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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency established the National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) in 1988 to provide independent advice to the EPA Administrator on a broad range of environmental policy, technology and management issues.

The Council is a balanced panel of outside experts who represent diverse interests from academia, industry, non-governmental organizations, and state, local, and tribal governments.


EPA recognizes that a vast array of environmental policy expertise exists outside the Agency in the public, private and non-profit sectors. NACEPT helps EPA tap into the knowledge, expertise, and experience that would otherwise be unavailable to the Agency. NACEPT provides a cost-effective and flexible forum that can quickly respond to continually evolving policy challenges.


The NACEPT Council is comprised of a Chair and Vice Chair, the NACEPT Designated Federal Officer (DFO), and committee members as identified by the Administrator or Deputy Administrator.

Council members may serve on at least one NACEPT committee and often serve as members of other ad hoc work groups. Committees formed under NACEPT auspices operate by the rules of NACEPT, and may not function or report recommendations independently of the Council. The Council has established three workgroups that address sustainable water infrastructure, energy and the environment, and environmental stewardship/cooperative conservation. The Environmental Technology Subcommittee is currently under the auspices of NACEPT.


NACEPT has provided recommendations on a variety of issues in the last five years, including environmental technology, environmental stewardship, environmental information, energy, sustainable water infrastructure, venture capital, environmental futures, integrated modeling, EPA's Draft Report on the Environment, and EPA's Draft Strategic Architecture and Plan.

Since 1988, the Council has convened approximately 30 standing committees and involved more than 900 stakeholder representatives. The Council has approved and published over 50 major reports containing over 1,000 recommendations to the EPA Administrator. Many of these recommendations have directly influenced the policy and actions of the EPA as demonstrated by the creation of new programs, such as the Technology Innovation Office. For more information, please refer to the July 1999 report NACEPT Past and Future: A Decade of Stakeholder Advice (PDF) (141 pp, 490K, About PDF).

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