Title 14--Aeronautics and Space



TEXT PDF221.1 Applicability of this part.
TEXT PDF221.2 Carrier's duty.
TEXT PDF221.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF221.4 English language.
TEXT PDF221.5 Unauthorized air transportation.
TEXT PDF221.10 Carrier.
TEXT PDF221.11 Agent.
TEXT PDF221.20 Specifications applicable to tariff publications.
TEXT PDF221.30 Passenger fares and charges.
TEXT PDF221.31 Rules and regulations governing passenger fares and services.
TEXT PDF221.40 Specific requirements.
TEXT PDF221.41 Routing.
TEXT PDF221.50 Currency.
TEXT PDF221.51 Territorial application.
TEXT PDF221.52 Airport to airport application, accessorial services.
TEXT PDF221.53 Proportional fares.
TEXT PDF221.54 Fares stated in percentages of other fares; other relationships prohibited.
TEXT PDF221.55 Conflicting or duplicating fares prohibited.
TEXT PDF221.56 Applicable fare when no through local or joint fares.
TEXT PDF221.60 When reference to governing tariffs permitted.
TEXT PDF221.61 Rules and regulations governing foreign air transportation.
TEXT PDF221.62 Explosives and other dangerous or restricted articles.
TEXT PDF221.63 Other types of governing tariffs.
TEXT PDF221.70 Who may amend tariffs.
TEXT PDF221.71 Requirement of clarity and specificity.
TEXT PDF221.72 Reinstating canceled or expired tariff provisions.
TEXT PDF221.80 Effect of suspension by Department.
TEXT PDF221.81 Suspension supplement.
TEXT PDF221.82 Reissue of matter continued in effect by suspension to be canceled upon termination of suspension.
TEXT PDF221.83 Tariff must be amended to make suspended matter effective.
TEXT PDF221.84 Cancellation of suspended matter subsequent to date to which suspended.
TEXT PDF221.90 Required notice.
TEXT PDF221.91 Delivering tariff publications to Department.
TEXT PDF221.92 Number of copies required.
TEXT PDF221.93 Concurrences or powers of attorney not previously filed to accompany tariff transmittal.
TEXT PDF221.94 Explanation and data supporting tariff changes and new matter in tariffs.
TEXT PDF221.100 Public notice of tariff information.
TEXT PDF221.101 Inspection at stations, offices, or locations other than principal or general office.
TEXT PDF221.102 Accessibility of tariffs to the public.
TEXT PDF221.103 Notice of tariff terms.
TEXT PDF221.105 Special notice of limited liability for death or injury under the Warsaw Convention.
TEXT PDF221.106 Notice of limited liability for baggage; alternative consolidated notice of liability limitations.
TEXT PDF221.107 Notice of contract terms.
TEXT PDF221.108 Transmission of tariff filings to subscribers.
TEXT PDF221.110 Department's authority to reject.
TEXT PDF221.111 Notification of rejection.
TEXT PDF221.112 Rejected tariff is void and must not be used.
TEXT PDF221.120 Grounds for approving or denying Special Tariff Permission applications.
TEXT PDF221.121 How to prepare and file applications for Special Tariff Permission.
TEXT PDF221.122 Special Tariff Permission to be used in its entirety as granted.
TEXT PDF221.123 Re-use of Special Tariff Permission when tariff is rejected.
TEXT PDF221.130 Applications for waiver of tariff regulations.
TEXT PDF221.131 Form of application for waivers.
TEXT PDF221.140 Method of giving concurrence.
TEXT PDF221.141 Method of revoking concurrence.
TEXT PDF221.142 Method of withdrawing portion of authority conferred by concurrence.
TEXT PDF221.150 Method of giving power of attorney.
TEXT PDF221.151 Method of revoking power of attorney.
TEXT PDF221.152 Method of withdrawing portion of authority conferred by power of attorney.
TEXT PDF221.160 Adoption notice.
TEXT PDF221.161 Notice of adoption to be filed in former carrier's tariffs.
TEXT PDF221.162 Receiver shall file adoption notices.
TEXT PDF221.163 Agents' and other carriers' tariffs shall reflect adoption.
TEXT PDF221.164 Concurrences or powers of attorney to be reissued.
TEXT PDF221.165 Cessation of operations without successor.
TEXT PDF221.170 Applicability of the subpart.
TEXT PDF221.180 Requirements for electronic filing of tariffs.
TEXT PDF221.190 Time for filing and computation of time periods.
TEXT PDF221.195 Requirement for filing printed material.
TEXT PDF221.200 Content and explanation of abbreviations, reference marks and symbols.
TEXT PDF221.201 Statement of filing with foreign governments to be shown in air carrier's tariff filings.
TEXT PDF221.202 The filing of tariffs and amendments to tariffs.
TEXT PDF221.203 Unique rule numbers required.
TEXT PDF221.204 Adoption of provisions of one carrier by another carrier.
TEXT PDF221.205 Justification and explanation for certain fares.
TEXT PDF221.206 Statement of fares.
TEXT PDF221.210 Suspension of tariffs.
TEXT PDF221.211 Cancellation of suspended matter.
TEXT PDF221.212 Special tariff permission.
TEXT PDF221.300 Discontinuation of electronic tariff system.
TEXT PDF221.400 Filing of paper tariffs required.
TEXT PDF221.500 Transmission of electronic tariffs to subscribers.
TEXT PDF221.550 Copies of tariffs made from filer's printer(s) located in Department's public reference room.
TEXT PDF221.600 Actions under assigned authority and petitions for review of staff action.
