Volpe National Transportation Systems Center

US DOT SBIR Program News

2009.1 DOT SBIR Solicitation

The DOT SBIR Program Solicitation FY09.1 closed at 5 pm on April 15, 2009. Please see Previous Solicitations for past materials, and check back for future announcements on upcoming solicitations.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
Question: Any press releases, or announcements about opportunities through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) stimulus package?
Answer: The U. S. DOT SBIR did not directly receive any stimulus money. Presently, one of the best resources to find where the stimulus money is going is through the website, http://www.recovery.gov. Many of the states who have received money have established their own recovery.gov websites. Links to state recovery sites can be located on the link noted above by clicking on the heading located on the right hand column "State Progress and Resources."

To view past US DOT SBIR news and events, please visit the SBIR News Archive.