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SDWA National Enforcement Priorities

The national program priorities are selected through a review of significant environmental risks or noncompliance patterns associated with industrial sectors, specific regulatory requirements or geographic areas. The priorities are a set of key problems which have several common characteristics, including national in scope, appropriate for federal attention and response, tailored strategies which include a variety of tools and approaches and a commitment of resources. Regions are expected to support national priorities; however, HQ also recognizes the need for and the importance of the establishment of regional and state priorities. (The Office of Compliance chairs this planning process for the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA).)

In addition to the national priorities, OECA is committed to the concept that maintaining a viable core compliance and enforcement program is necessary to achieve a strong and credible enforcement presence to deter noncompliance. The basic elements of the core program include following the applicable program enforcement response and timely and appropriate policies, conducting compliance monitoring and compliance assistance activities, data quality activities, and maintaining strong partnerships with the States.

Currently, EPA's Safe Drinking Water priority focuses on compliance and enforcement efforts on microbial rules. These particular national primary drinking water regulations address the prevention, monitoring, treatment and removal of microbiological contaminants. Microbial rules include the Total Coliform Rule, the Surface Water Treatment Rule, the Interim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule, and the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products Rule. Additional microbial rules are in development by EPA. We ensure compliance with microbial drinking water regulations through enforcement and compliance assistance. EPA Office of Regulatory Enforcement (ORE) expects to review and discuss with the regions quarterly exceptions lists of those public water systems with unaddressed significant non-compliance for microbial rules to ensure that timely and appropriate actions are taken to remedy microbial noncompliance.

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