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Drinking Water Tribal Set-Aside Funds


EPA Region 9 (EPA) is pleased to issue the 2008 guidance and procedures for applying for assistance from the Drinking Water Tribal Set-Aside (DWTSA) program.  This program provides funding for tribes within Region 9 (California, Nevada, and Arizona) for public water system infrastructure.  Funds are awarded through direct grants to tribes or interagency agreements with the Indian Health Service.  The funding will be used to address the most significant public health threats posed by inadequate public drinking water system infrastructure.  Up to $3.5 million is anticipated to be available under the FY09 appropriation.  In addition, projects ranking higher than Health Category K may be considered under the FY10 appropriation for an anticipated additional $3.5 million.  This assistance will be awarded under Section 300j-12 of the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. §1452.  Matching funds are not required; however, in cases where commercial entities and/or non-tribal populations receive water from the public water system, EPA may ask the tribe to provide a matching contribution.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 66.468

Important Dates:

June 2, 2008: Postmark deadline for 3 copies of the proposal form, tribal government endorsement, and preliminary feasibility studies, if applicable, submitted to:

Linda Reeves, WTR-6
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 94105

July 2008: Applicants will be notified of their draft proposal priority and whether their project was selected to continue with the application process.
September 2008: Comments on the draft prioritization must be received by EPA.  Revised feasibility study, and capacity and managerial checklists due date for selected projects
October 2008: Final priority list and funding decision notification letters sent to applicants.
November 2008: Applications must be received by EPA (exact dates will be included in funding decision notification letters).
March 2009: Awards made

Contents of Full Text Announcement:

  1. Description of Program
  2. Award Information
  3. Eligibility Information
  4. Step 1: Proposal Submission Information
  5. Step 2: Comments on Draft Prioritization, Capacity and ManagerialChecklists and Final Feasibility Studies
  6. Funding Allocation Methodology
  7. Award Administration Information
  8. Agency Contacts
  9. References/Endnotes
  10. Other Information:

Full text announcement (PDF) 27 pp, 75K)

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