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Larvicides for Mosquito Control

Questions on Pesticides?

Current as of: April 11, 2007

Mosquito Life Cycle / Larvicide Definition / Microbial Larvicides
Methoprene / Temephos / Monomolecular Films / Oils / Resources

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) evaluates and registers (licenses) pesticides to ensure that they can be used safely. These pesticides include products used in the mosquito control programs that states and communities have established. To evaluate any pesticide, EPA assesses a wide variety of tests to determine whether a pesticide has the potential to cause adverse effects on humans, wildlife, fish and plants, including endangered species and non-target organisms.

Officials responsible for mosquito control programs make decisions to use pesticides based on an evaluation of the risks to the general public from diseases transmitted by mosquitoes or on an evaluation of the nuisance level that communities can tolerate from a mosquito infestation. Based on surveillance and monitoring, mosquito control officials select specific pesticides and other control measures that best suit local conditions in order to achieve effective control of mosquitoes with the least impact on human health and the environment. It is especially important to conduct effective mosquito prevention programs by eliminating breeding habitats or applying pesticides to control the early life stages of the mosquito. Prevention programs, such as elimination of any standing water that could serve as a breeding site, help reduce the adult mosquito population and the need to apply other pesticides for adult mosquito control. Since no pesticide can be considered 100 percent safe, pesticide applicators and the general public should always exercise care and follow specified safety precautions during use to reduce risks. This fact sheet provides basic information on larvicides, a type of pesticide used in mosquito control programs.

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What is the Mosquito Life Cycle?

mosquito life cycle
Leon County Mosquito Control, Tallahassee, FL

The mosquito goes through four distinct stages during its life cycle:

What are Larvicides?


Larvicides kill mosquito larvae. Larvicides include biological insecticides, such as the microbial larvicides Bacillus sphaericus and Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis. Larvicides include other pesticides, such as temephos, methoprene, oils, and monomolecular films. Larvicide treatment of breeding habitats help reduce the adult mosquito population in nearby areas.

How are Larvicides Used in Mosquito Control?

State and local agencies in charge of mosquito control typically employ a variety of techniques in an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. An IPM approach includes surveillance, source reduction, larviciding and adulticiding to control mosquito populations. Since mosquitoes must have water to breed, source reduction can be as simple as turning over trapped water in a container to undertaking large-scale engineering and management of marsh water levels. Larviciding involves applying pesticides to breeding habitats to kill mosquito larvae. Larviciding can reduce overall pesticide usage in a control program. Killing mosquito larvae before they emerge as adults can reduce or eliminate the need for ground or aerial application of pesticides to kill adult mosquitoes.

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What are Microbial Larvicides?

Microbial larvicides are bacteria that are registered as pesticides for control of mosquito larvae in outdoor areas such as irrigation ditches, flood water, standing ponds, woodland pools, pastures, tidal water, fresh or saltwater marshes, and storm water retention areas. Duration of effectiveness depends primarily on the mosquito species, the environmental conditions, the formulation of the product, and water quality. Microbial larvicides may be used along with other mosquito control measures in an IPM program. The microbial larvicides used for mosquito control are Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti) and Bacillus sphaericus (B. sphaericus).

Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis is a naturally occurring soil bacterium registered for control of mosquito larvae. Bti was first registered by EPA as an insecticide in 1983. Mosquito larvae eat the Bti product that is made up of the dormant spore form of the bacterium and an associated pure toxin. The toxin disrupts the gut in the mosquito by binding to receptor cells present in insects, but not in mammals. There are 26 Bti products registered for use in the United States. Aquabac, Teknar, Vectobac, and LarvX are examples of common trade names for the mosquito control products.

Bacillus sphaericus is a naturally occurring bacterium that is found throughout the world. B. sphaericus was initially registered by EPA in 1991 for use against various kinds of mosquito larvae. Mosquito larvae ingest the bacteria, and as with Bti, the toxin disrupts the gut in the mosquito by binding to receptor cells present in insects but not in mammals. VectoLex CG and WDG are registered B. sphaericus products and are effective for approximately one to four weeks after application.

Do Microbial Larvicides Pose Risks to Human Health?

The microbial pesticides have undergone extensive testing prior to registration. They are essentially nontoxic to humans, so there are no concerns for human health effects with Bti or B. sphaericus when they are used according to label directions.

Do Microbial Larvicides Pose Risks to Wildlife or the Environment?

Extensive testing shows that microbial larvicides do not pose risks to wildlife, nontarget species, or the environment, when used according to label directions.

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What is Methoprene?

Methoprene is a compound first registered by EPA in 1975 that mimics the action of an insect growth-regulating hormone and prevents the normal maturation of insect larvae. It is applied to water to kill mosquito larvae, and it may be used along with other mosquito control measures in an IPM program. Altosid is the name of the methoprene product used in mosquito control and is applied as briquets (similar in form to charcoal briquets), pellets, sand granules, and liquids. The liquid and pelletized formulations can be applied by helicopter and fixed-wing aircraft.

Does Methoprene Pose Risks to Human Health?

Methoprene, used for mosquito control according to its label directions, does not pose unreasonable risks to human health. In addition to posing low toxicity to mammals, there is little opportunity for human exposure, since the material is applied directly to ditches, ponds, marshes, or flooded areas that are not drinking water sources.

Does Methoprene Pose Risks to Wildlife or the Environment?

Methoprene used in mosquito control programs does not pose unreasonable risks to wildlife or the environment. Toxicity of methoprene to birds and fish is low, and it is nontoxic to bees. Methoprene breaks down quickly in water and soil and will not leach into ground water. Methoprene mosquito control products present minimal acute and chronic risk to freshwater fish, freshwater invertebrates, and estuarine species.

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What is Temephos?

Temephos is an organophosphate (OP) pesticide registered by EPA in 1965 to control mosquito larvae, and it is the only organophosphate with larvicidal use. It is an important resistance management tool for mosquito control programs; its use helps prevent mosquitoes from developing resistance to the bacterial larvicides. Temephos is used in areas of standing water, shallow ponds, swamps, marshes, and intertidal zones. It may be used along with other mosquito control measures in an IPM program. Abate is the trade name of the temephos product used for mosquito control. Temephos is applied most commonly by helicopter but can be applied by backpack sprayers, fixed-wing aircraft, and right-of-way sprayers in either liquid or granular form.

Does Temephos Pose Risks to Human Health?

Temephos, applied according to the label for mosquito control, does not pose unreasonable risks to human health. It is applied to water, and the amount of temephos is very small in relation to the area covered, less than 1 ounce of active ingredient per acre for the liquid and 8 ounces per acre for the granular formulations. Temephos breaks down within a few days in water, and post-application exposure is minimal. However, at high dosages, temephos, like other OPs, can overstimulate the nervous system causing nausea, dizziness, and confusion.

Does Temephos Pose Risks to Wildlife or the Environment?

Because temephos is applied directly to water, it is not expected to have a direct impact on terrestrial animals or birds. Current mosquito larviciding techniques pose some risk to nontarget aquatic species and the aquatic ecosystem. Although temephos presents relatively low risk to birds and terrestrial species, available information suggests that it is more toxic to aquatic invertebrates than alternative larvicides. For this reason, EPA is limiting temephos use to areas where less-hazardous alternatives would not be effective, specifying intervals between applications, and limiting the use of high application rates.

What is the Current Regulatory Status of Temephos?

As part of its responsibility to reassess all older pesticides registered before 1984, EPA completed its revised risk assessments for temephos in July 2001, and has issued risk management decisions in the final reregistration eligibility decision (RED). The RED document is available on the EPA Web site at: www.epa.gov/oppsrrd1/REDs/temephos_red.htm.

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What are Monomolecular Films?

Monomolecular films are low-toxicity pesticides that spread a thin film on the surface of the water that makes it difficult for mosquito larvae, pupae, and emerging adults to attach to the water's surface, causing them to drown. Films may remain active typically for 10-14 days on standing water, and have been used in the United States in floodwaters, brackish waters, and ponds. They may be used along with other mosquito control measures in an IPM program. They are also known under the trade names Arosurf MSF and Agnique MMF.

Do Monomolecular Films Pose Risks to Human Health?

Monomolecular films, used according to label directions for larva and pupa control, do not pose a risk to human health. In addition to low toxicity, there is little opportunity for human exposure, since the material is applied directly to ditches, ponds, marshes, or flooded areas that are not drinking water sources.

Do Films Pose Risks to Wildlife or the Environment?

Monomolecular films, used according to label directions for larva and pupa control, pose minimal risks to the environment. They do not last very long in the environment, and are usually applied only to standing water, such as roadside ditches, woodland pools, or containers which contain few nontarget organisms.

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What are Oils?

Oils, like films, are pesticides used to form a coating on top of water to drown larvae, pupae, and emerging adult mosquitoes. They are specially derived from petroleum distillates and have been used for many years in the United States to kill aphids on crops and orchard trees, and to control mosquitoes. They may be used along with other mosquito control measures in an IPM program. Trade names for oils used in mosquito control are Bonide, BVA2, and Golden Bear-1111, (GB-1111).

Do Oils Pose Risks to Human Health?

Oils, used according to label directions for larva and pupa control, do not pose a risk to human health. In addition to low toxicity, there is little opportunity for human exposure, since the material is applied directly to ditches, ponds, marshes, or flooded areas that are not drinking water sources.

Do Oils Pose Risks to Wildlife or the Environment?

Oils, if misapplied, may be toxic to fish and other aquatic organisms. For that reason, EPA has established specific precautions on the label to reduce such risks.

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Where Can I Get More Information About Larvicides and Mosquito Control?

For more information about mosquito control in your area, contact your state or local health department. Other resources for information on public health, disease control, and mosquito control include the following:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Exit EPA disclaimer
Tel: 970-221-6400
Fax: 970-221-6476
E-mail: dvbid@cdc.gov
Web site: http://www.cdc.gov

National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) Exit EPA disclaimer
Tel: 1-800-858-7378
E-mail: npic@ace.orst.edu
Web site: http://npic.orst.edu/

West Nile Virus Resource Guide: http://npic.orst.edu/wnv/

American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA)
Joseph M. Conlon, Technical Advisor
Tel/Fax: (904) 215-3008
E-mail: amca@earthlink.com Exit EPA disclaimer

For more information regarding public health mosquito control or strategies for controlling mosquitoes around your home, contact EPA headquarters or one of the 10 regional offices.

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