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Basic Information

two photos: bird and snow-capped mountain with lakeEPA's Tribal Solid Waste Management Program encourages municipal solid waste and hazardous waste management practices in Indian Country that are protective of human health and the environment. The following information provides a more in-depth look at our waste management program.

Strategy for Implementing Waste Programs on Tribal Lands

EPA's Strategy for Implementing Waste Programs on Tribal Lands describes the actions EPA will undertake to implement waste programs on tribal lands, including Alaska native villages. The strategy is based on recommendations made by the American Indian Environmental Office, consisting of 19 tribal leaders and EPA senior leadership, including the Administrator and Regional Administrators. It reflects EPA's four main themes of support to tribes: 1) financial and technical assistance; 2) outreach; 3) education; and 4) partnerships. For more information, contact Felicia Wright (wright.felicia@epa.gov).

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Tribal Program Action Plan

The Solid Waste Tribal Program Action Plan (PDF) (24 pp, 794K, About PDF) is part of the document, Response to Recommendations from the National Tribal Environmental Council's February 10-11, 1998 Albuquerque National Tribal Forum. The action plan identifies priorities for the EPA tribal municipal solid waste and hazardous waste programs, including improved financial and technical assistance to tribes; improved outreach, education, and training opportunities for tribal staff.>

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National Municipal Solid Waste Strategy for Indian Country

EPA continues to evolve its strategy in support of healthy and environmentally protective solid waste management practices in Indian Country. The strategy is based on input from tribal focus groups and discussions with tribal organizations, and other federal agencies with trust responsibilities in Indian Country. It emphasizes building tribal municipal solid waste management capacity, developing tribal organizational infrastructure, and building partnerships among tribes, states, and local governments. EPA support for these goals includes technical assistance, grant funding, and education and outreach.

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National Hazardous Waste Strategy for Indian County

EPA is developing a hazardous waste strategy for Indian Country. The central feature of this strategy is an effort to define the types of tribal hazardous waste projects eligible to receive capacity building financial and technical assistance. One vehicle for providing assistance to tribes is our hazardous waste grant program. If you have concerns relating to hazardous waste in your community, or if you need support building a hazardous waste program, please contact your regional hazardous waste tribal program coordinator. Activities that we may be able to support include:

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