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Our research demonstrates new ways that trees add value to communities, converting results into financial terms to stimulate more investment in trees.

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Pacific Southwest Research Station
800 Buchanan Street
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Albany, CA 94710-0011

(510) 559-6300

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Programs and Projects


Center for Urban Forest Research

Past Speeches

May 6, 2009
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Pilot Project
Speaker: Paula Peper
Conference: 75th Annual Western Chapter International Society of Arboriculture Conference
Where: Reno, Nevada

April 6, 2009
Urban Forest Carbon Offsets, New Frontier for the Utility Industry
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Trees & Utilities National Conference – 2009
Where: National Arbor Day Foundation
Dallas, TX

February 26, 2009
Planning and Implementing a Greenhouse Gas Tree Project: Santa Monica Case Study
Speaker: Jim Simpson & Walt Warriner
Conference: Urban Forestry: Future Perfect; Western Chapter ISA and California Urban Forests Council
Where: UCLA Tom Bradley International Hall, Los Angeles, California

February 26, 2009
Urban Forests and Climate Change: Another Reason to Hug a Tree
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Melbourne's Green Infrastructure -- Public Lecture Series
Where: Treasury Theater
Univ. of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
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February 20, 2009
Urban Greening: Lessons from U.S Urban Ecosystem Analyses
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Where: City of Brisbane, Brisbane Square
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February 19, 2009
Planning and Implementing a Greenhouse Gas Tree Project: Santa Monica Case Study
Speaker: Paula Peper & Walt Warriner
Conference: Urban Forestry: Future Perfect; Western Chapter ISA and California Urban Forests Council
Where: UC Berkeley, International House, Berkeley, California

February 19, 2009
New Tools for Urban Greening
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: 2009 Nursery Industry National Conference
Where: Canberra, Australia

February 17, 2009
The Urban Forest Imperative: Effects on Carbon, Water, Heat Islands and Community Quality of Life
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Greenscapes Symposium 2009
Where: Canberra, Australia
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February 4, 2009
Tree Siting: The Good, Bad, and the Ugly
Speaker: Paula Peper
Conference: LEAF Stewards, Sacramento Tree Foundation
Where: Sacramento, California

November 5, 2008
Ecosystem Goods and Services: What is the Role of Urban Forests?
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: 2008 SAF National Convention
Where: Grand Sierra Resort, Reno, NV

October 30, 2008
Trees Pay Us Back: Quantifying Benefits of Trees in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: South Carolina Urban and Community Forestry Council Annual Conference
Where: Greenville, SC

October 30, 2008
Capturing Carbon with Tree Planting Projects in Your Community
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: South Carolina Urban and Community Forestry Council Annual Conference
Where: Greenville, SC

October 28, 2008
Where Are All the Cool Parking Lots?
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Parking Lot Landscape Symposium
Where: Charleston, SC

October 17, 2008
Measurement and Uses of Tree Height in Urban Forest Research
Speaker: Paula Peper
Conference: Natural Connections: A Natural Resources Field Day at the Institute of Forest Genetics for 7th Grade Classes
Where: Placerville, CA

October 13, 2008
Urban Forest Reporting Protocol
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: 2008 Society of Municipal Arborists Conference
Where: Mission Valley Marriott, San Diego, CA
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October 7, 2008
Factors Influencing Tree Size and Growth: Siting in Trees - Right Tree for the Right Place
Speaker: Paula Peper
Conference: LEAF Stewards Training Course
Where: Maidu Center, Roseville, CA
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September 23, 2008
Trees Pay Us Back: Quantifying Benefits of Trees in the PNW and Temperate Interior West
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: 2008 Pacific Northwest Arborist Conference
Where: Boise Center on the Grove, Boise, ID
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September 23, 2008
New Tools for Municipal Arborists
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: 2008 Pacific Northwest Arborist Conference
Where: Boise Center on the Grove, Boise, ID
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September 3, 2008
The Value of Green: Benefits of Honolulu's Urban Forest
Speaker: Kelaine Vargas
Conference: LEEDing the Way to GREENER Urban Landscapes
Where: McCoy Pavilion
Sponsor: Hawaii Society of Urban Forestry Professionals
Sponsor Website:

August 21, 2008
Research in Urban Forestry
Speaker: Paula Peper
Conference: Central California Consortium
Where: Davis, CA

July 29, 2008
Urban Forest Project Reporting Protocol
Speaker: Kelaine Vargas
Conference: Protocol Public Hearing
Where: Byron Sher Auditorium, CalEPA Building, Sacramento
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July 26-30, 2008
Point/Counterpoint: The Role of Trees in Climate Change
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: 8th Annual ISA Conference
Where: St. Louis, MO
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May 30, 2008
Global Climate Change and Your Backyard, What We Know
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Where: ARC Ballroom at UC Davis

May 8, 2008
Trees in our Communities: Lessons from the Past and for the Future
Speaker: Paula Peper
Conference: North State Building Industry Association Green Home Expo
Where: Sacramento Civic Center, Sacramento, CA

April 26, 2008
History of Arbor Day in Davis
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Davis, CA, Arbor Day Celebration
Where: Davis Farmers' Market, Davis, CA

April 26, 2008
Urban forest amenities: enhancing water quality and creating green jobs for urban youth
Speaker: Gregory Tarver, Jr.
Conference: Ecocity
Where: San Francisco, CA

April 19, 2008
Building community-based capacity and determining environmental benefits of urban trees in West Oakland, California
Speaker: Gregory Tarver
Conference: American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting
Where: Boston, MA

March 12, 2008
Urban Forest GHG Protocols Webcast
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Where: Presented online
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March 5, 2008
Greening Oakland's Infrastructure Tree by Tree
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: City of Oakland Environmental Lecture Series
Where: Oakland City Hall, Hearing Room #2, Oakland, CA
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January 28, 2008
One Million Trees in Salt Lake County: New Research and Technologies You Can Use
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Utah Green Industry Conference, Thinking Green: The Business of Sustainability
Where: Salt Lake City, UT
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January 28, 2008
Trees Pay Us Back: Benefits of Trees in Utah
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Utah Green Industry Conference, Thinking Green: The Business of Sustainability
Where: Salt Lake City, UT
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December 17, 2007
STRATUM and i-Tree: Assessing Urban Forest Benefits and Costs in the United States
Speaker: Paula Peper
Conference: Climate Change and Urban Forestry
Where: Palazzo dei Congressi, Rome, Italy
Sponsor: ETM European Tree Management and Italian Society of Arboriculture (ISA - Italian Chapter)
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December 12, 2007
Street Tree Assessment Tool for Urban Forest Managers: Street Tree Benefits, Costs, and Management
Speaker: Kelaine Vargas
Conference: 2007 Turf and Landscape Institute
Where: Rancho Cucamonga, CA
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October 25, 2007
Los Angeles Million Tree Canopy Assessment
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Society of American Foresters Annual Conference
Where: Portland, OR
Sponsor: Society of American Foresters

October 16-, 2007
The Importance of Quality Trees for California
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Quality Trees for California
Where: UC Davis, Buehler Alumni Center

September 10, 2007
Preliminary assessment of the air quality effects of trees for an urban forestry-based SIP measure in Sacramento, California
Speaker: Jim Simpson
Conference: The 7th Symposium on the Urban Environment, American Meteorological Society
Where: San Diego, CA

September 10, 2007
Million trees LA canopy cover assessment
Speaker: Jim Simpson
Conference: 7th Symposium on the Urban Environment, American Meteorological Society
Where: San Diego, CA

August 20-23, 2007
STRATUM and i-Tree: Assessing Urban Forests in Canada
Speaker: Paula Peper
Conference: Forests in Settled Landscapes
Where: University of Toronto, St. George Campus Toronto, Ontario
Sponsor: Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto
Sponsor Website:

August 20-23, 2007
STRATUM and i-Tree: Assessing Urban Forests in Canada
Speaker: Paula Peper
Conference: Forests in Settled Landscapes
Where: University of Toronto, St. George Campus, Toronto, ON, Canada
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July 31, 2007
A Comparative Analysis of Municpal Forest Structure
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: ISA Annual Conference
Where: Honolulu, HI
Sponsor: International Society of Arboriculture
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July 13, 2007
Getting the Most Out of Trees
Speaker: Kelaine Vargas
Conference: Sacramento Valley Urban Forest Council Workshop
Where: SMUD, Sacramento, CA
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June 21, 2007
Results of Tree Canopy Cover Assessments in California
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: WC ISA Regional Conference on Tree Retention
Where: Palo Alto, CA
Sponsor: Western Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture

May 17, 2007
Overview of Urban Forest Research in Region 5
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Cooperative Forestry National Program Review
Where: Vallejo, CA
Sponsor: US Forest Service

April 13, 2007
Tree Biology: Roots and Leaves: The Value of Our Tree Canopy
Speaker: Kelaine Vargas
Conference: Tree Biology: Roots and Leaves, Western ISA and California Arborist Assoc.
Where: Knuth Hall, San Francisco State University
Sponsor: California Arborists Association and Western ISA
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April 5, 2007
Workshop: STRATUM and i-Tree: Tools for Assessing the Green Infrastructure
Speaker: Paula Peper
Conference: 2007 Rocky Mountain Chapter, American Public Works Association
Where: Casper, WY
Sponsor: City of Casper, WY
Sponsor Website:

April 4, 2007
Considering the Green Infrastructure: Benefits and Costs
Speaker: Paula Peper
Conference: 2007 Rocky Mountain Chapter, American Public Works Association
Where: Casper, WY
Sponsor: City of Casper, WY

March 1, 2007
Trees Pay Us Back - Benefits of Trees in the Midwest
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Midwestern ISA Conference
Where: Holidom, Topeka, KS
Sponsor: Midwestern International Society of Arboriculture
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February 28, 2007
Benefit-based Tree Appraisal
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Midwestern ISA Conference
Where: Holidome, Topeka, KS
Sponsor: Midwestern International Society of Arboriculture
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January 18, 2007
Urban Forest Research in the Temperate Interior West
Speaker: Kelaine Vargas
Conference: Idaho Horticulture Expo
Where: Boise, Idaho
Sponsor: Idaho Nursery and Landscape Association
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January 16, 2007
STRATUM and i-Tree Software: Municipal Forest Resource Analysis for Boise, Idaho
Speaker: Kelaine Vargas
Conference: Idaho Community Forestry Advisory Council
Where: Boise, Idaho
Sponsor: Idaho Nursery and Landscape Association

November 13, 2006
Short Course: ecoSmart-Fire: New Research and tools for Fire-Safe Buildings and Landscapes
Speaker: Greg McPherson, John Kennedy, Steve Quarles, Jo Ann Fites, and Mark Dietenberger
Conference: Third International Fire Ecology and Management Congress
Where: Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California
Sponsor: The Association for Fire Ecology
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September 9, 2006
i-Tree STRATUM Workshop
Speaker: Kelaine Vargas
Conference: 2006 California Urban Forest Conference
Where: Pasadena, CA
Sponsor: California Urban Forests Council
Sponsor Website:

August 1, 2006
Benchmarking the Health of Your Municipal Forest
Speaker: McPherson, E.G
Conference: International Society of Arboriculture National Conference
Where: Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN
Sponsor: International Society of Arboriculture
Sponsor Website:

July 14, 2006
Urban Forest Research in the Northeast: The Northeast Community Tree Guide and the NYC Municipal Forest Resource Analysis
Speaker: Paula J. Peper (keynote speaker)
Conference: New York ReLeaf Conference
Where: Long Island University, CW Post Campus, Brookville, NY
Sponsor: New York ReLeaf, NYS Urban and Community Forestry Council
Sponsor Email:
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July 14, 2006
i-Tree Suite Workshop
Speaker: Paula Peper and David Bloniarz
Conference: New York Releaf Conference
Where: Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus, Brookville, NY
Sponsor: New York ReLeaf, NYS Urban and Community Forestry Council
Sponsor Email:
Sponsor Website:

May 17, 2006
How Much Economic Value Does a park and Recreation System Bring to a City?
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Urban Parks Summit
Where: Chicago, IL
Sponsor: National Recreation & Parks Association and City Parks Alliance
Sponsor Email:
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April 25, 2006
i-Tree: Demonstrating that Trees Pay Us Back!
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: i-Tree Conference Call
Sponsor: i-Tree Software Suite
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April 4, 2006
Effects of Tree Cover on Microclimate
Speaker: Kelaine Vargas
Conference: International Society of Arboriculture, Southern Chapter Annual Conference
Where: Wynfrey Hotel, Birmingham, Alabama
Sponsor: ISA Southern Chapter Scott Jordan
Sponsor Website:

April 4, 2006
STRATUM and Municipal Forest Resource Analyses
Speaker: Kelaine Vargas
Conference: International Society of Arboriculture, Southern Chapter Annual Conference
Where: Wynfrey Hotel, Birmingham, Alabama
Sponsor: ISA Southern Chapter Scott Jordan
Sponsor Website:

March 9, 2006
'Selling' Urban Forestry in Your Town
Speaker: Shelley Gardner
Conference: Missouri Community Forestry Council Annual Conference
Where: Holiday Inn Viking Conference Center St. Louis, MO
Sponsor Website:

February 15, 2006
Tree Benefits: Adding Value to California Landscapes
Speaker: Greg Mcpherson
Conference: California Landscape Contractor's Landscape Industry Show
Where: Los Angeles Convention Center
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February 9, 2006
Urban Forestry and the Sacramento Regional Greenprint
Speaker: Kelaine Vargas
Conference: Sac/Tahoe SAF Chapter February Chapter Meeting
Where: Hing's Chinese Restaurant 5800 Madison Avenue Sacramento, CA
Sponsor: 530-477-2228
Sponsor Email:

February 7, 2006
Midwest Community Tree Guide
Speaker: Jim Geiger
Conference: Arborist Association Annual Conference and Trade Show
Where: KI Convention Center, Green Bay, WI
Sponsor: Wisconsin Arborist Association Mark Freberg
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February 5, 2006
Obtaining an Investment in Community Trees
Speaker: Jim Geiger
Conference: Wisconsin Urban Forestry Conference
Where: Regency Suites, Green Bay, WI
Sponsor: Wisconsin Arborist Association
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January 11, 2006
Trees are $$$ -- Realizing the Benefits of Trees
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Indiana Arborist Assoc. Annual Conference
Where: Marriott Inn, Indianapolis, IN
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January 10, 2006
ecoSmart-Fire: Smart Design Tools for Landscapes
Speaker: Shelley Gardner
Conference: Living with Wildfire in Chaparral Ecosystems: Providing Tools for Decision Makers
Where: Riverside Convention Center Riverside, CA
Sponsor: USDA, Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station
Sponsor Website:

December 6, 2005
Benefit-based Tree Appraisal
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: 2005 American Society of Consulting Arborists Annual Conference
Where: Palm Springs, CA
Sponsor: Western Chapter ISA,
Rocky Mountain Chapter ISA,
Pacific Northwest Chapter ISA

December 1, 2005
The Benefit and Value of Urban Trees
Speaker: Jim Geiger
Conference: IX Annual Meeting of Brazilian Society of Arboriculture
Where: Municipal Park Americo Renne Giannetti Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Sponsor: IX Congresso Brasileiro de Arborizacao Urbana 31-3277-4749-3222-6224
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November 18, 2005
STRATUM at Your Service
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: 2005 National Conference on Urban Ecosystems
Where: Westin Hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina
Sponsor: American Forests
Sponsor Website:

November 3, 2005
Boulder's Municipal Forest Assessment
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Landscape Ecology Symposium
Where: Boulder, CO
Sponsor: Paul Lander 303-413-7407
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October 23, 2005
Software for Sustainable Landscapes
Speaker: Shelley Gardner
Conference: Society of American Foresters 2005 National Convention
Where: Forth Worth, TX
Sponsor: Society of American Foresters
Sponsor Website:

October 20, 2005
Midwest Community Tree Guide
Speaker: Jim Geiger
Conference: Minnesota Shade Tree Advisory Committee Luncheon
Where: Minneapolis, MN
Sponsor: USFS Urban and Community Forestry
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October 19, 2005
Air Pollution Control - the Tree Factor
Speaker: Jim Geiger
Conference: Green Makeover - Retrofitting Sites in Urban Areas to Enrich City Environments
Where: University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee School of Continuing Education Conference Center
Sponsor: USEPA
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September 01-02, 2005
Keys Concepts of Urban Forest Management
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Hawaiian Society of Urban Forestry Professionals
Where: Honolulu, HI
Sponsor: Stan Oka
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August 30, 2005
Trees and Air Quality
Speaker: Jim Simpson
Where: 777 12th Street, 3rd Floor Sacramento, CA 95814
Sponsor: Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District Phone (916) 874-4800
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August 24, 2005
Where Are All the Cool Parking Lots
Speaker: Jim Simpson
Conference: Air Innovations Conference: Integrated and innovative Approaches for Improving Air Quality
Where: Four Seasons Hotel Chicago, Illinois
Sponsor: US EPA (919) 541-5646
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May 2, 2005
Extreme Arboriculture Research
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Western Chapter ISA Annual Conference
Where: Pointe Hilton Resort Phoenix, AZ
Sponsor: WCISA 530.892.1118
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Sponsor Website:

April 30, 2005
Street Tree Inventories: The STRATUM Approach
Speaker: Jim Geiger
Conference: New York City ReLeaf Workshop on Tree Inventories
Where: Auditorium Museum of the City of New York 1220 Fifth Avenue at 103rd Street New York, New York 10029
Sponsor: New York City of Parks and Recreation
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January 27, 2005
Benefits of Trees, A Lot to Think About
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: 19th Annual Think Trees New Mexico Conference
Where: The Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North 5151 San Francisco NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 505-821-3333
Sponsor: Think Trees New Mexico Anthony Pomo 505-897-1606
Sponsor Website:

January 14, 2005
Urban Forests: Benefits, Costs, and Management Effects
Speaker: Paula Peper
Conference: Seventh Annual Tree Care Seminar
Where: Peppermill Hotel 2707 S. Virginia Street Reno, NV 89502
Sponsor: Reno Urban Forestry Committee Parks, Recreation & Community Services Parks Division 2055 Idlewild Dr. Reno, NV 89509
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January 12, 2005
Urban Forests: Benefits, Costs, and Management Effects
Speaker: Paula Peper
Conference: Sacramento Valley Landscape and Nursery Expo
Where: Sacramento Community Convention Center 14th and J Streets Sacramento, CA
Sponsor: Sacramento Valley Chapter CLCA California Association of Nurserymen and Garden Centers PO Box 1263 Colusa, CA 95932 (530) 458-3189
Sponsor Website:

January 06-14, 2005
Money Does Grow On Trees: The benefits and values of Minnesota trees
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Minnesota Green Expo
Where: Minneapolis Convention Center Minneapolis, Minnesota
Sponsor: Minnesota Green Expo Partners 651-633-4987
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November 3, 2004
How ECOSMART Can Assist in Addressing Fire Issues
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: 2004 Best of the West Summit - Healthy Forests Today & Tomorrow, The Role of Urban & Community Forestry
Where: Prime Hotel Salt Lake City, Utah
Sponsor: Council of Western State Foresters, Urban and Community Forestry Committee
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November 01-02, 2004
Integrate Green and Gray Infrastructure Using Greenspace-Accounting Tools: The Urban and Community Forestry Solution
Speaker: Jim Geiger
Conference: American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting
Where: Utah Salt Palace Convention Center Salt Lake, UT
Sponsor: American Society of Landscape Architects 202-898-2444
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October 19-22, 2004
Stemming the Fiscal Crisis: Tools for Valuing and Marketing the Urban Forest
Speaker: Scott Maco
Conference: 6th Canadian Urban Forest Conference
Where: Grand Okanagan Resort and Conference Centre Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Sponsor: Tree Canada Foundation (613) 567-5545
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October 14-15, 2004
Desert Southwest Community Tree Guide
Speaker: Jim Geiger and Greg McPherson
Conference: Caring for and Protecting your Communities
Where: Glendale Civic Center 5750 West Glenn Drive Glendale, AZ 85301
Sponsor: Arizona Community Tree Council, Inc.
Sponsor Website:

October 14, 2004
iTree: Integrated Urban Forest Inventory and Analysis
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Caring for and Protecting Your Communities'
Where: Glendale Civic Center 5750 West Glenn Drive Glendale, AZ 85301
Sponsor: Arizona Community Tree Council, Inc.
Sponsor Website:

September 23-24, 2004
A Functional Approach to Urban Forest Planning and Management
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: Annual Texas Tree Conference
Where: Austin Marriott North Round Rock, Texas
Sponsor: International Society of Arboriculture and Texas Urban Forestry Conference 512-587-7515
Sponsor Email:
Sponsor Website:

August 23-27, 2004
Tools for Quantifying Climate-related Effects of Trees on Urban Forest Benefits
Speaker: Jim Simpson
Conference: 5th Symposium on the Urban Environment
Where: Hyatt Regency Vancouver Vancouver, BC
Sponsor: American Meteorological Society 617-227-2425
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August 08-11, 2004
Advancing the Health and Value of Urban Forests Through Research and Technology Development
Speaker: Greg McPherson
Conference: ISA's 80th Annual Conference and Trade Show
Where: David Lawrence Convention Center Pittsburgh, PA
Sponsor: International Society of Arboriculture 217-355-9411
Sponsor Email:
Sponsor Website:

May 10, 2004
Getting Your Parcel Firesafe - New Research and a Computer Tool You Should Know About
Speaker: Jim Geiger
Conference: Creating a Fire-Wise Community Workshop
Where: Los Angeles Department of Water and Power John Ferraro Building Los Angeles, CA
Sponsor: California Urban Forest Council and LADWP 707-524-1190
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