Antenna ................................  343 / 704
    Carburetors ............................  261 / DIG 20
    Combustion product as motive fluid .....  60 / 39.093
    Trolley collector head .................  191 / 62
    Paper stock ............................  162 / 4+
    Textiles ...............................  8 / 137
Delasting ..................................  12 / 15.1
Delay Networks  
    Delay lines including  
        A lumped parameter .................  333 / 138+
        Elastic bulkwave propagation .......  333 / 141+
        Means ..............................  333 / 141+
        Elastic surface wave ...............  333 / 150+
        Propagation means ..................  333 / 150+
        Long line elements .................  333 / 156+
    Electronic system ......................  327 / 261+
Delinter ...................................  19 / 40+
    Carbonizing processes ..................  8 / 140
Delinting Cotton Seed ......................  47 / 1.01 R
    Processes ..............................  47 / 58.1 R
        Fluid treatment ....................  8 / 140
    Collection receptacle ..................  232
        Coins ..............................  232 / 64+
        Letter box chute ...................  232 / 53
    Conveyer ...............................  198
        Carrier controlled selective .......  198 / 570+
    Coordinating among several dining ......  705 / 15
    Establishments .........................  705 / 15
    Dumping vehicle with chute .............  298 / 7
    Letter box .............................  232 / 17+
    Mail from aircraft .....................  258 / 1.2+
    Planting chute .........................  111 / 76
    Railway mail ...........................  258
    Railway selective ......................  104 / 88.01+
    Record holder ..........................  312 / 9.11+
    Sheet ..................................  271 / 278+
    Store service ..........................  186 / 3
DELRIN™    (Polyoxymethylene) ..............  528 / 270
    Cellulose ether or ester ...............  106 / 168.01+
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 168.01+
        Viscose ............................  106 / 166.01+
    Coating or impregnating processes ......  427 / 170
Demagnetizing ..............................  361 / 267
    Demagnitizer ...........................  D13 / 183
    Erase,head .............................  360 / 118
    General recording biasing,erasing ......  360 / 66
    Of clocks ..............................  968 / 783
    Sorting treatment ......................  209 / 8
Demijohns See Carboy .......................  D09 / 517
Demodulator ................................  329
Demonstrating Apparatus or Product .........  434 / 365+
Demonstrator Radioactivity  
    (See radioactivity demonstrator)  
Demountable Rim ............................  301 / 10.1+
Demulsifying Compositions ..................  516 / 135+
Denatured Compositions .....................  252 / 365
    Alcohol ................................  252 / 366
    Emulsion exposing printer ..............  396 / 563
    Emulsion opaqueness measuring ..........  356 / 436+
    Analysis gas ...........................  73 / 30.01+
    Analysis liquids .......................  73 / 32 R+
Dent Remover Sheet Metal ...................  72 / 457
Dental and Dentistry .......................  433
    Amalgams and alloys ....................  420 / 526
        Amalgam mixer, eg dental filling ...  366 / 602*
    Apparatus,fixed ........................  D24 / 176+
    Apparatus,portable .....................  D24 / 152+
    Appliance manufacturing ................  29 / 896.1+
    Cabinet ................................  312 / 209
    Cassettes ..............................  378 / 168
    Chairs .................................  297 / 68+
        Design .............................  D06 / 334
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 35
    Containers for dental use ..............  206 / 63.5
    Dentures ...............................  433 / 167+
    Die shaping ............................  72
    Engines ................................  433 / 103+
    Equipment stands .......................  433 / 25+
    Fillings ...............................  433 / 226+
    Floss ..................................  132 / 321
        Holders ............................  132 / 323+
            Design .........................  D28 / 66+
    Impression devices .....................  433 / 34+
    Impression material ....................  106 / 38.2+
    Instruments ............................  433 / 25+
    Medicines ..............................  424
    Molding devices ........................  425 / 2
    Molding devices ........................  425 / 175+
    Molding devices ........................  249 / 54
        Flasks .............................  425 / 175+
        Flasks for metal casting ...........  164 / 376
        Molds ..............................  425 / 175+
    Molding processes ......................  264 / 16+
    Orthodontic devices ....................  433 / 2+
    Practice ...............................  433
    Spittoons ..............................  4 / 263+
    Spotlights .............................  362 / 257+
        X-art collection ...................  362 / 804*
    Supply packages ........................  206 / 63.5
    Teaching devices & methods .............  434 / 263
    Teeth ..................................  433 / 167+
    Tool container .........................  206 / 368+
    Waste receptacles ......................  206 / 63.5
Dentifrices ................................  49
    Acoustic hearing aid ...................  181 / 127
    Electrical hearing aid .................  381 / 312+
Dentistry See Dental .......................  433
    Design .................................  D24
    Body ...................................  424 / 65+
    Cosmetics containing ...................  424 / 65+
    Fertilizer containing ..................  504 / 101+
    Milk ...................................  426 / 488
    Non body ...............................  424 / 76.1+
    Preserving, disinfecting, and ..........  422 / 5
    Sterilizing ............................  422 / 5
Deodorizer or Ozonizer .....................  D23 / 366
Deoxidant Compositions .....................  252 / 188.1+
    Descaling compositions containing ......  510 / 247+
    Water softening or scale ...............  252 / 178
    Inhibiting compositions ctg ............  252 / 178
    Mineral oil ............................  196 / 139
    Still combined .........................  202
    Animal carcass .........................  452 / 71+
    Electric needle ........................  606 / 44
        Needle supports ....................  606 / 44
    Fermentative ...........................  435 / 265
    Hides and skins ........................  8 / 94.16
    Mechanical .............................  19 / 2+
Depolarizer ................................  252
    Compositions ...........................  252
Depolymerization to Obtain .................  585 / 241
    Hydrocarbon mixture ....................  585 / 241
    Certificates ...........................  283 / 59
    Change gates ...........................  232 / 14
    Collection and deposit receptacle ......  232
        Cabinet combined ...................  312 / 211+
    Depository design ......................  D99 / 28+
    Letter boxes ...........................  232 / 22
    Milk bottle collection .................  232 / 42
    Receptacles for ........................  232
    Registering or receipt printing ........  109 / 24.1
    Combined ...............................  109 / 24.1+
        Photograph or microfilm record .....  346 / 22
    Safes or depositories ..................  109
        Design .............................  D99 / 28+
        Receipting means included ..........  109 / 24.1
    Bread etc making depositor .............  425 / 447+
        Implement ..........................  222
    External body surface ..................  604 / 289+
    Medicine ...............................  604 / 47+
        Solid materials ....................  604 / 57+
    Planting ...............................  111
        Dibbling ...........................  111 / 89+
        Hill ...............................  111 / 34+
    Toy figure for coins ...................  446 / 10+
    Necktie ................................  24 / 53+
    Railway crossing cable .................  104 / 186
    Tongue .................................  600 / 240+
        Atomizer combined ..................  128 / 200.15
Depth Bomb .................................  102 / 390+
Depth Gauge  
    Compressional wave .....................  367 / 99+
    Depth measuring instrument .............  D10 / 46+
    Fluid level ............................  33
    Geometrical ............................  33 / 713+
        Geophysical exploration ............  324 / 323+
        Hydrophone .........................  367 / 141+
    Liquid .................................  73 / 290 R+
    Radar ..................................  342 / 120+
        Other than air, eg, underwater .....  342 / 118
    Sound ..................................  181
    Actuated cab signal or train ...........  246 / 170
    Control ................................  246 / 170+
    Cycle or motorcycle ...................  D12 / 124
        Enclosure or guard .................  D12 / 127
        Railway ............................  104 / 242+
        Store service ......................  186 / 30
    Lever and cable operator ...............  74 / 502.2
        Car attached .......................  104 / 261
        Interlocking .......................  246 / 163
Derailleur (See Derailer)  
Derectifiers Electric ......................  363
Dereverberator .............................  381 / 66
Dermatological Device  
    Light application ......................  606 / 9
    Needle surgical ........................  606 / 44
        Support ............................  606 / 44
    Surgical instrument ....................  606 / 131+
Dermatome ..................................  606 / 132
    Extensible or movable ..................  52 / 111+
    Pushing and pulling elements  
        Cable hoists .......................  254 / 283+
        Screw ..............................  254 / 99
    Skeleton tower .........................  52 / 651.01+
Desalting Sea Water ........................  210 / 642
    Distillation ...........................  203 / 10
    Fractional crystallization .............  62 / 532+
        Direct contact refrigeration .......  62 / 533+
    Reverse osmosis ........................  210 / 652
Descaling Metal ............................  29 / 81.01+
    Combined with metal deformation ........  72 / 40
Deserpidine ................................  546 / 55
Desiccant ..................................  504 / 162+
Desiccation (See Dehydration; Drier)  
Design (See Design Classification)  
    Advertizing ............................  D20
    Apparel & haberdashery .................  D02
    Arms, pyrotechnic articles, ............  D22 / 112
    Articles for hunting, fishing, .........  D22 / 112
    And pest killing .......................  D22 / 112
    Artists materials ......................  D19 / 35
    Brushware ..............................  D04
    Building units & construction ..........  D25
    Elements ...............................  D25
    Care & handling of animals .............  D30
    Cases not specified elsewhere ..........  D03
    Caskets ................................  D99 / 1+
    Coating nonuniform .....................  427 / 256+
    Containers .............................  D09
    Devices & equipment against fire .......  D29
        Coating ............................  205 / 120+
        Lighting ...........................  26
    Embroidery and trimmings ...............  D05
    Equipment for production, ..............  D13
    Distribution or transformation .........  D13
    Of electricity .........................  D13
    Exercising equipment ...................  D21 / 662+
    Fishing equipment ......................  D22 / 134+
    Fluid distribution equipment, ..........  D23
    Sanitary, heating, ventilation .........  D23
    And air conditioning equipment .........  D23
    Foodstuffs .............................  D01
    Furnishings ............................  D06
    Games and gambling articles ............  D21 / 300+
    Hardware ...............................  D08
    Household articles, not elsewhere ......  D07
    Specified ..............................  D07
    Hunting articles .......................  D22
    Jewelry, symbolic insignia and .........  D11
    Ornaments ..............................  D11
    Knitting & netting .....................  D05
    Lighting ...............................  D26
    Linoleum ...............................  D05
    Luggage & special containers ...........  D03 / 201+
    Machines, not specified elsewhere ......  D15
        Agricultural .......................  D15 / 10+
        Cleaning ...........................  D32 / 1+
        Construction .......................  D15 / 10+
        Drive train ........................  D15 / 148+
        Drying .............................  D32 / 8
        Engine .............................  D15 / 1+
        Food or drink related ..............  D07
        Heat treatment .....................  D15 / 144
        Lubricator or oil collector ........  D15 / 150+
        Material working, etc ..............  D15 / 122+
        Packaging or wrapping ..............  D15 / 145+
        Pump or compressor .................  D15 / 7+
        Refrigeration ......................  D15 / 79+
        Sewing .............................  D15 / 66+
        Vibrator or separator ..............  D15 / 147
        Washing ............................  D32 / 6+
    Measuring, testing or signaling ........  D10
    Instruments ............................  D10
    Medical & laboratory equipment .........  D24
    Miscellaneous articles not .............  D99
    Specified elsewhere ....................  D99
    Musical instruments ....................  D17
    Office machinery .......................  D18
    Office materials .......................  D19
    Packages & containers for the ..........  D09
    Transport or handling of goods .........  D09
    Paper manufactures .....................  D05
    Pharmaceutical products, ...............  D24 / 100+
    Toilet articles & apparatus ............  D24 / 100+
        Cosmetic products ..................  D28
    Photographic, cinematographic and ......  D16
    Optical equipment ......................  D16
    Printing ...............................  D18 / 50+
        Office machinery ...................  D18
        Office photocopiers ................  D18 / 36+
    Recording, communication or ............  D14 / 496+
    Information retrieval equipment ........  D14 / 496+
    Safes and vaults .......................  D99 / 28+
    Sewing equipment .......................  D03 / 18+
    Signaling instruments ..................  D10
    Signs ..................................  D20 / 10+
    Smoking articles .......................  D27
    Sports equipment .......................  D21 / 698+
    Stationery, artists & teachers .........  D19
    Materials, & office equipment ..........  D19
    Not elsewhere specified ................  D19
    Teachers materials .....................  D19 / 59
    Tents ..................................  D21 / 834+
    Testing instruments ....................  D10
    Tobacco & smokers supplies .............  D27
    Tombstone or monument ..................  D99 / 17+
    Tools & hardware .......................  D08
    Toys ...................................  D21 / 398+
    Transportation or hoisting .............  D12
    Transportation, containers for .........  D09
    Travel cases ...........................  D03 / 201+
    Umbrellas ..............................  D03 / 5+
    Vending machines .......................  D20 / 1+
    Weaving ................................  D05 / 47+
Desilverizing Lead .........................  75 / 697+
Desizing ...................................  8 / 138
    Dyeing combined ........................  8
    Article including card, ................  40 / 358
    Picture or sign ........................  40 / 358
        Inkwell combined ...................  108 / 26.2
    Baggage convertible ....................  190 / 11+
    Bed combined ...........................  5 / 2.1+
    Chair or seat combined .................  312 / 235.9
    Design .................................  D06 / 396
    Inkwell combined .......................  312 / 232
    Kneehole ...............................  312 / 194+
    Letter holder, desk-type ...............  D19 / 75+
    Pad ....................................  248 / 346.01+
        Design .............................  D19 / 99
    Paper rack or file .....................  211 / 11
    Piano case .............................  84 / 180
        Fall board combined ................  84 / 178
    School desk ............................  D06 / 396
    School seat combined ...................  297 / 135+
    Table ..................................  108
        Combined with other structure ......  108 / 50.11+
        With machine or electrical .........  108 / 50.01+
        Component ..........................  108 / 50.01+
    Typewriter housing or support ..........  312 / 208.1+
    Combined ...............................  312 / 208.1+
    Wall desk ..............................  D06 / 555
Desoldering Apparatus ......................  228 / 19+
Desoxy Morphine ............................  546 / 46
Desoxycholic Acid ..........................  552 / 549
Desoxycorticosterone .......................  552 / 601
Desserts ...................................  426 / 573
    Design .................................  D01
Destructible Feature  
    Static mold ............................  249 / 61+
Destruction ................................  588
    Hazardous or toxic waste ...............  588
    Destruction ............................  588
Desuckering ................................  504 / 184+
Desuperheaters .............................  261 / DIG 13
    Cable guide block combined .............  254 / 410
    Comb combined ..........................  19
    Fruit gatherer combined ................  56 / 339+
    Gin combined  
        Rotary .............................  19 / 53
        Vibratory ..........................  19 / 52
    Harness ................................  54 / 69
    Horse ..................................  278 / 21+
    Apparatus ..............................  118 / 639
Detector and Detecting  
    Amplifier triode .......................  313 / 293+
    Beat note  
        Autodyne detector ..................  455 / 321+
        Heterodyne detector ................  455 / 313+
        Homodyne ...........................  455 / 324
    Coating or impregnating ................  427 / 7
    Diode am demodulator ...................  329 / 370
        Electronic tube type ...............  329 / 370
    Fiber manipulation combined ............  19
        Crystal mounting ...................  250 / 361 R
        Scintillation ......................  250 / 361 R+
        With sample holder .................  378 / 38
    Leak ...................................  137 / 455+
    Leak by fluid pressure .................  73 / 40+
    Leak system in situ ....................  137 / 551+
    Lock combined ..........................  70 / 439
        Feeler .............................  139 / 269+
        Shuttle ............................  139 / 203+
        Stopping ...........................  139 / 336+
    Metal bending ..........................  72 / 6.1+
    Metal detector for airport security ....  340 / 568.1+
    Metal detector for library books .......  340 / 572.1+
        Magnetic locators ..................  324 / 200+
    Musical instrument automatic eg ........  84 / 115
    Player .................................  84 / 115+
    Nuclear explosion ......................  976 / DIG 423
    Nuclear reactor condition ..............  376 / 245
    Of submarines  
        Sonar, echo type ...................  367 / 87
            Non-echo receiver circuitry ....  367 / 135+
            Non-echo type ..................  367 / 118+
    Ore ....................................  324 / 323+
    Pneumatic dispatch .....................  406 / 10+
    Radiant energy ray .....................  250 / 336.1
    Radio receiver (i.e demodulator) ......  329
    Radio tube structure ...................  313
    Regenerative demodulator  
        Amplitude modulation type ..........  329 / 367
    Sales product using a point of sale ....  705 / 23
    Terminal ...............................  705 / 23
    Thread finishing combined ..............  28 / 227
    Warp preparation combined  
        Loom replenishing ..................  28 / 205
        Stopping ...........................  28 / 189
    Winding or unwinding  
        Bobbin and cop .....................  242 / 472.9+
        Cone wind ..........................  242 / 479.9+
        Convolute winding ..................  242 / 534
        Cordage ............................  242 / 472.9+
        Film ...............................  242 / 333+
        Magnetic tape ......................  242 / 333+
        Unwinding ..........................  242 / 563+
    Check controlled device ................  194 / 247+
    Lock releasing .........................  194 / 247+
    Check label and tag holder with ........  40 / 653+
    Slide and ..............................  40 / 653+
    Chuck socket type with .................  279 / 9.1+
    Closure fastener tripper with ..........  292 / 333+
    Control lever and linkage system .......  74 / 527+
    Detention device combined with .........  340 / 304+
    Signal alarm box .......................  340 / 304+
    Electrode feed control for .............  314 / 83+
    Electric lamp and discharge ............  314 / 83+
    Freight car stake ......................  105 / 384
    Joint with .............................  403 / 326+
        Door biased latch bolt with ........  70 / 467+
        Padlock with .......................  70 / 20+
    Pipe joint  
        Auxiliary ..........................  285 / 82+
        Essential holding means ............  285 / 305+
        Swivel socket with .................  285 / 276+
    Railway switch detention device ........  246 / 399
    Rod joint or coupling sleeve with ......  403 / 300+
    Rotating electric snap switch with .....  200 / 410+
    Tool handle fastenings with  
        Hinged .............................  403 / 52+
        Rigid ..............................  403
    Tuners with ............................  334 / 88
    Typewriter irregular line spacing ......  400 / 563+
    Valve holder ...........................  251 / 297+
    Wheel attaching device .................  301 / 119
    Whiffletree with .......................  278 / 108
Detergent Compositions .....................  510
    Detergent alkylate synthesis ...........  585 / 455+
    Electrolytic stripping of tin layer ....  205 / 719
    From metal or metal alloy ..............  205 / 719
        Deposition combined ................  205 / 300+
    Hydrometallurgy ........................  75 / 716
    Metallurgy .............................  75 / 401
    Characteristics testing for ............  73 / 35.14
    Compositions ...........................  149
    Explosive devices ......................  102
        Design .............................  D22 / 112
        Safes and bank protection ..........  109 / 36+
        Sequentially fired .................  102 / 217
    Signal and indicators  
        Burglar alarms door & window .......  116 / 87+
        Operated ...........................  116 / 87+
        Burglar alarms door securing .......  116 / 15
        Burglar alarms locks ...............  116 / 11
        Burglar alarms portable ............  116 / 83
        Burglar alarms sash fastening ......  116 / 17
        Burglar drop type ..................  116 / 78
        Lamp ignition combined .............  116 / 7
        Periodic ...........................  116 / 23
        Railway torpedo ....................  246 / 487
            Combined with other signal .....  246 / 217
            Combined with switch ...........  246 / 217
            Placing mechanism ..............  246 / 210+
    Toys ...................................  446 / 398+
Deuterium Heavy Hydrogen ..................  423 / 648.1+
    Catalytic recombiner ...................  422 / 213+
    Compounds inorganic ....................  423 / 644
    Electrolytic production ................  205 / 627
    Thermo nuclear fuel ....................  376 / 151
Deuterium Oxide Heavy Water ...............  423 / 580.2
    Catalytic recombiners ..................  422 / 213+
    Electrolytic production ................  205 / 464
    Nuclear moderator ......................  376 / 220
    Nuclear moderator ......................  376 / 220
    Nuclear moderator ......................  376 / 350
    Copy camera ............................  355 / 27+
    Dyes on fiber ..........................  8 / 666+
    Electrophotographic ....................  399 / 222+
        Brush applicator ...................  399 / 265+
            Magnetic .......................  399 / 267+
        Electrodes .........................  399 / 266
        Electrodes .........................  399 / 270+
            Electrophoretic ................  399 / 131
            Liquid .........................  399 / 241+
        Reversal ...........................  399 / 143
    Photographic apparatus .................  396 / 564+
        Design .............................  D16 / 246+
    Photographic processes .................  430 / 434+
        Compositions .......................  430 / 464+
    Sensitizing combined ...................  430 / 434+
    Tank ...................................  396 / 636+
Devitrification ............................  65 / 33.1+
Devitrified Glass-Ceramics .................  501 / 2
Dew Point (See Hygrometer)  
    Mineral oil ............................  208 / 28+
        Apparatus ..........................  196 / 14.5
    Wax paper ..............................  162 / 4+
Dexamethasone ..............................  552 / 574
Dextran ....................................  536 / 112+
    Nitrogen containing ....................  536 / 51
Dextrin ....................................  127 / 38
    Fermentative preparation ...............  435
Dextromethorphan, in Drug ..................  514 / 289
Dextrose ...................................  127 / 30
    Artificial intelligence see  
    Artificial intelligence  
    Biological test compositions ...........  424 / 9.1+
    (In vivo) and methods ..................  424 / 9.1+
    Contrast agents (in vivo)  
        Fluorescent ........................  424 / 9.6+
        Magnetic resonance imaging .........  424 / 9.3+
        Ultrasound .........................  424 / 9.5+
        Visible color change in mouth ......  424 / 9.7+
        Or skin ............................  424 / 9.7+
        X-ray ..............................  424 / 9.4+
    Knowledge processing see  
    Artificial intelligence  
    Medical (see medical & surgical ........  600 / 300+
    Equipment) .............................  600 / 300+
        Acupuncture ........................  128 / 907*
        Artificial intelligence ............  128 / 924*
        Computer assisted ..................  128 / 920*
        Diet management ....................  128 / 921*
        Eye ................................  600 / 398
            Test by visual stimulus ........  600 / 558
        Feedback to patient of .............  128 / 905*
        Biological signal other than .......  128 / 905*
        Brain electric signal ..............  128 / 905*
        Heart ..............................  600 / 508
        Image analysis .....................  128 / 922*
        Instrument design ..................  D24 / 107+
        Multiphasic diagnostic clinic ......  128 / 906*
        Respiratory ........................  600 / 529
        Skin sensitivity to allergens ......  600 / 556
        Or radiation .......................  600 / 556
        Skin touch or pain response ........  600 / 557
        Teaching ...........................  434 / 262+
    Test of electrophotographic copier .....  399 / 9+
    Calipers ...............................  33 / 783+
    Clock ..................................  368 / 228+
        Calender combined ..................  368 / 28
        Hands gear train ...................  368 / 221
        With hands .........................  368 / 228
    Distance measurement tape ..............  33 / 762+
    Gauge ..................................  33 / 501+
        Gauge or meter design ..............  D10 / 102+
    Handwheel ..............................  74 / 553
    Illuminator ............................  362 / 23+
        Weighing machine ...................  177 / 177+
    Indicating .............................  116 / 200+
    Indicator hand .........................  D10 / 127
    Indicators .............................  33 / 792+
    Knitting multiple needle machine .......  66 / 19+
    Knitting pile loop formers .............  66 / 92
    Lock operator ..........................  70 / 332
    Micrometers ............................  33 / 794+
    Mirror combined ........................  359 / 439
    Music charts ...........................  84 / 474
    Operator ...............................  74 / 10 R+
    Optical element combined ...............  359 / 436+
    Registers cash .........................  235 / 19+
    Registers fare .........................  235 / 34
        Parallel axis ......................  235 / 38
        Single axis ........................  235 / 43
    Registers parallel axis disk ...........  235 / 111
    Combined ...............................  235 / 111
    Registers single axis hand .............  235 / 112
    Combined ...............................  235 / 112
    Single axis ............................  235 / 120+
    Structure ..............................  116 / 334+
    Switch multiple ........................  200 / 11 R+
    Telephone ..............................  379 / 362+
        Design .............................  D14 / 246+
        In instrument ......................  379 / 362+
        System .............................  379 / 258+
    Teletype ...............................  341 / 35
    Thermometers ...........................  374 / 187
    Time stamps ............................  346 / 81+
    Vehicle ................................  D12 / 192
    Watch face .............................  D10 / 123+
Dialyzer ...................................  210 / 321.71
    Electroosmosis or electrophoresis ......  204 / 518+
    Food or edible material ................  426
        Electrodialysis ....................  426 / 239
    Process ................................  210 / 644+
        Using liquid membrane ..............  210 / 643
        Apparatus ..........................  127 / 10
        Electrolytic .......................  205 / 697
        Processes ..........................  127 / 54
    Determining ............................  33 / 555.1+
Diaminotriaryl .............................  552 / 113
    Disazo compounds .......................  534 / 677+
Diaminotriphenyl Methane ...................  552 / 113+
Diamond (See Gems Jewel)  
    Artifical producing ....................  423 / 446+
    Cutting ................................  125 / 30.01
    Earth boring tool ......................  175 / 434+
    Semiconductor solid state device .......  257 / 77
        Making .............................  438 / 105
    Single-crystal .........................  117 / 929*
    Tool ...................................  125 / 39
        Digest .............................  76 / DIG 12
        Making blank or process ............  76 / 101.1+
Dianisidine ................................  564 / 309
Diaper .....................................  604 / 358+
    Bacteria inhibitor .....................  604 / 360
    Deodorant containing ...................  604 / 359
    Design .................................  D24 / 126
    Materials ..............................  604 / 367+
    Pail ...................................  D32 / 37
    Securing ...............................  604 / 386
        Adhesive ...........................  604 / 389
        Hook-and-loop fastener .............  604 / 391
    Acoustic structure .....................  181 / 157+
    Acoustic with mounting .................  181 / 148+
    Barrel plug ............................  217 / 111
    Battery electric .......................  429 / 247+
        Automatic control ..................  396 / 213+
    Dispenser type inkwell .................  222 / 581
    Discharge assistant ....................  222 / 581
    Electrolytic cells .....................  204 / 252+
    Electrolytic electrodes ................  204 / 282+
    Electrolytic elements ..................  204 / 295+
    Electrolytic treatment of water, .......  205 / 746+
    Sewage, or other waste water ...........  205 / 746
    Electrophoretic or electroosmotic ......  204 / 627+
    Fire tube ..............................  122 / 83
    Flexible connecting ....................  403 / 50+
    Fluid pressure responsive ..............  92 / 96+
        Material ...........................  92 / 103 R
        Mounting ...........................  92 / 98 R+
        Plural .............................  92 / 48+
    Galvanic cells and storage .............  429 / 247+
    Batteries ..............................  429 / 247+
    Gauge fluid pressure ...................  73 / 715+
    Horns ..................................  116 / 142 R
        Vehicle energy actuated ............  116 / 59
    Iris type valve ........................  251 / 212
    Light valves ...........................  359 / 227+
    Meter fluid flow .......................  73 / 262+
        Casing .............................  73 / 274
        Mounting ...........................  73 / 278
        Structure ..........................  73 / 279+
    Microphone .............................  381 / 355+
        Ribbon .............................  381 / 176
        Structure ..........................  181 / 158+
        Telephone transmitter granular .....  381 / 180+
    Mixer gas ..............................  48 / 184
    Operated valve .........................  251 / 12+
        Barrel bung ........................  217 / 104
        Pop ................................  48 / 53.3
        Pop safety .........................  137 / 469+
    Packing rod ............................  74 / 18+
    Paper moulding .........................  162 / 401+
    Pen, fountain filling means ............  401 / 145
    Pen-actuated means in inkwell ..........  15 / 257.072
    Phonograph sound box ...................  181 / 161
    Photographic ...........................  396 / 505+
    Piano sounding boards ..................  84 / 192+
    Railway vestibule connection ...........  105 / 15+
    Regulator fluid pressure ...............  137 / 505.36
    Seal for a joint or juncture  
        Face or mechanical seal  
            Fluid pressure biasing .........  277 / 389
            Secondary seal .................  277 / 391+
        Static article .....................  277 / 634+
        Static process .....................  277 / 315
    Shutters photographic ..................  396 / 449+
    Switch fluid pressure ..................  200 / 83 R
    Toys sounding ..........................  446 / 416
    Valve ..................................  251 / 331
        Biased .............................  137 / 540+
        Collapsible ........................  137 / 843+
        Seal ...............................  251 / 335.1+
    Vibrator surgical ......................  601 / 77
    Wringer ................................  68 / 242
Diarylketone ...............................  568 / 332
    Amines .................................  564 / 328
    Carboxylic acids .......................  562 / 460
Diarylmethine Amines .......................  564 / 315+
    Benzhydrols or benzthiols ..............  564 / 327
    Benzophenones or benzothiophenones .....  564 / 328
    Diamino diphenyl methanes ..............  564 / 330+
Diastase ...................................  435 / 195
    Bandaging ..............................  602 / 2
    Kinesitherapy ..........................  601 / 1+
    Medicators .............................  604 / 20+
    Orthopedics ............................  602 / 2
    Surgical ...............................  607 / 1+
    Surgical instruments ...................  606 / 32+
    Surgical magnetic ......................  600 / 13+
    Surgical receptors .....................  604 / 358+
Diatomaceous Earth (See Silica)  
Diazines ...................................  544 / 224+
    Azo compounds ..........................  534 / 767
Diazo ......................................  534 / 588+
    Dye compositions .......................  8 / 664+
    Reactions ..............................  436 / 903*
Diazoamino .................................  534 / 550+
    Dye compositions .......................  8 / 665
Diazoles-1,2 ...............................  548 / 356.1+
Diazoles-1,3 ...............................  548 / 300.1+
Diazomethanes ..............................  534 / 558+
Diazonium ..................................  534 / 558+
Diazooxide .................................  534 / 556+
Diazotate ..................................  534 / 556+
Dibbling ...................................  111 / 89+
    Dibbles ................................  111 / 99
Dibenzanthrone .............................  552 / 276
Dibenzo?1,4!Thiazepine .....................  540 / 550
Dice .......................................  273 / 146
    Agitators ..............................  273 / 145 R
Dichlorodifluoromethane ....................  570 / 134
Dickey .....................................  2 / 103
Dicloxacillin ..............................  540 / 327
Dictating Machine See Sound, ...............  D14 / 154
    Recording and reproducing ..............  D14 / 154
DICTOGRAPH™    (See Phonograph)  
Dicyandiamide ..............................  564 / 104
    Electrolytic synthesis  
        Aqueous bath .......................  205 / 433
        Fused bath .........................  205 / 355
    Salt ...................................  260
Dicycle ....................................  280 / 208
Die (See Mold)  
    Cutting ................................  83
        Fence barbs ........................  29 / 7.1
        Punching ...........................  83
        Saw tooth forming ..................  76 / 29
        Saw tooth sharpening ...............  76 / 30
        Sheets and bars ....................  83
        Tobacco stem .......................  131 / 323
        Tobacco wrapper ....................  83
    Electroforming .........................  205 / 70
        Bread, pastry, confection ..........  425 / 287+
        Bread, pastry, confection ..........  425 / 381.2
        Bread, pastry, confection ..........  425 / 461+
        Cores founding .....................  164 / 174
        Earthenware ........................  425 / 376.1+
        Earthenware ........................  425 / 461+
        Metal plastic ......................  72 / 253.1+
        Plastics ...........................  425 / 381.2
        Soap ...............................  425 / 289+
        Soap ...............................  425 / 340+
        Soap ...............................  425 / 383+
    Foodstuff cutting  
        Reciprocating ......................  83 / 613
        Rotary .............................  83 / 591
    Forming ................................  76 / 4
        Machines ...........................  72
        Metal shaping ......................  72 / 462+
        Sheet punching .....................  83
    Horseshoe making .......................  59 / 60
    Machinery part .........................  D15 / 138
        Bolt, nail, nut, rivet, screw ......  470 / 183+
        Making .............................  470 / 183
        Casting ............................  29 / DIG 10
        Chain welding ......................  59 / 33
        Coiling spiral .....................  72 / 141
        Deforming ..........................  72 / 462+
        Design .............................  D15 / 136+
        Forging anvil adjustable ...........  72 / 418
        Forging presses enclosed ...........  72 / 343+
        Horseshoe ..........................  59 / 60
        Injecting ..........................  164 / 303+
        Process for making .................  76 / 107.1+
        Screw threading platen .............  72 / 88
        Through-die ........................  72 / 467+
        Wire cutting .......................  83
        Wire joining .......................  140 / 116
        Work-orbiting screw threader .......  72 / 191+
    Paper box ..............................  493 / 167+
        Sheets and bars ....................  83
        Wood match making ..................  144 / 53
        Woodworking ........................  144 / 197
    Punching dies ..........................  83 / 651+
        Screw threads ......................  72 / 88+
        Closure applying ...................  53 / 341+
        Embossing members ..................  101 / 16+
        Metal can seaming ..................  413 / 31+
        Metal sheet shaping ................  72 / 462+
        Printing embossing hot .............  101 / 8+
        Stretch press ......................  72 / 302
        Wire fabric ........................  140 / 107
    Shoe sole ..............................  12 / 38
    Textile ................................  57 / 138
    Capacitive .............................  219 / 764
    Capacitors in ..........................  361 / 301.1+
    Fluent compositions ....................  252 / 570+
        Hydrocarbon ........................  585 / 6.3
    Hygrometer .............................  324 / 666
    Lens ...................................  333 / 248+
    Microwave heating apparatus ............  219 / 678+
Diels Alder Synthesis (See Diene  
    Hydrocarbon synthesis ..................  585 / 361
Diene Synthesis  
    Higher unsaturated fatty acid ..........  554 / 124+
    Maleic acid ............................  562 / 498+
    Maleic acid anhydride ..................  549 / 262
        Carbocylic compound ................  549 / 234+
    Polymerization .........................  585 / 507+
    Rosin ..................................  530 / 214
Diet Managed By Computer ...................  128 / 921*
        Cash register key operated .........  235 / 14+
        Change speed and ...................  475 / 198+
        Conveyers having different .........  198 / 792
        Speed zones ........................  198 / 792
            Plural conveyer sections .......  198 / 577
            Plural sections with differing .  198 / 579
            Speeds .........................  198 / 579
        Multiple driving motors ............  475 / 1+
        Planetary ..........................  475 / 220+
        Register single axis ...............  235 / 119
        Register transfer mechanism ........  235 / 136
        Sectional rotary bodies ............  74 / 444
        Speed responsive device ............  73 / 507
    Gearless ...............................  74 / 650
    Material treatment  
        Comminution of mixed solids ........  241 / 14
        Sorting pretreatment ...............  209 / 4+
        Brake operator movement ............  188 / 134
        Chemical feed pressure control .....  137 / 100+
        Fire extinguisher automatic ........  169 / 22
        Valve ..............................  169 / 22
        Flow meter pressure type ...........  73 / 861.42+
        Railway draft springs ..............  213 / 26+
        Sewing machine stitch forming ......  112 / 312+
        Feed ...............................  112 / 312+
        Ships logs pressure type ...........  73 / 182+
        Telegraph system duplex ............  370 / 284
        Telephone transmitter ..............  381 / 355+
        Electrodes .........................  381 / 355+
    Motor ..................................  91 / 415+
    Motor vehicle with .....................  180 / 76
Differential Amplifier .....................  330 / 69
Differentiating Circuit ....................  333 / 19
    Calculators having .....................  235 / 61 R+
    Miscellaneous electronic device ........  327 / 335
    Type ...................................  327 / 335
Diffraction ................................  359 / 558+
    Grating ................................  359 / 566+
    Slow diffuser holder ...................  239 / 34+
    Sugar making ...........................  127 / 3+
        Processes ..........................  127 / 43+
Diffusing See Extracting  
    Air sterilizing ........................  422 / 120+
    Aircraft structure .....................  244 / 136
    Cabinets ...............................  312 / 31+
    Coating by vapor, pack process .........  427 / 252
    Dopant in semiconductor ................  438 / 542+
    Fans ...................................  416
    Fumigators .............................  422 / 305+
    Gases for separation  
        Apparatus ..........................  96 / 4
        Process ............................  95 / 43
        Thermal diffusion ..................  95 / 289
        Thermal diffusion process ..........  95 / 289
    Liquids through membranes ..............  210 / 634+
    Sacchariferous material ................  127 / 3+
    Sprinkling and spraying ................  239
    To alter dry etching ...................  216 / 62
    Characteristics ........................  216 / 62
    To alter wet etching ...................  216 / 87
    Characteristics ........................  216 / 87
Digallic Acid ..............................  560 / 70
Digester & Digestion See Extracting  
    Apparatus ..............................  422 / 307+
    Fermentative ...........................  435
    Liquid purification ....................  210 / 601+
    Mineral oils ...........................  208 / 46+
    Pulp apparatus .........................  162 / 233+
    Pulp processes .........................  162 / 1+
    Still combined .........................  202 / 107
Digger .....................................  171
    Design .................................  D15 / 10+
        Hand tool ..........................  D08
    Ditcher ................................  37 / 347+
        Elevator ...........................  414 / 596+
    Dredger ................................  37 / 307+
    Endless excavator ......................  37 / 462+
    Fire arm combined ......................  42 / 93
        Implement ..........................  294 / 50.6+
        Machine ............................  175
    Potato .................................  171
    Rotary excavator .......................  37 / 189+
    Tunnel excavating ......................  299 / 29+
    Clock ..................................  D10 / 15
    Motor art digest .......................  91 / DIG 1
    Readouts ...............................  73 / 901*
Digital Data (See Computer,  
    Communications .........................  375
    Computer systems, general ..............  703
    Error correction .......................  714 / 746+
    Synchronous transmission ...............  375 / 354+
Digital Media Player .......................  D14 / 203.1+
    Transmission of coded intelligence .....  178 / 2 B
Digital Memory .............................  365
    Speech reproduction from ...............  704 / 258+
Digitalis Glycosides .......................  536 / 6.1
Dihydroabietic Acid ........................  562 / 404
Dihydronovobiocin ..........................  536 / 13
Dihydrostreptomycin ........................  536 / 15
Dihydrotachysterol .........................  552 / 653
Diketo Purines .............................  544 / 267+
Diketopyrimidines ..........................  544 / 309+
Dilatometry ................................  374 / 55
    Surgical instruments ...................  606 / 191+
    Surgical instruments combined ..........  606
Diluents Coating Compositions ..............  106 / 311
Dimer (See Polymerization)  
Dimmer for Lamps ...........................  362 / 257+
    Headlight systems ......................  315 / 82+
    Lamp systems ...........................  315 / 291+
    Structure ..............................  323 / 905*
Dimpling Sheet Metal .......................  72 / 414+
    Testing ductility by ...................  73 / 87
Dinas Brick ................................  501 / 141
Dining Car .................................  105 / 327
Dining Room Store Service ..................  186 / 38+
Dinitroanthraquinones ......................  552 / 254
Dinitroethylene Urea .......................  548 / 322.1
Diode ......................................  313
    Beam power amplifier ...................  313 / 298
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 5
    Damping ................................  313 / 317
        With emissive cathode ..............  313 / 310
        With thermionic cathode ............  313 / 310
        With two cathodes and anodes .......  313 / 1
    Duo pentode ............................  313 / 298
        Triode .............................  313 / 303
    Duplex hi mu triode ....................  313 / 303
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 5
    Duplex pentode .........................  313 / 298
        With plural cathodes ...............  313 / 5
    Duplex triode ..........................  313 / 303
        With plural cathodes ...............  313 / 5
    Duplex twin ............................  313 / 307
    Glow discharge .........................  313 / 567+
    High mu triode .........................  313 / 303
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 5
    Light emitting .........................  362 / 800*
    Pentode ................................  313 / 298
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 5
    Power amplifier pentode ................  313 / 298
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 5
    R f ....................................  313 / 317+
        With emissive cathode ..............  313 / 310
        With thermionic cathode ............  313 / 310
    Sharp cutoff pentode ...................  313 / 298
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 5
    Testing (nonquantitative) ..............  324 / 767
    Triode pentode .........................  313 / 298
        With plural cathodes ...............  313 / 6
    Triple .................................  313 / 1
    Triple high mu triode ..................  313 / 303
        With plural cathodes ...............  313 / 5
    Triple triode ..........................  313 / 303
        With plural cathodes ...............  313 / 5
    Twin ...................................  313 / 306
        With two cathodes ..................  313 / 1
Diolefin Hydrocarbon .......................  585 / 16+
    Purification ...........................  585 / 800+
    Synthesis of ...........................  585 / 601+
Dioramas ...................................  472 / 57+
Dioxane ....................................  549 / 377
Dioxazine ..................................  544 / 63+
Dioxazoles .................................  548 / 124
Dioxirane ..................................  549 / 200
Dip Pipe ...................................  202 / 255+
Dip-Cup-Provided Inkwell ...................  15 / 257.07+
    Dispenser type .........................  222 / 576+
Diphenoquinone .............................  552 / 304
Diphenylene Hydantoin ......................  548 / 301.1
Dipole Antenna .............................  343 / 793+
    Excavators .............................  414 / 685+
Dipping See Coating  
    Animals ................................  119 / 673+
    Apparatus for molding ..................  425 / 269+
        Molds or forms .....................  425 / 275
    Channel pumps ..........................  415 / 88+
    Hat ....................................  223 / 10
    Match making ...........................  144 / 60
        Cutting and framing combined .......  144 / 52+
        Frames .............................  144 / 62+
        Framing combined ...................  144 / 58
    Processes for forming by ...............  264 / 301+
    Trap chamber dispensing ................  222 / 356+
        Endless belt .......................  222 / 371
        Rotary .............................  222 / 369
Dips Animal ................................  424
Direct Current Distribution ................  307
    Pulsating telegraph systems ............  178 / 66.1+
    Transmission to vehicles ...............  191
    Radio signaling ........................  342 / 350+
Direction Indicator  
    Design .................................  D10 / 65+
    Earth boring combined ..................  175 / 45
    Fluid flow velocity combined ...........  73 / 170.01+
    Geographical ...........................  33 / 320
    Navigation .............................  73 / 178 R
    Radar ..................................  342 / 147
    Register fare ..........................  235 / 48
    Ships course ...........................  116 / 19
        Barrier ............................  404 / 6+
        Director ...........................  404 / 9+
    Vehicle ................................  116 / 35 R+
        Design .............................  D26 / 28+
        Electrically operated system .......  340 / 465
Director Antenna ...........................  343 / 912+
Dirigible ..................................  244 / 24+
Disappearing Instrument Cabinet ............  312 / 21+
Disassembly (See Assembling)  
    Apparatus ..............................  29 / 700+
    Processes ..............................  29 / 426.1+
        Battery ............................  29
    Repairing combined .....................  29 / 402.03+
Disc Recording or Reproducing  
    Player or recorder .....................  D14 / 498+
    Television .............................  386 / 125+
        Color ..............................  386 / 45
Disconnecting Devices  
    (See stop mechanism)  
Discus .....................................  482 / 21
Dish (See Cup; Tray) ......................  215
    Butter refrigerating ...................  62 / 457.6
        Design, general ....................  D07 / 502
        Design, refrigerating ..............  D15 / 89
        Brushing ...........................  15 / 74
        Liquid contacting ..................  134
    Compartmented ..........................  D07 / 555
    Cover ..................................  215 / 200+
    Covered ................................  D07 / 538
    Design .................................  D07 / 500+
    Design, simulative .....................  D07 / 571+
        Compartmented ......................  220 / 572+
        Rack ...............................  211 / 41.1
            Drying .........................  211 / 41.3
            Foldable or collapsible ........  211 / 41.5
        Wire receptacle ....................  220 / 487
    Heater .................................  126 / 246
        Clay ...............................  425 / 263+
        Clay ...............................  425 / 459
        Paper and paper board ..............  162 / 387+
        Sheet metal container ..............  413
    Stand ..................................  248 / 128+
        Design .............................  D06 / 310+
    Washer .................................  134
        Design .............................  D32 / 2+
    Ice cream cone .........................  425 / 118
    Ice cream scoops .......................  425 / 221
    Ice cream scoops .......................  425 / 276+
Dishwasher .................................  D32 / 2+
    Dishwashing racks ......................  D32 / 55
Disinfectants & Disinfecting ...............  422
    Apparatus for treating air .............  422 / 120+
    Baths closets sinks and spittoons ......  4 / 222+
        Sewer ..............................  4 / 220
        Spittoon ...........................  4 / 261
        Strainer or stopper cover ..........  4 / 294
        Urinal .............................  4 / 309+
    Cabinet combined .......................  312 / 31
    Disinfectants ..........................  424
    Dispenser for flush closet .............  4 / 222+
    Electrolytic ...........................  205 / 701
    Ozonizer ...............................  422 / 186.07+
    Preparation and distribution ...........  43 / 127
        Animal treating ....................  119 / 650+
        Dusters or sprayers ................  239
        Fumigators vermin destroying .......  43 / 125+
        Intermittent discharge type ........  422 / 123+
    Receptacle attachment ..................  220 / 87.1+
    Telephone attachment ...................  379 / 452
    Thermometer case .......................  206 / 306
    Tobacco ................................  131 / 290
        Electrical or radiant energy .......  131 / 299
    Vapor and fume generator ...............  422 / 305+
Disintegrator (See Comminuting; ............  241
    Crusher) ...............................  241
    Etching with electric arc ..............  219 / 68+
    Machining with electron beam ...........  219 / 68
    Paper fiber ............................  241
    Peat ...................................  44 / 633
    Rock in situ ...........................  299
    Sugar treatment combined ...............  127 / 4
    Textile fiber preparation ..............  19 / 82+
    Tobacco leaf ...........................  131 / 311+
        Feeding combined ...................  131 / 109.1
    Abrading ...............................  451 / 548+
    Agricultural implement .................  172 / 518+
        Bearing for ........................  384 / 460
        Bearing support for ................  384 / 157
        Harvester cutter ...................  56 / 255+
        Harvester cutter with conveyor .....  56 / 157+
        Hedge trimmer ......................  56 / 235
        Planting by drilling ...............  111 / 163+
        Plow moldboard .....................  172 / 167
        Scraper for ........................  172 / 558+
        Sharpener combined .................  172 / 437
    Amusement roundabout ...................  472 / 40+
    Animal powered motor ...................  185 / 18
    Brake ..................................  188 / 71.1+
        For railway vehicle ................  188 / 58+
        For velocipede .....................  188 / 26
    Brush rotary ...........................  15 / 180
        Boot clean black and polish ........  15 / 34+
        Handle mount .......................  15 / 28+
        Street sweeper .....................  15 / 87
    Calendar ...............................  40 / 113+
    Carbon black making collector ..........  422 / 150+
    Card exhibitor .........................  40 / 495+
    Cathode ray tube stream ................  313 / 441+
    Concentrator ...........................  313 / 441+
    Clock geographical .....................  368 / 27
    Closure seal ...........................  292 / 308+
    Comminuting and grinding  
        Abrading tool ......................  451 / 490+
        Cherry stoner ......................  99 / 566
        Comminutor .........................  241
        Corn shellers ......................  460 / 45
        Disc grinding ......................  451
        Floor surfacing machine ............  451 / 350+
        Grain huller .......................  99 / 600+
        Scouring machine ...................  451 / 66+
    Counting mechanism .....................  235 / 98 R
        Coin ...............................  453 / 58+
        Annular drills .....................  408 / 204
        Barrel stave jointing cutter .......  147 / 29
        Button cutting .....................  79 / 16
        Can opener .........................  30 / 435
        Earth boring tool ..................  175 / 373
        Pipe cutter external ...............  30 / 101+
        Portable auger .....................  408 / 204
        Roller hand tool ...................  30 / 307
        Saw sharpening .....................  76 / 45
        Stone sawing .......................  125 / 20
        Sweep auger ........................  408 / 199+
        Tool sharpener .....................  76 / 82
        Tubular saw wood ...................  408 / 204+
        Wood ...............................  408 / 204
        Wood dovetailing ...................  144 / 89
        Wood planer rotary cutter ..........  144 / 118+
        Wood sawing knife disc .............  83 / 469+
        Wood turning chisel feed ...........  142 / 44
        Pattern ............................  142 / 44
    Dynamic optical information storage ....  720 / 718+
    Storage or retrieval ...................  720 / 718+
    Educational elements ...................  434 / 402
    Electric conductor insulation ..........  174 / 111
    Electric generator armature ............  310 / 268+
    Electrode consumable ...................  314 / 44
    Evaporator moving film support .........  159 / 9.1+
    Feed for wood lathe ....................  142 / 19
    Feed for wood saw mill carriage ........  83 / 403.1
    Feeder for nails .......................  470 / 164+
    Flowmeter variable restriction .........  73 / 861.55+
    Fluid distributor rotary ...............  239 / 224
    Gas and liquid contact impeller ........  261 / 84+
    Gear sectional body ....................  74 / 444+
    Gearing frictional wheel and ...........  476 / 57+
    Laminated fabric disk making ...........  156
    Magazines for target ...................  124 / 46+
    Making or working by rolling ...........  72 / 67
    Metal ..................................  72 / 67+
    Metal rolling apparatus with ...........  72 / 80
    Disk platen ............................  72 / 80+
    Motion picture .........................  352 / 102+
    Paper closure assembling with ..........  493 / 108
    Container ..............................  493 / 108
    Projectile holders .....................  124 / 42+
    Railway wheels .........................  295 / 1+
    Recorder record receiver ...............  346 / 137
    Recording and reproducing  
        Compact disk .......................  369 / 275.1+
            Player .........................  369 / 100+
        Floppy disk ........................  360 / 97.01
            Player .........................  360 / 99.01+
        Optical disk .......................  369 / 275.1+
            Player .........................  369 / 100+
    Shaft coupling yielding element ........  464 / 98+
        Non metallic .......................  464 / 92+
    Sound record ...........................  369 / 272.1+
        Apparatus for molding with .........  425 / 500
        Label applying .....................  425 / 500+
    Stacking racks for .....................  211 / 49.1
    Vehicle land wheel .....................  301 / 63.101+
        Making .............................  29 / 894.32+
Dislodging of Anchors ......................  114 / 297
Dispatch Pneumatic .........................  406
Dispatching of Trains ......................  246 / 2 R+
Dispensing (See Notes to Main Class) ......  222
    Articles ...............................  221
    Beverage and food machines .............  D07 / 300+
        Article ............................  221
        Mixed drinks .......................  222 / 129.1+
        Spool holder and thread cutter .....  83
        Tearing ............................  225
        Twine holder with cutter ...........  83
    Coin handling ..........................  453
    Confetti ...............................  446 / 475
    Container tearing to form spout ........  229 / 213+
    Dental apparatus .......................  433 / 80+
    Deposit & collection receptacles .......  232
    Device with wheels, skids, etc .........  222 / 608+
    Filling portable receptacles with ......  141
    Fluent material ........................  141
    Fire extinguishers .....................  169
    Gas dispensing article .................  222 / 3+
    Inkwell ................................  222 / 576+
    Molten metal ...........................  222 / 591+
        Continuous casting .................  164 / 437+
    Planting apparatus .....................  111 / 25+
    Refrigerated liquids ...................  62 / 389+
    Roll holder ............................  242 / 590+
    Sprinkling, spraying, & diffusing ......  239
    Fluids .................................  239
    Store dispensing service ...............  186
        Gummed .............................  83
        Length measuring ...................  33 / 732+
        Length measuring with cutting ......  83 / 522.11+
        Magazine type dispenser ............  312 / 34.1+
        Roll or spool ......................  206 / 389+
        With fixed severing edge ...........  225
    Track sanders ..........................  291
    Trap chambers ..........................  222 / 424.5+
        Movable or conveyer type ...........  222 / 344+
    Unwinding ..............................  242 / 550+
    Vending machines .......................  D20 / 1+
    Web or strand feeding ..................  242 / 364+
Dispersing (See Colloids;Emulsifying)  
    Agents .................................  516
        Non-colloid-sized ..................  252 / 363.5
        Solids combined with ...............  252 / 363.5
    Agitating ..............................  366
    Colloid, radioactive ...................  252 / 634+
    Compositions including agents for  
        Bituminous material ................  106 / 278
        Carbohydrate gum ...................  106 / 144.1+
        Casein .............................  106 / 159.1
        Cellulose ..........................  106 / 136.1
        Glue or gelatine ...................  106 / 160.1
        Natural resin ......................  106 / 236+
        Pigments ...........................  106 / 499+
        Prolamine ..........................  106 / 161.1
        Protein ............................  106 / 124.1+
        Starch .............................  106 / 145.1+
        Synthetic resin (see class 523,  
        Wax ................................  106 / 271
    Dyes including agents for ..............  8
    Fermentation apparatus .................  435 / 283.1+
        Foam control .......................  435 / 301.1
    Medium for coating or plastic ..........  106 / 311
    Compositions ...........................  106 / 311
    Solid disintegrating ...................  241
    Animated ...............................  345 / 473+
        Generation .........................  345 / 467+
    Attribute ..............................  345 / 581
    Bank counters ..........................  109 / 10+
    Boxes ..................................  217 / 11
        Closures hinged ....................  217 / 58
        Compartmented ......................  217 / 10
        Design .............................  D09 / 414+
        Folding ............................  217 / 9
        Sliding closure ....................  217 / 63
    Cabinet ................................  312 / 114+
        Frozen food,produce or meat ........  D06 / 432+
        With display opening ...............  312 / 234
    Card ...................................  40 / 124.01+
    Card picture and sign ..................  40
        Design .............................  D20 / 10+
        Design misc ........................  D20 / 10+
    Cathode ray tube .......................  345 / 10+
        Housing or mounting assembly .......  361 / 682
    Changeable exhibitor ...................  40 / 446+
    Computer graphics ......................  345 / 418+
    Container convertible for storage ......  206 / 44 R
    Device with gas or liquid movement .....  40 / 406+
    Drying apparatus combined ..............  34 / 88
    Easels .................................  248 / 441.1+
    Educational devices ....................  434 / 365
    Electroluminescent .....................  315 / 169.3
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 81
    Envelopes ..............................  229 / 71
    Forms ..................................  D20 / 10+
        Design .............................  D06
    Garment forms ..........................  223 / 66+
    Gas panel ..............................  315 / 169.4
    Heads up ...............................  345 / 7
    Housing or mounting assembly with  
    Electrical devices  
    Integrated with circuit ................  345 / 205+
    Letters sheets .........................  229 / 92.3
    Light systems electric control .........  340 / 286.01+
    Liquid crystal structure ...............  349 / 1+
    Matrix .................................  345 / 55+
    Monogram ...............................  345 / 33+
    Operator interface .....................  715 / 700+
    Optical projection screen  
        For confirmation of food order .....  705 / 15
        For optical projection screen ......  705 / 411
        Products sold on internet ..........  705 / 27
    Packages ...............................  206 / 44 R+
    Photographic ...........................  355 / 18
    Printed advertising ....................  283 / 56
    Racks ..................................  211
        For picture or business card .......  40 / 124
    Receptacles ............................  206 / 44 R+
    Refrigerators ..........................  62 / 246+
        Open access ........................  62 / 458
    Screen saver ...........................  715 / 867
    Show cases .............................  312 / 114+
    Stands .................................  261 / DIG 14
    T v channel ............................  348 / 569
    Three dimensional movable figure .......  40 / 411+
    Timepiece ..............................  368 / 223+
    Trays ..................................  206 / 557+
    Vehicle body feature ...................  296 / 21
    Video ..................................  348 / 739+
    Wooden containers ......................  217 / 9+
    Wrappers ...............................  229 / 92.3
    Closet sink spittoon ...................  4
    Crematory ..............................  110 / 194
    Cutlery combined .......................  30 / 124+
    Destruction or containment of ..........  588 / 1+
    Radioactive waste ......................  588 / 1+
    Incinerator ............................  110 / 235+
    Incinerator garbage ....................  110 / 235+
    Nuclear radioactive waste ..............  976 / DIG 375+
    Razor combined .........................  30 / 41
    Receptacles collection .................  232
    Sewage treatment .......................  210
    Sewerage ...............................  137
    Alicyclic hydrocarbon synthesis ........  585 / 375+
    Aromatic synthesis .....................  585 / 470+
    Hydrogen exchange see  
    Dehydrogenation; hydrogenation  
    Olefin synthesis .......................  585 / 643+
    Paraffin synthesis .....................  585 / 708
Dissemination (See Scattering)  
Dissolves in Motion Pictures ...............  352 / 91 R
Dissolving (See Solvent) ..................  423 / 658.5
    Actinide series compounds ..............  423 / 249+
    Inorganic compounds ....................  423 / 210+
    Solids to produce cooling ..............  62 / 4
Distance Measuring Devices .................  33 / 700+
    Computerized ...........................  705 / 417
    Speed integrator .......................  73 / 490
    Apparatus ..............................  202
    Azeotropic .............................  203 / 50+
    Beverages alcoholic ....................  426
    Bromine or iodine ......................  423 / 500
    Chemical apparatus combined ............  422 / 189+
    Convertive .............................  203 / 49
    Distillate treatment (see vapor)  
        Destructive distillation ...........  201 / 29
        Distillation combined ..............  203
        Mineral oils .......................  208 / 349
    Extractive .............................  203 / 50+
    Filming ................................  203 / 89
    Filming ................................  203 / 72
    Flash ..................................  203 / 88
    Fluidized bed ..........................  201 / 31
    Heating and illuminating gas ...........  48
    Mineral oils ...........................  208 / 347+
        Conversion combined ................  208 / 46+
        Rectification ......................  208 / 350+
    Separatory .............................  203
    Stills .................................  202 / 81+
        Mineral oil ........................  196 / 104+
    Thermolytic ............................  201
    Waste as fertilizer ....................  71 / 26
        Stock feed .........................  426 / 635
Distortion Bucking in an Amplifier .........  330 / 149
Distortion Control  
    Amplification ..........................  330
    Amplitude modulation ...................  332 / 159+
    Frequency modulation ...................  332 / 123+
    Metal deforming ........................  72 / 701*
    Pulse modulation .......................  332 / 107
    Telegraphy .............................  178 / 69 A
    Telephone circuit ......................  379 / 414
    Wave transmission lines and ............  333
    Networks ...............................  333
Distributing Material  
    Ammunition filamentary material ........  102 / 504+
    Bolt nail nut rivet screw making .......  470 / 164+
    Coating implement with .................  401
    Material supply ........................  401
    Conveyer power driven thrower ..........  198 / 638+
    Conveyer thrower powerdriven ...........  198 / 638+
    Data processing for business using .....  705 / 51
    Encryption .............................  705 / 51
        Copy protection or prevention ......  705 / 57
            Using a program or origin ......  705 / 58
            Identifier .....................  705 / 58
        Licensing ..........................  705 / 59
        Requiring additional user input ....  705 / 55
        For authorization ..................  705 / 55
            Specific computer id ...........  705 / 56
        With usage or charge ...............  705 / 52
        Determination ......................  705 / 52
            Multi-layered rights for use ...  705 / 54
            Third party billing ............  705 / 53
    Distilland in retort ...................  201 / 40
        Agitators ..........................  34 / 241+
        Drum rotary ........................  34 / 130+
        Kilns ..............................  34 / 218+
        Kilns plural .......................  34 / 210+
        Processes ..........................  34 / 376+
        Stationary receptacle ..............  34 / 466
    Ensilage ...............................  406 / 164+
    Fluid centrifugal ......................  239 / 214+
    Gear worm ..............................  74 / 427
    Gearing pressure .......................  74 / 410
    Hay ....................................  414 / 25
    Letter boxes compartment ...............  232 / 26
    Mobile orchard type ....................  239 / 77+
    Pamphlets from aircraft ................  40 / 216
    Pastry machine combined ................  425 / 289+
    Railway track layers ...................  104 / 5+
    Road material ..........................  404 / 101+
    Scattering unloader ....................  239 / 650+
    Sifters ................................  209 / 254
    Stratifiers ............................  209 / 498
    Type cases .............................  276 / 44+
    Type casting machine ...................  199 / 33+
    Type casting machine combined ..........  199 / 14+
    Type setting machine ...................  276 / 22+
    Type setting machine combined ..........  276 / 2+
    Boxes for electric conductors ..........  174 / 50+
    Coupons, electronic ....................  705 / 14
    Data processing for business ...........  705 / 51
    Using encryption .......................  705 / 51
        Copy protection or prevention ......  705 / 57
            Using a program or origin ......  705 / 58
            Identifier .....................  705 / 58
            Licensing ......................  705 / 59
            Requiring additional use input .  705 / 55
            For authorization ..............  705 / 55
            Specific computer id ...........  705 / 56
    Electric current .......................  307
    Fluid see ventilation  
        Gas or mist ........................  102 / 367+
        Handling ...........................  137
        Motors expansible chamber ..........  91
        Motors valve actuation .............  91
        Nozzles ............................  239
        With usage or charge ...............  705 / 52
        Determination ......................  705 / 52
            Multi-layered rights for use ...  705 / 54
            Third party billing ............  705 / 53
    Gas in gas mains .......................  48 / 190+
    Inventory ..............................  705 / 28
        Itemization ........................  705 / 29
Distribution Amplifier .....................  330 / 54
Distributor Electric  
    Auto ...................................  200 / 6 R+
        Ignition circuit ...................  315 / 210
        Ignition system ....................  123 / 146.5 R+
        Combined ...........................  174 / 73.1
        Overhead ...........................  174 / 43
        Underground ........................  174 / 38
        Structure ..........................  200 / 19.06+
        System .............................  123 / 143 R+
        System .............................  315 / 211+
    Insulators combined ....................  174 / 140 R
    Signalling transmitters ................  341 / 192
    Switch multiple circuit ................  200 / 1 R+
    Switch periodic ........................  200 / 19.33+
    Systems miscellaneous ..................  307
    Telegraphy multiplex ...................  370 / 303+
    Telephone switchboards .................  379 / 319+
    Transmission to vehicle ................  191 / 2+
    X ray tubes potential stress ...........  378 / 139
Ditch Filler ...............................  37 / 142.5
Ditcher ....................................  37 / 347+
    Elevator ...............................  414 / 596+
    Filler .................................  37 / 142.5
Dithiazoles ................................  548 / 123
    Reducing composition ...................  252 / 188.22
Dithiosulfurous Acid Esters ................  560 / 310
Diversity Receiver .........................  455 / 132+
    Assorter discharging ...................  209 / 493
    Dough, severing apparatus general ......  225 / 93
    Fleece .................................  19 / 151
    Fluid flow porportional ................  137 / 118.01+
    Gauges point markers ...................  33 / 665
        Center .............................  33 / 670+
        Proportional .......................  33 / 663+
    Harvester track clearing ...............  56 / 314
    Opposed contact ........................  33 / 558.01+
    Road ...................................  404 / 6+
    Scribing ...............................  33 / 18.1+
Diving Apparatus ...........................  405 / 185+
    Artificial gill ........................  128 / 200.25
    Board ..................................  482 / 30+
        Design .............................  D21 / 802
    Helmets ................................  2 / 2.14+
    Suits ..................................  2 / 2.14+
        Air or oxygen supply ...............  128 / 201.29+
        Buoyant or swimming feature ........  441 / 88+
        Submarine working device ...........  405 / 186+
Divining Rods ..............................  324 / 800*
Dobby Loom .................................  139 / 66 R+
    Griff vibrating ........................  139 / 67
    Drydocks ...............................  405 / 4+
        Floating ...........................  114 / 45+
Docketing, Computerized ....................  705 / 9
Doctor Blade (See Device or  
    Apparatus with which associated)  
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 274+
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 284
Document ...................................  283
    Creation ...............................  703
    Editing ................................  715 / 255+
    Formatting .............................  715 / 243+
        Electrophotographic copier .........  399 / 361+
        Electrophotographic copier .........  399 / 377+
    Sales ..................................  283 / 60.1+
    With image .............................  715 / 200
Documentation Computer Application .........  704 / 1+
    Bobbin and cop winding combined ........  242 / 473.4+
    Carding combined .......................  19 / 106 A
    Conveyer section .......................  198 / 622
    Ginning combined  
        Delinters ..........................  19 / 42+
        Saw ................................  19 / 58+
    Magnetic solids separator or ...........  209 / 229
    Classifier combined ....................  209 / 229+
    Spinning, twisting, or twining .........  57 / 266+
    Combined ...............................  57 / 266+
        Preparation for ....................  57 / 276+
    Vegetable cutter or comminutor  
        Parer and corer ....................  99 / 542
        Parer corer and segmenter ..........  99 / 543
        Parer corer and slicer .............  99 / 543
        Peeler or parer ....................  99 / 588+
    Collar .................................  119 / 856+
        Design .............................  D30 / 152
        With leash or tether ...............  119 / 792+
    Driven ratchet bar combined ............  74 / 169
    Foodstuff ..............................  D01
    For bolt ...............................  70 / 467+
    Furnace fire ...........................  126 / 298
    Harness ................................  54
    House ..................................  D30 / 108+
    Kennels ................................  119 / 482+
    Muzzle .................................  119 / 831+
    Sawmill ................................  83 / 721
        Set works end ......................  83 / 730
    Sewing machine feeding .................  112 / 324
    Turning lathe ..........................  82 / 166+
    Woodworking bench ......................  144 / 306+
Doily ......................................  428 / 81+
    Embroidery, design .....................  D06 / 613+
    Furniture protector ....................  D06 / 613+
    Article supporting .....................  280 / 47.34+
        Design .............................  D34 / 23
    Hoisting trucks ........................  254 / 2 R+
    Rivet ..................................  227
    Washing machine ........................  68 / 138
Dolls ......................................  446 / 268+
    Aquatic ................................  446 / 156+
    Assembling and disassembling ...........  29 / 805
    Design .................................  D21 / 621
    Eating drinking nursing ................  446 / 304+
    Sleeping ...............................  446 / 345+
    Talking crying .........................  446 / 297+
        Wheeled ............................  446 / 270+
    Voices .................................  446 / 297+
        Pneumatic ..........................  446 / 188+
    Wheeled ................................  446 / 269+
        Inflatable .........................  446 / 226
Dolomite Refractory Compositions ...........  501 / 113
Dome .......................................  362 / 479
    Arcuate design .........................  D25 / 19
    Building structures ....................  52 / 80.1+
    Fire tube ..............................  122 / 116
    Geodesic design ........................  D25 / 13
    Lantern ................................  362 / 182
        Tubular ............................  362 / 173
    Lights vehicle .........................  362 / 470
    Steam ..................................  122 / 508
        Separator ..........................  122 / 492
        Superheater ........................  122 / 486
    Track sander hopper ....................  291 / 40
Dominoes ...................................  273 / 292+
    Empty spinning bobbins .................  57 / 266+
        Preparatory ........................  57 / 276+
Door (See Closure)  
    Animal cage ............................  119 / 481
    Animal stall ...........................  119 / 524
    Bar for jamming closed .................  D08 / 331+
    Bells electric .........................  340 / 392.1+
    Braces .................................  52 / 291
    Brakes, track or guideway ..............  16 / DIG 20
        Sectional unit .....................  312 / 109+
        Showcase ...........................  312 / 138.1+
    Channel for sliding door ...............  D25 / 119+
    Checks .................................  16 / 82+
    Checks and closures ....................  16 / 49+
    Chimes .................................  D10 / 118
    Coin controlled ........................  194
    Curved cast archway ....................  52 / 85
    Design .................................  D25 / 48+
        Contacts for burglar alarms ........  200 / 61.93
    Elevator ...............................  187 / 313+
    Flexible roll ..........................  160 / 238+
    Folding ................................  160 / 229.1+
        Sliding together ...................  160 / 222+
    Frame ..................................  49 / 504
        In situ structure ..................  52 / 204.1+
    Guards .................................  49 / 50+
    Handles (see --,knob) ..................  16 / 412+
        Latch ..............................  16 / DIG 32
        Opening apparatus ..................  16 / DIG 7
    Hanger or track ........................  16 / 87 R+
    Hinges .................................  16 / 221+
    Jail ...................................  49 / 15+
        Fluorescent ........................  250 / 466.1
        Illuminator ........................  362 / 100+
    Knob ...................................  16 / 414+
        Design .............................  D08
        With spindle attachment ............  292 / 347+
    Knockers ...............................  116 / 148
        Design .............................  D08 / 401+
    Land vehicle ...........................  296 / 146.1+
    Latch (see closure; fastener)  
    Latch bolts, biased ....................  70 / 144
        Dog for bolt .......................  70 / 467+
    Lock ...................................  70 / 91+
        Keepers ............................  292 / 340+
        Railway ............................  105 / 395
    Mat ....................................  15 / 215+
    Motor vehicle (see closure)  
    Operators ..............................  49 / 324+
    Ornamental panel .......................  52 / 311.1+
    Overhead door ..........................  16 / DIG 1
    Panel warp correction ..................  52 / 291
    Plate or sign for ......................  D20 / 43+
    Plural panels ..........................  52 / 455+
    Pneumatic-type closer ..................  D08 / 330
    Poultry enclosure ......................  119 / 494
        Poultry self-operating .............  119 / 495
        Dumping car ........................  105 / 280+
        Emergency ..........................  105 / 348+
        Platform trap ......................  105 / 426+
        Vehicle restrained .................  246 / 304+
    Releasers ..............................  292 / 341.16
    Removers ...............................  414 / 684.3
        Traversing hoist ...................  212 / 166
    Sectional panel ........................  52 / 455+
    Ships ..................................  114 / 116+
    Silencer ...............................  D08 / 400
    Sliding ................................  49 / 404+
    Stop ...................................  D08 / 402
    Stove, furnace or oven  
        Casings furnace ....................  110 / 181
        Cooling furnace ....................  110 / 180
        Furnace ............................  110 / 173 R+
        Stove ..............................  126 / 190+
    Switches ...............................  200 / 61.62+
        Lamp or electronic tube system .....  315 / 84
    Track ..................................  D08 / 377
    Trim ...................................  52 / 211+
    Troughs ................................  49 / 408
    Ventilating ............................  454 / 195
        Stove ..............................  126 / 198
    Work holder for door and frame .........  269 / 905*
Dop Jewel Holder ...........................  451 / 389
    Diffusing in semiconductor .............  438 / 542+
    Fusing dopant with .....................  438 / 537+
    Semiconductor ..........................  438 / 537+
    Gas imersion laser doping ..............  438 / 535
    While growing single crystal ...........  117
Doping Agent Source Material ...............  252 / 950*
    For vapor transport ....................  252 / 951*
Doppler Compensation Systems ...............  367 / 904*
Dorr Classifier ............................  209 / 462
Dosage-Related Cabinet .....................  312 / 234+
Dosing Device  
    Dispensing .............................  222
    Indicator for medicine .................  116 / 308
    Medicators .............................  604
    Dot type mosaic screen cathode ray .....  313 / 472
    Tube ...................................  313 / 472
    Printer ................................  400 / 124.01
Double Antibody Test .......................  436 / 540
Double Bond Shift (See Isomerization)  
Doubler ....................................  202 / 199
Doublet Antenna ............................  343 / 793+
    Twisting strands  
        Covering or wrapping ...............  57 / 14
        Delivery twist .....................  57 / 59+
        Ends or hanks ......................  57 / 26+
        Receiving twist ....................  57 / 66+
    Winding bobbins and cops ...............  242 / 472.8
        Fault detecting ....................  242 / 472.9+
Douche .....................................  604 / 36+
    Hand held ..............................  604 / 212
    Nozzle with separate ingress & .........  604 / 39
    Egress .................................  604 / 39
    Treating material introduced ...........  604 / 514
    Compositions ...........................  426 / 549+
    Crimping devices .......................  425 / 293
    Cutting machines .......................  83
    Dividing machines ......................  425 / 289+
    Forming, molding and working ...........  425 / 197+
    Forming, molding and working ...........  425 / 200+
    Kneading machines ......................  366 / 69+
    Kneading machines ......................  425 / 197+
    Kneading machines ......................  425 / 200+
    Mixing machines ........................  366 / 69+
    Packaging or wrapping ..................  426 / 392+
    Presses ................................  425
    Raisers ................................  126 / 281+
    Rollers ................................  425 / 294
    Rollers ................................  425 / 329
    Testing ................................  73 / 169
Doughnut ...................................  426 / 496
        Deep fat fryer type ................  99 / 403+
        Forming or shaping combined ........  99 / 354
        Opposed heated surface type ........  99 / 382
        Support combined ...................  99 / 442
    Deep fry process .......................  426 / 439
    Design .................................  D01 / 120
    Dough fermentation .....................  426 / 18
Doup Heddle ................................  139 / 51+
    Bedstead corner fastening ..............  5 / 300
        Design .............................  D06 / 503+
    Calks ..................................  168 / 35
    Woodworking ............................  144 / 85+
    Jigs ...................................  408 / 72 R+
    Pins ...................................  403 / 292+
        Making .............................  144 / 12
        Module connector ...................  52 / 585.1
    Road joint .............................  404 / 47+
    Furnaces ...............................  110 / 315
        Hot air furnace ....................  126 / 103
    Liquid heaters and vaporizers  
        Fire tube ..........................  122 / 97
        Water tube .........................  122 / 286
    Stove ..................................  126 / 76
Downspout ..................................  52 / 16
Doxycycline ................................  552 / 203
    Air current  
        Back draft preventer ...............  454 / 359+
            For inlet airway ...............  454 / 259
        Blast or shockwave preventer .......  454 / 194
        Boiler .............................  122
        Control to combustion chamber ......  431 / 20
        Downdraft furnace ..................  110 / 315
        Forced draft fumigant burner .......  43 / 125+
        Heating stove downdraft ............  126 / 76
        Hot air furnace downdraft ..........  126 / 103
        Intermediate in superimposed .......  110 / 267+
        Fire box with air or steam .........  110 / 267+
        Stove damper .......................  126 / 290
        Superimposed fire box and ..........  110 / 317
        Intermediate draft .................  110 / 317
        Animal .............................  278
        Articulated vehicle train ..........  280 / 400
        Cable hoist ........................  212 / 76+
        Cable railway ......................  104 / 193
        Horse drawn sweep ..................  185 / 23
        Monorail animal draft ..............  105 / 143
        Railway ............................  213
        Wheeled horse rake draft ...........  56 / 386
        Dumping ............................  56 / 386+
        Animal draft appliance .............  278 / 3+
        Horse drawn sweep ..................  185 / 22
    Gauges .................................  73 / 700+
        Boiler .............................  122 / 38
        Damper .............................  126 / 285 R+
        Damper automatic ...................  236 / 45
        Furnace ............................  110 / 147+
        Spark arrester combined ............  110 / 123
Drafting See Drawing  
        Cabinet combined ...................  312 / 231
    Implement ..............................  D19 / 35+
        Box for ............................  206 / 371
        Curved ruler type ..................  33 / 561.2+
        Scriber type .......................  33 / 18.1+
        Straightedge type ..................  33 / 403+
    Table ..................................  D06 / 420
    Textile fibers .........................  19 / 236+
    Animal restraining .....................  119 / 758+
    Classifier .............................  209 / 462
    Conveyer chains ........................  198 / 717+
    Conveyor chains for viscous fluids .....  198 / 643
    Drilling planting machine ..............  111 / 84
    Earth working ..........................  172
    Fishing reel ...........................  242 / 283+
    Land vehicle type of ...................  280 / 19
    Line scraper ...........................  172 / 26.5
    Metal casting sand .....................  164 / 349+
    Oil distributor ........................  114 / 234
    Reciprocating saw machine ..............  83 / 746+
    Saw guide ..............................  83 / 821
    Sea anchor .............................  114 / 311
        Design .............................  D12 / 215
    Ships log ..............................  73 / 184+
    Spinning reel ..........................  242 / 243+
    Textile spinning and twisting ..........  57 / 113
        Bobbin .............................  57 / 72
        Flier type bobbin ..................  57 / 70
Drain and Drainage  
    Building construction ..................  52 / 302.1+
    Cabinets with ..........................  312 / 229
    Conduit electrical .....................  191 / 26
    Dispenser ..............................  141 / 364
    Footwear with ..........................  36 / 3 R
    Fryer deep fat .........................  99 / 410+
    Machine fluid treating .................  68 / 208
    Photographic wet plates ................  396 / 521
    Pipe cleaner ...........................  15 / 104.31+
    Pump ...................................  417 / 437
    Road or pavement .......................  404 / 2+
    Roll type clothes wringer ..............  68 / 271
    Roofing interior .......................  52 / 553
        Gutter .............................  52 / 11+
    Safes or banks .........................  109 / 28
    Sand ...................................  405 / 50
    Sewerage ...............................  210 / 163+
    Shield .................................  D23 / 261
    Sink ...................................  4 / 650+
    Soil ...................................  405 / 36+
    Static mold having fluid ...............  249 / 141
    Sugar centrifugals .....................  127 / 19
    Surgical ...............................  604 / 264+
    Table surgical .........................  108 / 24
    Washing machines .......................  68 / 208
    Wringer roll ...........................  68 / 271
Drain Board (See Dish, Drainer)  
    Sink accessory .........................  D32 / 56
    Tub with ...............................  4 / 637
        Attachment .........................  4 / 656
        Design .............................  D23 / 277+
Draperies ..................................  160 / 330+
    Hook ...................................  16 / 93 D
    Surgical ...............................  128 / 849
    Tie back, fabric .......................  D06 / 578
    Tie back, rigid ........................  D08 / 368
    Press ..................................  72 / 343+
    Articulated vehicles combined ..........  280 / 400+
    Bedstead corner fastening ..............  5 / 298
    Elastic extension device ...............  267 / 72
    Inclosing ..............................  267 / 72
    Railway ................................  213 / 62 R+
        Car forging dies ...................  72 / 343+
        Car making .........................  72
Drawbridge .................................  14 / 31+
    Electrical transmission to .............  191 / 9
    Floating ...............................  14 / 29+
    Protection switch or signal ............  246 / 118+
    Bed combined ...........................  5 / 308
    Cabinet ................................  312
        Horizontal sliding .................  312 / 330.1+
    Cash register operation ................  235 / 22
    Element of sofa bed ....................  5 / 58
    Key set cash register operated by ......  235 / 10
    Knob labels and tags ...................  40 / 331+
    Locks ..................................  70 / 85+
    Plate or sign for ......................  D20 / 43+
    Pull labels and tags ...................  40 / 325
    Refrigerated ...........................  62 / 382
        Air blocking when open .............  62 / 266
Drawing (See Drafting)  
    Abrading reel ..........................  451 / 183
        Cabinet combined ...................  312 / 231
        Design .............................  D19 / 52
        Straight edge mounting .............  33 / 430+
    Die ....................................  72 / 467
    Easels .................................  248 / 441.1+
    Glass ..................................  65 / 193+
        Process ............................  65 / 66+
    Implement ..............................  D19 / 35+
    Manufacturing glass  
        Fibers .............................  65 / 475+
        Fiber apparatus ....................  65 / 483+
        Product by .........................  65
    Material, design of ....................  D19 / 35+
    Mechanical instruments .................  33
    Mercury vapor lamp starting by .........  313 / 170+
    Metal ..................................  72
        Cup or shell .......................  72 / 347+
        Method & apparatus .................  29 / DIG 11
        Push drawing .......................  72 / 343
        Rolling combined ...................  72 / 206
        Sheet die shaping ..................  72 / 380+
        Spinning ...........................  72 / 82+
        Wire or tube .......................  72 / 274+
    Pen ....................................  401 / 267
        Design .............................  D19 / 41+
    Perspective instruments ................  33 / 1 K
    Reverse drawing on metal ...............  72 / 708*
    Textile fiber ..........................  19 / 236
    Textile spinning,twisting,twining  
        Combined ...........................  57 / 315+
        Rollers ............................  57 / 97
    Toy (design) ...........................  D21 / 469
    Triangles ..............................  33 / 474
    Visual arts ............................  434 / 85+
Drawknives .................................  30 / 313
    Diamond setting ........................  76 / 107.1+
Drawstring .................................  24 / 712
    Excavating .............................  37 / 307+
    Submerged vessel raising ...............  114 / 55
Dredge Top Dispenser .......................  222 / 480
Dress ......................................  D02 / 756+
    Garment ................................  2 / 71+
        Forms ..............................  223 / 68+
        Hangers ............................  223 / 92+
        Protector ..........................  2 / 46+
        Shield pressing ....................  223 / 54
        Weights ............................  2 / 273
    Maternity ..............................  2 / 76
    Sifting screen .........................  209 / 392+
    Wheel guards ...........................  280 / 160.1
Dresser, Fish Preparation Tool .............  D07 / 693+
Dresser, Furniture .........................  D06 / 432+
    Brushes and brooms .....................  300 / 18
    Meat and fowl and fish .................  452
    Saw making  
        Jointing and gaging combined .......  76 / 46
        Jointing combined ..................  76 / 50.4+
    Separating screen ......................  209 / 392+
    Separating solids ......................  209
    Stone working ..........................  125 / 2+
        Diamond tool for ...................  125 / 39
        Grindstones ........................  125 / 11.11
        Millstone ..........................  125 / 27+
    Surgical see bandaging  
        Fluid or fluent material ...........  131 / 300+
        Smoothing brushing rolling .........  131 / 324+
        Stemming combined ..................  131 / 315+
    Warps ..................................  28 / 178+
Dried Fruits and Vegetables ................  426 / 640+
Drier and Drying See Dehydration ...........  34
    Blotter or towel type ..................  34 / 95+
        Non-drying device combined .........  34 / 89.1+
    Cigar and cigarette making  
        Tip or mouthpiece applying .........  131 / 92
        Wrapper sealing ....................  131 / 68
    Clothes ................................  34
        Automatic ..........................  34 / 524+
        Clothes drying rack ................  D32 / 58
        Machine design .....................  D32 / 8
    Coating combined with drying ...........  427 / 372.2+
    Collar cuff and bosom making ...........  223 / 3
    Composition ............................  106 / 310
        Drying oils combined ...............  106 / 264
        For coating ........................  106 / 310
    Dress coat or skirt forming and ........  223 / 69
    Stretching .............................  223 / 69
    Dry closet .............................  4 / 111.1+
    Fruits and vegetables dehydrating ......  426 / 471+
    Garbage and sewerage furnace ...........  110 / 224+
    Gas and vapor contact with solids ......  34
    Hair dryer .............................  D28 / 12+
    Hand dryer .............................  D28 / 54.1
    Methods ................................  34 / 282+
    Milk dehydrating .......................  426 / 471+
    Mortar mixer combined ..................  366 / 22+
    Paper article making  
        Box making .........................  493 / 141+
        Envelope making ....................  493 / 265
    Rack ...................................  211
    Refuse treatment means .................  110 / 224+
    Shoe and boot ..........................  34 / 104
    Solids apparatus .......................  34 / 524+
    Spooled material .......................  242 / 602+
        Thread finishing, heating ..........  28 / 219
        Or drying ..........................  28 / 219
        Washing machine combined ...........  68 / 20
        Web spreader combined ..............  26 / 92
        Web stretching combined ............  26 / 106
    Tobacco ................................  131 / 300+
    Wood bending ...........................  144 / 254
    Indicator (see direction indicator)  
    Pin ....................................  29 / 275
Drill (See Bit)  
    Bit ....................................  D15 / 138+
        Dental .............................  433 / 165+
    Chucks .................................  279
    Cigar tip perforators ..................  131 / 254
    Dentists ...............................  433 / 165
        Design .............................  D24 / 146+
    Drilling machines ......................  408
    Drills .................................  408 / 199+
        Design .............................  D15 / 139
        Design hand tool ...................  D08 / 59
    Earth boring ...........................  175 / 327+
        Expansible .........................  175 / 263+
    Grain planting .........................  111 / 14+
    Grinding processes .....................  451 / 48
    Making and sharpening machines .........  76 / 5.1+
    Making blanks and processes ............  76 / 108.1+
    Press ..................................  408 / 72 R+
    Press type combined metal working ......  29 / 26 R+
    Machine ................................  29 / 26 R+
    Pyramidal end ..........................  125 / 1
    Rack for ...............................  211 / 69
    Rail portable ..........................  408 / 77
    Receptacles special for ................  206 / 379
    Rock ...................................  175 / 327+
    Trepan .................................  606 / 176+
    Twist for metalworking .................  408 / 230
    Twisting stock to make .................  72 / 299
    Vise attached ..........................  29 / 560.1
    Well ...................................  175
    Woodworking ............................  408 / 199+
Drilling (See Boring)  
    Borehole and drilling study ............  73 / 152.43+
    Brush making tuft setting and ..........  300 / 3
    Button making ..........................  79 / 11+
        Pearl button surfacing and .........  79 / 6
    Earth ..................................  175
    Grain drill chute ......................  193 / 9
        Dental .............................  433 / 103+
        Driving or impacting ...............  173
        Radial .............................  408 / 236+
        Rock ...............................  175
    Mining implement .......................  299 / 69+
        Analysis ...........................  73 / 152.04
        Compositions .......................  507 / 100+
        Earth boring with ..................  175 / 65+
    Planting ...............................  111 / 14+
        Broadcasting and ...................  111 / 8+
        Liquid or gas ......................  111 / 118+
        Plant setting ......................  111 / 109+
    Solid material .........................  408
        Electric ...........................  310
    Well ...................................  175
        Marine platform ....................  405 / 195.1+
    Preparation or dispensing machines .....  D07 / 300+
    Registers ..............................  235 / 94 R
Drinking Fountain ..........................  239 / 24+
    Animal watering devices ................  119 / 72+
        Design .............................  D30 / 121+
    Design .................................  D07 / 304
    Tube ...................................  239 / 33
        Filter combined ....................  210 / 251
Drinking Straw .............................  239 / 33
Drinking Vessel  
    Container for collapsible type .........  206 / 218+
Drinking Water  
    Chemical purification ..................  210 / 198.1+
        Process ............................  210 / 601+
    Filtering ..............................  210 / 348+
        Decanting combined .................  210 / 294+
    Building attached deflector ............  52 / 97
    Catcher see drip pan  
        Closet bowl ........................  4 / 251.1+
        Coating implement adjunct ..........  401 / 15
        Cooking apparatus ..................  99 / 444+
        Dispenser ..........................  222 / 108+
        Fluid sprayer or sprinkler .........  239 / 120+
        Gas separation apparatus ...........  96 / 396
        Griddle ............................  99 / 425
        Inverted container support with ....  141 / 364
        Open top liquid heating vessel .....  126 / 383.1+
        Refrigerator defrost water .........  62 / 285+
        Refrigerator ice melt ..............  62 / 459+
        Refrigerator ice melt filter .......  62 / 318
        Toaster ............................  99 / 400
        Waffle type cooker .................  99 / 375
    Coffee maker ...........................  99 / 306
    Collector ..............................  431 / 119
        Ice melt gas contactor .............  62 / 312+
        Ice melt heat exchanger ............  62 / 460+
        Wet wall type refrigerator .........  62 / 278
        Cleaning attachment ................  15 / 248.1+
        Umbrella ...........................  135 / 48
    Liquid diffusers .......................  239 / 38
    Meters .................................  604 / 251
        Drip sensor ........................  604 / 253
        Filter .............................  604 / 252
        Flow control .......................  604 / 246
    Pan see drip catcher  
        Liquid fuel cooking stove ..........  126 / 51
        Lubricators ........................  184 / 106
        Vehicle body .......................  296 / 38
        Boiler feed heater .................  122 / 417
        Fluid fuel burning liquid heater ...  126 / 355.1
        In liquid heating vessel ...........  126 / 355.1
Drive in Theatres ..........................  52 / 6+
    Anchor .................................  52 / 155
    Supported building component ...........  52 / 292+
        Earth piercer ......................  52 / 155+
        Terranean relationship .............  52 / 169.1+
Drive or Driver  
    Barrel hoop ............................  147 / 7+
    Barrel tap .............................  81 / 27
        With dispensing ....................  222 / 81+
    Bolt or nut ............................  81 / 52+
    Centrifugal separators .................  210 / 360.1+
    Conveyor endless .......................  198 / 832+
    Earth boring tool combined .............  175 / 170+
        Impact .............................  175 / 135
    Elongated-member driving apparatus .....  227
    Golf club ..............................  473 / 282+
        Design .............................  D21 / 733+
    Hammer .................................  173 / 90+
        Design .............................  D08 / 75+
    Hill planting machine belt feed ........  111 / 19
    Locomotive .............................  105 / 26.05+
    Mallets ................................  81 / 19
        Implements .........................  227 / 140+
        Machine ............................  227
    Pile ...................................  173 / 90+
    Railway car wheel or axle ..............  105 / 96+
    Railway turntable actuator .............  104 / 41
    Screw driver implement .................  81 / 436+
    Screw driving machine ..................  81 / 54
    Sewing machine .........................  112 / 220+
    Shoe lasting and nailing ...............  12 / 13.1
    Tap driving ratchet ....................  408 / 120+
    Tool ...................................  173
    Track spike ............................  104 / 17.1
    Trackmans car ..........................  105 / 86+
    Turning work ...........................  82 / 166+
    Well point .............................  175
        Control by electrical ..............  340 / 853.3+
        Communications system ..............  340 / 853.3+
Driven Headed and Screw Threaded ...........  411
    Devices ................................  411
    Railway spikes .........................  238 / 366+
    Annunciator systems ....................  340 / 286.11+
    Annunciators ...........................  340 / 815.79+
    Bomb ...................................  102 / 382+
    Forging ................................  72 / 435+
        Fluid operated .....................  72 / 453.01+
    Hammer .................................  72 / 435+
    Pick up for overhead railway car .......  104 / 122
    Store service ..........................  186 / 22+
    Telephone switchboard restorers ........  379 / 315+
Drop Devices ...............................  472 / 131
    Parachute simulating ...................  472 / 49
    Roundabout .............................  472 / 2
    With trip release ......................  472 / 50
    Animal waterer .........................  119 / 72.5
    Cash register indicator tablet .........  235 / 25
    Dispenser ..............................  222 / 420+
        Medicine dropper type ..............  141 / 24
    Medicine ...............................  604 / 295+
        Combined with bottle, design .......  D09 / 723+
        Combined with closure, design ......  D09 / 447
Droppings Catcher  
    Dispenser ..............................  222 / 108+
    Railway ................................  104 / 133
Drugs ......................................  424
    Bio-affecting & body treating ..........  514
    Compositions ...........................  514
        Acronycines ........................  514 / 285
        Adenine ............................  514 / 263.4
        Allantoin ..........................  514 / 390
        Amantadine .........................  514 / 656
        Amphetamine ........................  514 / 654
        Ampicillin .........................  514 / 198
        Amprotropine .......................  514 / 534
        Aspirin ............................  514 / 165
        Atropine ...........................  514 / 304
        Barbituric acid ....................  514 / 270
        Benzocaine .........................  514 / 535
        Benzomorphans ......................  514 / 295
        Biotin .............................  514 / 387
        Capsaicin ..........................  514 / 627
        Cephalosporins .....................  514 / 200+
        Chlorpheniramine ...................  514 / 357
        Cholecalciferol ....................  514 / 167
        Chrysanthemic acid .................  514 / 572
        Cobalamin ..........................  514 / 52
        Codeine ............................  514 / 282
        Colchicine .........................  514 / 629
        Cortisone ..........................  514 / 179
        Cupreine ...........................  514 / 305
        Cycloheximide ......................  514 / 328
        Cyproheptadine .....................  514 / 325
        Cysteine ester .....................  514 / 550
        D d t ..............................  514 / 748
        D d v p ............................  514 / 136
        Dextromethorphan ...................  514 / 289
        Dyphylline .........................  514 / 263.36
        Ephedrine ..........................  514 / 653
        Estradiol ..........................  514 / 182
        Fluspirilene .......................  514 / 278
        Glaucine ...........................  514 / 284
        Glaumine ...........................  514 / 669
        Griseofulvin .......................  514 / 462
        Guanine ............................  514 / 263.37
        Hexachlorophene ....................  514 / 735
        Hydrocortisone .....................  514 / 179
        Isoniazid ..........................  514 / 354
        Malathion ..........................  514 / 122
        Melatonin ..........................  514 / 415
        Meperidine .........................  514 / 330
        Methadone ..........................  514 / 648
        Methapyrilene ......................  514 / 336
        Methomyl ...........................  514 / 477
        Morphinans .........................  514 / 289
        Morphine ...........................  514 / 282
        Nandrolone .........................  514 / 178+
        Niacinamide ........................  514 / 355
        Nicotinamide .......................  514 / 355
        Nicotine acid ......................  514 / 356
        Nortestosterone ....................  514 / 178
        Novocaine ..........................  514 / 535
        Oxolinic acid ......................  514 / 291
        Parathion ..........................  514 / 132
        Penicillin g .......................  514 / 199
        Perdnisolone .......................  514 / 179
        Perimidines ........................  514 / 269
        Phenylephrine ......................  514 / 653
        Phenyltoloxamine ...................  514 / 651
        Pilocarpine ........................  514 / 397
        Pimozide ...........................  514 / 323
        Piromidic acid .....................  514 / 303
        Procaine ...........................  514 / 535
        Progesterone .......................  514 / 177
        Psoralen ...........................  514 / 455
        Pteridine ..........................  514 / 249
        Purines ............................  514 / 263.1
        Purines ............................  514 / 263.4
        Quinazoline ........................  514 / 266.1
        Quinazoline ........................  514 / 266.4
        Quinicine ..........................  514 / 314
        Quinidine ..........................  514 / 305
        Quinine ............................  514 / 305
        Quinoxaline ........................  514 / 249
        Riboflavines .......................  514 / 251
        Salinomycin ........................  514 / 460
        Scopolamine ........................  514 / 291
        Tartaric acid ......................  514 / 574
        Tetracycline .......................  514 / 152
        Tetramisole ........................  514 / 368
        Theophiylline ......................  514 / 263.34
        Thiamines ..........................  514 / 276
        Tocopherols ........................  514 / 458
        Tripelennamine .....................  514 / 352
        Tryptophan .........................  514 / 419
        Tyrosine ...........................  514 / 567
        Uracil .............................  514 / 274
        Vinblastine ........................  514 / 283
        Vincamine ..........................  514 / 283
        Viquidil ...........................  514 / 314
    Childproof bottle closures .............  215 / 201+
    Drugs of abuse .........................  436 / 901*
    Radioactive containing composition .....  424 / 1.11+
Drums (See Cylinders; Rollers)  
    Armature (see armature) ...............  310 / 265
    Brake ..................................  188 / 218 R
    Cask or ................................  D34 / 39
    Centrifugal (see centrifugal force,  
    Container type .........................  220
    Earthworking or smoothing see  
    Rolls & rollers, land  
    Evaporator moving film support .........  159 / 9.1
        Treated material inside drum .......  159 / 9.2
    Material separating (see separator)  
    Musical ................................  84 / 411 R+
        Automatic ..........................  84 / 104
    Rotary furnace .........................  432 / 103+
        Metallurgical ......................  266 / 173
    Rotary heat exchange ...................  165 / 89+
    Rotary or tilting support ..............  384 / 549
        Stand ..............................  248 / 128+
    Tumbling device for abrading ...........  451 / 328
    Winding (see coiling winding)  
Drumstick ..................................  84 / 422.4
Dry Cell Battery ...........................  429 / 156
    Recharging system ......................  320 / 100+
    Thermoelectric & photoelectric .........  136
Dry Cleaning ...............................  8 / 142
    Cleaner compositions ...................  510 / 285+
    Machinery design .......................  D32 / 10
Dry Closet .................................  4 / 449+
    Furnace combined .......................  4 / 111.1+
Dry Dock ...................................  405 / 4+
    Floating ...............................  114 / 45+
DRY ICE™    Solid Carbon Dioxide  
    Making .................................  62 / 602+
        Process ............................  62 / 602+
        Shaping combined ...................  62 / 604
    Refrigeration by .......................  62 / 384+
        Automatic ..........................  62 / 165+
Dryers (See Drier & Drying)  
Drying Japans ..............................  106 / 310
Drying Oil .................................  554 / 24+
    Composition containing .................  106 / 252+
        Natural resin containing ...........  106 / 222+
    Fatty oil with preservative ............  106 / 263
    Hydrocarbon ............................  585 / 945*
    Mineral oil ............................  208 / 1
    Polymers ctg (see synthetic resin  
    Or natural rubber)  
Drywall Construction .......................  52 / 344+
    Strip ..................................  52 / 459+
Dual-in-Line Electronic Package ............  174 / 524
    Calls ..................................  446 / 207+
    Decoys .................................  43 / 3
Duct (See Conduit)  
    Humidifier .............................  261 / DIG 15
Ductility Testing ..........................  73 / 87
Dulcimer ...................................  84 / 284
Dumb Waiter ................................  187
Dumbbell ...................................  482 / 108
Dumdum Bullet ..............................  102 / 507+
    Ammunition .............................  102 / 444+
        Bomb ...............................  102 / 395
        Shell ..............................  102 / 498
    Clothes and other display ..............  40 / 538
    Figure dispenser .......................  222 / 78
    Figure toys ............................  446 / 268+
        Aquatic ............................  446 / 156+
        Inflatable .........................  446 / 226
        Wheeled ............................  446 / 269+
    Pyrotechnics ...........................  102 / 355
    Tackling ...............................  473 / 441+
Dumping Mechanism  
    Cable hoist ............................  212 / 79+
    Clothes washing machines ...............  68 / 210
    Egg candling trays .....................  356 / 65
    Furnace ash pan ........................  110 / 167+
    Hand shovel ............................  414 / 722+
    Mortar mixer ...........................  366 / 45+
    Nuclear reactor ........................  376 / 261
    Portable receptacle ....................  414 / 403+
    Safes ..................................  109 / 46
    Shelf to shelf flow drying .............  34 / 172
    Apparatus ..............................  34 / 172
    Stove grates ...........................  126 / 162
        Rocking bar ........................  126 / 177
        Shaking combined ...................  126 / 158
        Vertical axis oscillatory ..........  126 / 171
    Vehicle ................................  298
        Horse rake .........................  56 / 386+
        Railway ............................  105 / 239+
            Moving car .....................  105 / 241.1
        Rake and tedder ....................  56 / 368
        Roadway with external ..............  414 / 354+
        Scoop ..............................  37 / 441
        Scow ...............................  114 / 27+
        Wheeled toy ........................  446 / 428
    Water closet ...........................  4 / 365+
Dune Buggy Design ..........................  D12 / 87
    Element ................................  267 / 136+
    For container ..........................  220 / 62.11+
    For freight ............................  410 / 121
        Edge-around ........................  410 / 155
        Honeycomb ..........................  410 / 154
Duplex Copy  
    Electrophotographic copier .............  399 / 364
Duplex Diplex System .......................  370 / 275
Duplex Telegraph System ....................  370 / 276+
Duplicate Whist and Other Card Hand ........  273 / 151
    Holding apparatus ......................  273 / 151
Duplicating (See Manifolding)  
    Cutting machine ........................  409 / 93
    Keys ...................................  409 / 81+
        Machines ...........................  D15 / 127
    Pattern controlled  
        Milling machine ....................  409 / 79+
        Sheet or card punching .............  234 / 59+
    Plural ribbon typewriter ...............  400 / 204+
    Printing machine .......................  101 / 113
        Selecting or progressive ...........  101 / 90
    Ticket printing machine ................  101 / 67+
DUREZ™    (Phenoplast) .....................  528 / 129
Duroquinone ................................  552 / 310
    Carburetor .............................  406
        Abrading machines ..................  451 / 456
        Cabinet with .......................  312 / 229
        Coating compositions for ...........  252 / 88.2
        Dental engine ......................  433 / 116
        Design .............................  D32 / 15+
        Earth boring cuttings ..............  175 / 207+
        Gas separator with .................  55 / 429
        Textile spinning apparatus .........  57 / 300+
        With air blast or ..................  15 / 347
        Suction cleaner ....................  15 / 347+
        Woodworking machines ...............  144 / 252.1+
        Threshing machine ..................  460 / 117
        Woodworking ........................  144 / 252.1+
        Billiard and pool table ............  473 / 34
        Inflation stem type ................  138 / 89.4
        Inflation stem type air and ........  138 / 89.1+
        Vehicle top ........................  296 / 136.09
        Wheel and valve stem with ..........  152 / 428
    Fixation ...............................  404 / 76
        Car ventilation ....................  454 / 96+
        Locomotive cab .....................  454 / 86
        Motor vehicle ......................  180 / 84
        Passenger railway car body .........  105 / 350+
        Typewriter bar .....................  400 / 467+
        Vehicle ............................  280 / 159
        Vehicle mud and ....................  280 / 847+
        Watch and clock keys with ..........  81 / 123
    Laying compositions ....................  252 / 88.1
    Pan ....................................  15 / 257.1+
        Design .............................  D32 / 74
        Cleaning ...........................  15
        Gas and ............................  96
        With air blast or ..................  15 / 347
        Suction cleaner ....................  15 / 347+
Dust Core ..................................  148 / 300+
    Making .................................  148 / 104
    Structure ..............................  336 / 233+
Dust Pan ...................................  D32 / 74
Duster (See Dispensing; Distributing;  
    Sprayer; spreader)  
    Animal antivermin treatment ............  119 / 665+
    Coating apparatus ......................  118 / 308+
    Feather ................................  15 / 234
        Design .............................  D32 / 40+
    Insect powder ..........................  239
        Design .............................  D08 / 2
    Mobile orchard type ....................  239 / 77+
Dwarfing Agents ............................  504 / 174+
        Installed air blast or suction .....  15 / 301
        Systems ............................  15 / 301+
    Coating or plastic compositions ........  106
    Containing .............................  106
    Compositions & processes ...............  8
        Cake, tablet or powder form ........  8 / 524+
    Compounds anthraquinone ................  552 / 208+
        Anthrone ...........................  552 / 271+
        Azo ................................  534 / 653
        Triphenylmethane ...................  552 / 101+
    Envelope sealing flap combined .........  229 / 83
    Food ...................................  426 / 540+
    Hair ...................................  8
    Mordant ................................  430 / 941*
    Oxidizable dyes ........................  436 / 904*
    Sensitizer in photoconductive ..........  430 / 60+
    Composition ............................  430 / 60+
    Synthetic resin or natural rubber  
    (See class 523, 524))  
Dyeing .....................................  8
    Electrolytic dyeing of organic .........  205 / 691
    Fiberous material ......................  205 / 691
    Fluid treating apparatus ...............  68
    Hair ...................................  8
    Mordanting .............................  8
    Sewing combined ........................  112 / 17
    Textile operation combined .............  28 / 169
        Warp preparation ...................  28 / 178
Dynamics, Teaching .........................  434 / 302
Dynamite ...................................  149
    Making .................................  149
Dynamo .....................................  310
    Brush holders ..........................  310 / 239+
    Brushes ................................  310 / 248+
    Commutators ............................  310 / 233+
    Connecting in parallel .................  307 / 43+
    Electric machines ......................  310 / 10+
    Electric prime mover plant .............  290
    Internal combustion engine .............  123 / 149 R
    Igniters ...............................  123 / 149 R
    Nonelectric prime mover plant ..........  290
    Railway locomotive .....................  105 / 35+
    Telegraph systems ......................  178 / 65
    Educational demonstration ..............  434 / 380
    Electromagnet like linear ..............  335 / 209+
    Motor or generator .....................  335 / 209+
    Geophysical transducer .................  367 / 140+
    Linear .................................  310 / 12+
    Linear .................................  310 / 15+
    Oscillating ............................  310 / 36+
        Mechanical motion converter ........  310 / 37
        Reciprocating ......................  310 / 15+
        Amplifier system linear ...........  330 / 58
        Bearing adjustable .................  310 / 90
        Coated .............................  310 / 45
        Combined with other device .........  310 / 66+
        Connector on .......................  310 / 71+
        Cooling ............................  310 / 52
        Cooling circulating type ...........  310 / 58
        Cooling filtered coolant ...........  310 / 56
        Cooling liquid .....................  310 / 54
        Cooling nonatmospheric gas .........  310 / 55
        Cooling sealed type ................  310 / 57
        Cooling self forced ................  310 / 60 R+
        Cooling treated coolant ............  310 / 56
        Cooling with control ...............  310 / 53
        Cooling with purifying means .......  310 / 56
        Cover combined .....................  310 / 89
        Dirt proofed .......................  310 / 88
        Explosion proofed ..................  310 / 88
        Flywheel combined ..................  310 / 74
        Housing combined ...................  310 / 89
        Housing for ........................  310 / 85
            Electrical apparatus ...........  361 / 600
        Illumination .......................  310 / 73
        Impregnated ........................  310 / 45
        Inbuilt or incorporated unit .......  310 / 67 R
        Inertia device for .................  310 / 74
        Lamp as part .......................  310 / 73
        Lead in for ........................  310 / 71
        Lubrication ........................  310 / 90
        Manufacture ........................  310 / 42
        Manufacture ........................  29 / 596+
        Mechanical shield with .............  310 / 85
        Moisture proofed ...................  310 / 88
        Molded plastic part ................  310 / 43
        Powdered metal part ................  310 / 44
        Shaft and armature timing ..........  310 / 79
        Shaft driven switch ................  310 / 69+
        Shield between armature and ........  310 / 86
        Field ..............................  310 / 86
        Sound proofed ......................  310 / 51
        Submerged ..........................  310 / 87
        Support combined ...................  310 / 91
        Terminal on ........................  310 / 71
        Underwater type ....................  310 / 87
        Vibration damped ...................  310 / 51
        With impedance , capacitor .........  310 / 72
        Or resistor ........................  310 / 72
        With plastic part ..................  310 / 43
        With sintered part .................  310 / 44
Dynamometer ................................  73 / 862
    Dynamotor, electric brake ..............  310 / 93
    Electric meter .........................  324 / 144+
    Strength of material test ..............  73 / 836
Dynatron, Oscillator .......................  331 / 133
    Demodulator ............................  329
DYNEL™    (Polyacrylonitrile Vinyl .........  526 / 342
    Chloride) ..............................  526 / 342
Dyphylline, in Drug ........................  514 / 263.34

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