[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 12, Volume 4]
[Revised as of January 1, 2005]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 12CFR335.801]

[Page 304-308]
                       TITLE 12--BANKS AND BANKING
Sec. 335.801  Inapplicable SEC regulations; FDIC substituted 
regulations; additional information.

    (a) Filing fees. Filing fees will not be charged relative to any 
filings or submissions of materials made with the

[[Page 305]]

FDIC pursuant to the cross reference to regulations of the SEC issued 
under sections 12, 13, 14(a), 14(c), 14(d), 14(f), and 16 of the 
Exchange Act, and this part.
    (b) Electronic filings. (1) The FDIC does not participate in the 
SEC's EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering Analysis and Retrieval) 
electronic filing program (17 CFR part 232). The FDIC does not permit 
electronically transmitted filings or submissions of materials in 
electronic format to the FDIC, with the exception of beneficial 
ownership report filings on FDIC Forms 3, 4 and 5.
    (2) All reporting persons must file beneficial ownership report 
Forms 3, 4 and 5, including amendments and exhibits thereto, in 
electronic format using the Internet based, interagency Beneficial 
Ownership Filings system, which is accessible through the FDICconnect 
Business Center, except that a reporting person that has obtained a 
continuing hardship exemption under these rules may file the forms with 
the FDIC in paper format. For information and answers to questions 
regarding beneficial ownership and the completion and filing of the 
forms, please contact the FDIC Accounting and Securities Disclosure 
Section in Washington DC For information and answers to technical 
questions or problems relating to the use of FDICconnect, contact the 
FDICconnect Project Team toll-free at 877-275-3342 or by mail at 3501 
North Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22226.
    (3) Electronic filings of FDIC beneficial ownership report Forms 3, 
4, and 5 must be submitted to the FDIC through the interagency 
Beneficial Ownership Filings system. Beneficial ownership reports and 
any amendments are deemed filed with the FDIC upon electronic receipt on 
business days from 8 a.m. through 10 p.m., Eastern Standard Time or 
Eastern Daylight Saving Time, whichever is currently in effect (Eastern 
Time). Business days include each day, except Saturdays, Sundays and 
Federal holidays. All filings submitted electronically to the FDIC 
commencing after 10 p.m. Eastern Time on business days shall be deemed 
filed as of 8 a.m. on the following business day. All filings submitted 
electronically to the FDIC on non-business days shall be deemed filed as 
of 8 a.m. on the following business day.
    (4) Adjustment of the filing date. If an electronic filer in good 
faith attempts to file a beneficial ownership report with the FDIC in a 
timely manner but the filing is delayed due to technical difficulties 
beyond the electronic filer's control, the electronic filer may request 
an adjustment of the filing date of such submission. The FDIC may grant 
the request if it appears that such adjustment is appropriate and 
consistent with the public interest and the protection of investors.
    (5) Exhibits. (i) Exhibits to an electronic filing that have not 
previously been filed with the FDIC shall be filed in electronic format, 
absent a hardship exemption.
    (ii) Previously filed exhibits, whether in paper or electronic 
format, may be incorporated by reference into an electronic filing to 
the extent permitted by applicable SEC rules under the Exchange Act. An 
electronic filer may, at its option, restate in electronic format an 
exhibit incorporated by reference that originally was filed in paper 
    (iii) Any document filed in paper format in violation of mandated 
electronic filing requirements shall not be incorporated by reference 
into an electronic filing.
    (6) Continuing Hardship Exemption. The FDIC will not accept in paper 
format any beneficial ownership report filing required to be submitted 
electronically under this part unless the filer satisfies the 
requirements for a continuing hardship exemption:
    (i) A filer may apply in writing for a continuing hardship exemption 
if all or part of a filing or group of filings otherwise to be filed in 
electronic format cannot be so filed without undue burden or expense. 
Such written application shall be made at least ten business days prior 
to the required due date of the filing(s) or the proposed filing date, 
as appropriate, or within such shorter period as may be permitted. The 
written application shall be sent to the Accounting and Securities 
Disclosure Section, Division of Supervision and Consumer Protection, 
Federal Deposit

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Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street NW., Washington, DC 20429, and 
shall contain the information set forth in paragraph (b)(6)(ii) of this 
    (A) The application shall not be deemed granted until the applicant 
is notified by the FDIC.
    (B) If the FDIC denies the application for a continuing hardship 
exemption, the filer shall file the required document in electronic 
format on the required due date or the proposed filing date or such 
other date as may be permitted.
    (C) If the FDIC determines that the grant of the exemption is 
appropriate and consistent with the public interest and the protection 
of investors and so notifies the applicant, the filer shall follow the 
procedures set forth in paragraph (b)(6)(iii) of this section.
    (ii) The request for the continuing hardship exemption shall 
include, but not be limited to, the following:
    (A) The reason(s) that the necessary hardware and software are not 
available without unreasonable burden and expense;
    (B) The burden and expense involved to employ alternative means to 
make the electronic submission; and/or
    (C) The reasons for not submitting electronically the document or 
group of documents, as well as justification for the requested time 
period for the exemption.
    (iii) If the request for a continuing hardship exemption is granted, 
the electronic filer shall submit the document or group of documents for 
which the exemption is granted in paper format on the required due date 
specified in the applicable form, rule or regulation, or the proposed 
filing date, as appropriate. The paper format document(s) shall have 
placed at the top of page 1, or at the top of an attached cover page, a 
legend in capital letters:


    (iv) Where a continuing hardship exemption is granted with respect 
to an exhibit only, the paper format exhibit shall be filed with the 
FDIC under cover of SEC Form SE (17 CFR 249.444). Form SE shall be filed 
as a paper cover sheet to all exhibits to beneficial ownership reports 
submitted to the FDIC in paper form pursuant to a hardship exemption.
    (v) Form SE shall be submitted along with all exhibits filed in 
paper form pursuant to a hardship exemption. Form SE may be filed up to 
six business days prior to, or on the date of filing of, the electronic 
form to which it relates but shall not be filed after such filing date. 
If a paper exhibit is submitted in this manner, requirements that the 
exhibit be filed with, provided with, or accompany the electronic filing 
shall be satisfied. Any requirements as to delivery or furnishing the 
information to persons other than the FDIC shall not be affected by this 
    (7) Signatures. (i) Required signatures to, or within, any 
electronic submission must be in typed form. When used in connection 
with an electronic filing, the term ``signature'' means an electronic 
entry or other form of computer data compilation of any letters or 
series of letters or characters comprising a name, executed, adopted or 
authorized as a signature.
    (ii) Each signatory to an electronic filing shall manually sign a 
signature page or other document authenticating, acknowledging or 
otherwise adopting his or her signature that appears in typed form 
within the electronic filing. Such document shall be executed before or 
at the time the electronic filing is made and shall be retained by the 
filer for a period of five years. Upon request, an electronic filer 
shall furnish to the FDIC a copy of any or all documents retained 
pursuant to this section.
    (iii) Where the FDIC's rules require a filer to furnish to a 
national securities exchange, a national securities association, or a 
bank, paper copies of a document filed with the FDIC in electronic 
format, signatures to such paper copies may be in typed form.
    (c) Legal proceedings. Whenever this part or cross referenced 
provisions of the SEC regulations require disclosure of legal 
proceedings, administrative or judicial proceedings arising under 
section 8 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act shall be deemed material 
and shall be described.

[[Page 307]]

    (d) Indebtedness of management. Whenever this part or cross 
referenced provisions of the SEC regulations require disclosure of 
indebtedness of management, extensions of credit to specified persons in 
excess of ten (10) percent of the equity capital accounts of the bank or 
$5 million, whichever is less, shall be deemed material and shall be 
disclosed in addition to any other required disclosure. The disclosure 
of this material indebtedness shall include the largest aggregate amount 
of indebtedness (in dollar amounts, and as a percentage of total equity 
capital accounts at the time), including extensions of credit or 
overdrafts, endorsements and guarantees outstanding at any time since 
the beginning of the bank's last fiscal year, and as of the latest 
practicable date.
    (1) If aggregate extensions of credit to all specified persons as a 
group exceeded 20 percent of the equity capital accounts of the bank at 
any time since the beginning of the last fiscal year, the aggregate 
amount of such extensions of credit shall also be disclosed.
    (2) Other loans are deemed material and shall be disclosed where:
    (i) The extension(s) of credit was not made on substantially the 
same terms, including interest rates, collateral and repayment terms as 
those prevailing at the time for comparable transactions with other than 
the specified persons;
    (ii) The extension(s) of credit was not made in the ordinary course 
of business; or
    (iii) The extension(s) of credit has involved or presently involves 
more than a normal risk of collectibility or other unfavorable features 
including the restructuring of an extension of credit, or a delinquency 
as to payment of interest or principal.
    (e) Proxy material required to be filed. (1) Three preliminary 
copies of each information statement, proxy statement, form of proxy, 
and other item of soliciting material to be furnished to security 
holders concurrently therewith, shall be filed with the FDIC by the bank 
or any other person making a solicitation subject to 12 CFR 335.401 at 
least ten calendar days (or 15 calendar days in the case of other than 
routine meetings, as defined in paragraph (e)(2) of this section) prior 
to the date such item is first sent or given to any security holders, or 
such shorter date as may be authorized.
    (2) For the purposes of this paragraph (e), a routine meeting means:
    (i) A meeting with respect to which no one is soliciting proxies 
subject to Sec. 335.401 other than on behalf of the bank, and at which 
the bank intends to present no matters other than:
    (A) The election of directors;
    (B) The election, approval or ratification of accountants;
    (C) A Security holder proposal included pursuant to SEC Rule 14(a)-8 
(17 CFR 240.14a-8); and
    (D) The approval or ratification of a plan as defined in paragraph 
(a)(7)(ii) of Item 402 of SEC Regulation S-K (17 CFR 229.402(a)(7)(ii)) 
or amendments to such a plan; and
    (ii) The bank does not comment upon or refer to a solicitation in 
opposition (as defined in 17 CFR 240.14a-6) in connection with the 
meeting in its proxy material.
    (3) Where preliminary copies of material are filed with the FDIC 
under this section, the printing of definitive copies for distribution 
to security holders should be deferred until the comments of the FDIC's 
staff have been received and considered.
    (f) Additional information; filing of other statements in certain 
cases. (1) In addition to the information expressly required to be 
included in a statement, form, schedule or report, there shall be added 
such further material information, if any, as may be necessary to make 
the required statements, in light of the circumstances under which they 
are made, not misleading.
    (2) The FDIC may, upon the written request of the bank, and where 
consistent with the protection of investors, permit the omission of one 
or more of the statements or disclosures herein required, or the filing 
in substitution therefor of appropriate statements or disclosures of 
comparable character.
    (3) The FDIC may also require the filing of other statements or 
disclosures in addition to, or in substitution for those herein required 
in any case where such statements are necessary or appropriate for an 
adequate presentation of the financial condition of any person

[[Page 308]]

whose financial statements are required, or disclosure about which is 
otherwise necessary for the protection of investors.

[62 FR 6856, Feb. 14, 1997, as amended at 69 FR 59783, Oct. 6, 2004]