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The Bottom Line: Saving and Finding Money

Federal Assistance

EPA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) - Through the SBIR Program, EPA makes awards to small, high-tech firms for research and development of cutting-edge technologies.

EPA Grant Information - find currently available EPA grants, grant regulations and policies and grant application information.

Business Financing

EPA's Environmental Finance Program (EFP) - EFP seeks to lower costs, increase investment, and build capacity by creating partnerships with state and local governments and the private sector to fund environmental needs.

State Financial Assistance Programs - find state financial assistance programs. Exit EPA Disclaimer 

Energy Star Small Business - Financial Resources Directory - A directory of financial services by state or service type ie loans, consulting, credit etc.

Small Business Administration: Financing Your Business - a comprehensive source for business financing including Small Business Loans and procurement assistance.

ACE-Net (Angel Capital Electronic Network) - an Internet-based listing service sponsored by the US Small Business Administration that gives new options to both small companies looking for investors and investors looking for promising opportunities.

Doing Business with EPA

EPA Office of Acquisition Management - This office provides information about business opportunities and EPA acquisition resources.

EPA Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization - This office works to maintain and increase the level of small, women and minority business participation in procurements, contracts, grants cooperative agreements, and other business related opportunities generated by the US EPA.

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing - federal-wide program that encourages and assists Executive agencies to purchase environmentally preferable products and services.

Financial Models

EPA's Energy Star - Small Business - save money by using energy efficient appliances and equipment.

EPA's Recycling Market Development - this program works to stimulate economic growth and recycling market development by assisting businesses and entrepreneurs process recycled materials or manufacture recycled-content products.

Enforcement Models these are for state & local governments to use against businesses.

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