USDA Forest Service

Payette National Forest

Hell's Canyon National Recreation Area
State & Private Forestry
Payments to States
Evaluate Our Service
The Forest appreciates comments and suggestions on how we can better serve you.


Payette National Forest
PO Box 1026
800 West Lakeside Ave
McCall, ID 83638

(208) 634-0700

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Photo Pages

To see more photos of the Payette NF follow the links below to scenes from each of the Ranger Districts.

Photograph - Overview of the Frank Church  - River of No Return Wilderness.  photo by D. Ede
Frank Church - River of No Return Wilderness #
Krassel Ranger District

Upper Lava Butte Lake #
New Meadows Ranger District





French Creek *- McCall Ranger District


Benton Creek # - Weiser Ranger District #






# Indicates photos taken by D. Ede

* Indicates photos taken
by T. Demetriades


USDA Forest Service - Payette National Forest
Last Modified: Thursday, 30 November 2006 at 11:05:13 EST

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.