USDA Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Research Station


Pacific Southwest Research Station
800 Buchanan Street
West Annex Building
Albany, CA 94710-0011

(510) 559-6300

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service. USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.

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Benefits and Costs

Center for Urban Forest Research

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Since 1992 we have provided our customers with reliable scientific evidence that the benefits of urban forests add real value to communities.

Our research confirms that trees in our community forests are assets that pay us back.

  • Conserve energy by shading buildings and paved surfaces
  • Filter airborne pollutants
  • Remove atmospheric carbon dioxide
  • Reduce stormwater runoff
  • Increase the value of our homes
New research

Parking lots, bioswales and structural soils - The results of Dr. Qingfu Xiao's study using engineered soil in a bioswale to mitigate parking lot stormwater runoff are now available. Dr. Xiao's Davis Soil (a mixture of lava rock and local soil) offers several advantages over other engineered soil types. Made of natural materials readily and inexpensively available in California, the porous lava rock traps pollutants, increases stormwater retention, and makes more water available to trees. Read the report here.

Dr. Xiao's earlier report comparing Davis soil with Cornell and Carolina Stalite soils is available here: Qingfu Xiao; Greg McPherson; Aihua Jiang. 2006. Pollutant removal and runoff storage testing of three engineered soils. Prepared for the 4th Biennial CALFED Science Conference 2006, Sacramento, CA.

The CUFR Tree Carbon Calculator (CTCC) for California climate regions is now available. It's free, easy to use, and available to everyone -- from individuals curious about the amount of carbon stored in their front yard trees to municipalities, utilities, universities and other entities that are quantifying effects of greenhouse gas tree planting and stewardship projects.

The CTCC produces carbon storage and sequestration values for a tree (based on age or diameter-at-breast height) plus the associated energy conservation and emission reductions. To learn more or download this Excel application, visit the U.S. Forest Service's Climate Change Resource Center website.

A help menu and list of frequently asked questions are included online with the CTCC. Additional technical assistance is available via email at

Urban Forest Project Reporting Protocol - At the beginning of June, we brought nearly two years of work to an end and delivered our draft of the Urban Forest Project Protocol to the California Climate Action Registry. We're thrilled to announce that our work has borne fruit. After more than 18 months of work, eleven drafts, countless meetings, and extremely helpful feedback from our stakeholder groups, the California Climate Action Registry's Board of Directors approved the Protocol on August 12. You can find the final version here. Let the projects begin!!

For more information on the Urban Forest Protocol and urban trees and global climate change in general, see our Protocol webpage.

Million Trees LA - The Pacific Southwest Research Station is pleased to be able to provide a simple tree selection tool to assist the City of Los Angeles in meeting their goal to plant a million trees. See how to pick a one-in-a-million tree!

To learn more, visit the Million Trees LA website or read our project profile. [PDF 1.9 MB]

The Los Angeles One Million Tree Canopy Cover Analysis is complete! Click here for a low resolution version [PDF 1.7 MB] or click here to download the high resolution version [PDF 4.7 MB].

Urban Forest Research News Briefs

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Read current and past issues

Upcoming Speeches

May 6, 2009
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Pilot Project
Speaker: Paula Peper
Where: 75th Annual Western Chapter International Society of Arboriculture Conference
Reno, Nevada

August 5, 2009
Roles of Ecologists in the Design of High-Performance Urban Forests
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Where: Symposium on Sustainable Urban Design: What do Ecologists Have to Offer?
Albuquerque, NM

Missed our talks? You can still see the presentations-- View speeches.

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Capturing carbon in your community - Did you know that over the course of its life, a tree can store 10,000 lb of carbon dioxide? Or that in hotter climates the greenhouse gas benefits from energy conservation realized by a strategically placed tree can exceed those of carbon storage? Read all about these and other key aspects of the Urban Forest Project Reporting Protocol in the Winter 2008 Western Arborist article by Greg McPherson.

The newest in our continuing Tree Guide series, Lower Midwest Community Tree Guide, is now available in PDF format. The Lower Midwest climate zone was included in the last i-Tree STRATUM update, allowing communities in Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky to obtain extensive information on the benefits and costs associated with their street tree populations.

Spring News Brief: Catch up with our latest research quickly by reading our spring News Brief! [pdf] If you'd like to receive future News Briefs, sign up here.

The Air Resources Board adopted the Urban Forest Project Reporting Protocol to quantify emissions from urban forest projects. Read more about it here.

Our study on locating potential planting sites in Los Angeles using aerial imagery and GIS has just been published in Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. Congratulations Chelsea!

Looking for ways personally to make a difference in the fight against global climate change? Read Kelaine's article in the Spring issue of California Trees for more information on how trees help and what you can do. "Trees have one big advantage compared to all other methods of addressing global warming: they actually remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere."

Treeconomics! In the latest issue of Landscape Architecture magazine, Greg McPherson talks about the value of trees in cities while sharing a little of his own philosophy. "Each tree that is properly planted and survives over the long term creates a little speck of habitat for people in cities."

Animating trees: Most tree growth animations and, in fact, most trees in any graphics program, are not based on real data. Our new program, developed with scientists at the Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science at Greifswald University in Germany, models tree growth on-the-fly based on measurements from CUFR research and displays the benefits and costs of the trees at the same time. Watch a quick clip of our first tree animation video on or see the latest version below. In the coming weeks, we'll be featuring animations of different species on our website. For information on the research that went into constructing the model, read Visualization of Time-Varying Tree Data [PDF 1 MB] and Inverse Modeling and Animation of Growing Single-Stemmed Trees at Interactive Rates [PDF 180 kB].

Animation of ash tree growth


See what else was new at the Center in our Archive...

Continuing Research

Elm Trials - In the 1930s, Dutch elm disease began ravaging America's urban forests, and by the 1970s almost all of our elm trees were dead. Now scientists across the country are testing newly developed elm varieties in an attempt to bring them back. Visit the National Elm Trial website to learn more and read about the 17 cultivars the Center for Urban Forest Research is testing here at UC Davis in our project profile [PDF 1.9 MB].

Oakland Watershed Restoration and Protection Study - To learn more, read our project profile. [PDF 101 kB]

Sacramento Urban Forest For Clean Air Project - Recently, the EPA has begun to consider new, innovative measures to fight air pollution and trees are being considered as one of the solutions. To read more about the potential role of trees in State Implementation Plans for the Clean Air Act, read our project summary [PDF 1.8 MB]. Read more about the Urban Forests for Clean Air Project in the Sacramento Bee. [PDF 29kB]


STRATUM - an application within the new i-Tree software suite, is an easy to use, computer-based program that helps communities assess the benefits of their street trees.

ecoSmart - a Web-based program designed to evaluate the economic trade-offs between different landscape practices on residential parcels.

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Last Modified: May 1, 2009 04:53:15 PM