Title 12--Banks and Banking



TEXT PDF335.101 Scope of part, authority and OMB control number.
TEXT PDF335.111 Forms and schedules.
TEXT PDF335.201 Securities exempted from registration.
TEXT PDF335.211 Registration and reporting.
TEXT PDF335.221 Forms for registration of securities and similar matters.
TEXT PDF335.231 Certification, suspension of trading, and removal from listing by exchanges.
TEXT PDF335.241 Unlisted trading.
TEXT PDF335.251 Forms for notification of action taken by national securities exchanges.
TEXT PDF335.261 Exemptions; terminations; and definitions.
TEXT PDF335.301 Reports of issuers of securities registered pursuant to section 12.
TEXT PDF335.311 Forms for annual, quarterly, current, and other reports of issuers.
TEXT PDF335.321 Maintenance of records and issuer's representations in connection with required reports.
TEXT PDF335.331 Acquisition statements and acquisitions of securities by issuers.
TEXT PDF335.401 Solicitations of proxies.
TEXT PDF335.501 Tender offers.
TEXT PDF335.601 Requirements of section 16 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
TEXT PDF335.611 Initial statement of beneficial ownership of securities (Form 3).
TEXT PDF335.612 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities (Form 4).
TEXT PDF335.613 Annual statement of beneficial ownership of securities (Form 5).
TEXT PDF335.701 Filing requirements, public reference, and confidentiality.
TEXT PDF335.801 Inapplicable SEC regulations; FDIC substituted regulations; additional information.
TEXT PDF335.901 Delegation of authority to the Director (DSC) and to the associate directors, regional directors and deputy regional directors to act on matters with respect to disclosure laws and regulations.
