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About the Office of International Affairs

Table of Contents

OIA Message

International Collaboration for Environmental Results

International Collaboration

Cross-Cutting Programs

Who We Are

Sky photo with a globe in the backround and a tree

The Office of International Affairs (OIA) is comprised of a multi-disciplinary 60-person staff who respect and reflect the diversity of the global community. Our staff are leaders and partners in innovative solutions to global environmental concerns, and we are committed to achieving results that make a difference. OIA employees come from a wide variety of backgrounds and draw on many different kinds of academic training and international professional experience. This multi-cultural and multi-lingual team works in partnership to leverage the skills and talents of the broader EPA community through cooperation with key program offices and regional coordinators. Our international engagement yields measurable environmental benefits.

OIA's Mission

To protect human health and environment while advancing U.S. national interests through international environmental collaboration.

Organizational Information

OIA's Organizational Chart (PDF) (1 p, 7.2K,  About PDF Files)

The Office of International Affairs is divided into three offices, with several programs operating in each office:

Selected Partners

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