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EPA Funding Opportunities for Site Revitalization

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Before: An abandoned gas station with leaking underground storage tanks

Before: An abandoned gas station
located in Wilmington, Del. with leaking underground storage tanks

After: A sustainably designed parking lot and community park

After: A sustainably designed
parking lot and community park at the same location in Wilmington, Del.

Mid-Atlantic Brownfields
EPA provides both direct funding and technical assistance to communities, states, and non-profit organizations to help them cleanup and assess contaminated properties.  

Clean Water State Revolving Fund
EPA finances brownfield remediation through many programs and funding sources including the Clean Water State Revolving Loan program. EPA provides grants to states and the states, in turn, make loans to communities, individuals, and other for high-priority water-quality activities. As money is paid back into the revolving fund, new loans are made to other recipients that need help in maintaining the quality of their water.

EPA Smart Growth and Brownfields Grants
EPA supports the efforts of communities to incorporate smart growth principles into their planning, revitalization, and/or redevelopment efforts. Using smart growth principles in brownfield redevelopment can create greater benefits from the reuse of infill sites, reduce demand for land for development on the urban fringe, and improve the regional air and water quality. Brownfield redevelopment is an essential component of smart growth, as both seek to return abandoned and underutilized sites to their fullest potential as community and economic assets.

Petroleum Brownfield Grants
 The EPA brownfields program includes relatively low-risk petroleum sites as eligible sites for brownfields assessment and cleanup grant funding. By law, EPA must make available 25 percent of the total brownfields grant funds each year for the assessment and/or cleanup of relatively low-risk petroleum-contaminated sites. Recipients include abandoned sites such as gas stations, industrial, and retail properties that contain, or are perceived to contain, contamination from petroleum.

Targeted Watersheds Grant Program
EPA encourages successful community-based approaches to protect and restore the nation's watersheds, including cleaning up and redeveloping Brownfields sites. This competitive grant program provides needed resources to watershed organizations whose restoration plans set clear goals and objectives with special consideration given to water quality monitoring, innovation, public education, and strong community support.                                                                               

Region 3 | Mid-Atlantic Cleanup | Mid-Atlantic Brownfields & Land Revitalization

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