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Sacramento Convention and Visitors Bureau Annual Luncheon, August 9, 2007

Highlight: The Sacramento Convention & Visitors Bureau 2007 Annual Luncheon

On August 9, 2007 the Sacramento Convention & Visitors Bureau (SCVB) held their Annual Luncheon at the Sacramento Downtown Convention Center in Sacramento, CA. This luncheon was sponsored by the Sacramento County Airport System. The SCVB Annual lunch is attended by stakeholders, partners, City and County Dignitaries and serves as an opportunity for the SCVB to share the accomplishments and challenges that have occurred in Sacramento's hospitality industry over the past year.  It also provided an opportunity to layout the plans and framework on how to grow the industry’s $2 billion local economy. The local VIP speakers for this event included: Heather Fargo, Mayor of Sacramento, Don Notolli, Sacramento County Board of Supervisors Chair, Steve Hammond, CEO and President of the SCVB, Butch Corum, Outgoing Chairman of the SCVB, Mark Davis, Incoming Chairman of the SCVB, and Nathan Dietrich, District Director for Congresswoman Doris Matsui, California’s 5th District.

George Tastard, Director of the Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center, U.S. Commercial Service, U.S. Department of Commerce acknowledged the SCVB for their work in promoting the Sacramento region for international markets. The partnership between the SCVB and the Sacramento USEAC has created multiple international promotional opportunities including: coordinating and executing a Spanish Familiarization (FAM) Tour to California in September 2004, a spotlight article in the Slovak magazine Grand showcasing Sacramento as a premier U.S. tourist destination August 2006, and a highlight of Sacramento in Mexico’s Business Club Magazine in October 2006.  

Together Tastard and Dietrich presented Hammond with the “U.S. Commercial Service Certificate of Appreciation for Achievement in Trade for Creating International Trade Opportunities.” Dietrich addressed the audience on behalf of Congresswoman Matsui by reading a Letter of Recognition to the SCVB from Congresswoman Matsui. Dietrich also spoke about the close and growing relationship between the SCVB and the Sacramento USEAC in promoting the Sacramento region to world markets. In acceptance of the U.S. Commercial Service award, Hammond acknowledged Tastard as a key international business partner.

This annual luncheon was attended by 400 people. This event was excellent opportunity to showcase the support the U.S. Commercial Service provides to the local business community.