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Surface Water, Ground Water, Drinking Water Grant and Loan Programs

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Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Loan (SRF) Program

Capitalization grants are available to each State for the purpose of establishing Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) that the State can use to provide loans and other types of financial assistance to both public and private water systems. The DWSRF program is authorized under the Safe Drinking Water Act.

The water systems use the loans for construction and other infrastructure improvements that achieve or maintain compliance with the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act. A portion of each grant is also available to fund programs such as source water protection, state program administration, well head protection, and technical assistance to small systems.

More information about the program is available from the EPA Headquarters site for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and Number 66.468 of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Exit EPA Disclaimer .


The EPA Region 4 contact for the program is Carl Biemiller (biemiller.carl@epa.gov), DWSRF Coordinator, at (404) 562-9341.

State Contacts for the DWSRF
State Contact Telephone
AL James Dailey
(334) 271-7805
FL Craig Diltz
(850) 245-8371
GA Jason Bodwell
(404) 584-1011
KY Sandy Williams
(502) 573-0260
MS William Moody
(601) 576-7518
NC Sid Harrell
(919) 715-3216
SC David Price
(803) 898-3993
TN Jim Poff
(615) 532-0451

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Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program

Title VI of the Clean Water Act created the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) program. These state-run programs operate much like environmental banks that are funded with state and federal contributions. The CWSRF provides low interest rates and flexible loan terms for funding wastewater treatment plants, nonpoint source pollution control and estuary protection. The CWSRF assists a variety of borrowers including municipalities, farmers, homeowners, small businesses and nonprofit organizations.

More information about this program is available from the EPA Headquarters site for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and from Number 66.458 of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Exit EPA Disclaimer .

The Region 4 contact for this program is Sheryl Parsons (parsons.sheryl @epa.gov), CWSRF Coordinator, at (404) 562-9337.

State Contacts for the CWSRF
State Contact Telephone
AL James Dailey
(334) 271-7805
FL Tim Banks
(850) 245-8360
GA Jason Bodwell
(404) 584-1011
KY Sandy Williams
(502) 573-0260
MS Tony Caldwell
(601) 961-5618
NC Daniel Blaisdell
(919) 715-6212
SC David Price
(803) 898-3993
TN Jim Poff
(615) 532-0451

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Water Pollution Control Program

EPA provides annual grants to state water pollution control agencies and Indian Tribes to assist them in establishing and maintaining programs to prevent and control surface water pollution. Water Pollution Control grants are authorized by Section 106 of the Clean Water Act.

State ground water programs are also funded yearly through the continuing annual grant program as part of Section 106 of the Clean Water Act. States also have program funding opportunities through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund. Regional and national project grants occasionally available to states and local entities. Information on project grant opportunities and competition procedures is available from Region 4's Grants and SRF Management Section.

More information about this program is available from the EPA Headquarters site for Water Pollution Control Program Grants and from Number 66.419 of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Exit EPA Disclaimer . These grants are managed by Tribes and state environmental management agencies.

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Water Quality Management Planning Program

Water Quality Management Planning Grants are awarded to States to support unified watershed assessments and watershed restoration priorities. The grants are authorized by Sections 205(j(2) and 604(b) of the Clean Water Act and are generally awarded to state water quality agencies as continuing environmental program agreements. States are obligated to give 40% of the grant money to Regional Public Comprehensive Planning Organizations and Interstate Organizations.

More information about this program is available from Number 66.454 of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Exit EPA Disclaimer .

State Contacts for
Water Quality Management Planning Grants
State Contact Telephone
AL Lynn Sisk
(334) 271-7826
FL David Beebe
(850) 921-9459
GA Robert Scott
(404) 675-6236
KY Ronald Price
(502) 564-3410
MS Robert Seyfarth
(601) 961-5160
NC Coleen Sullins
(919) 733-5083 ext. 550
SC David Wilson
(803) 898-3712
TN Greg Denton
(615) 532-0699

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Wastewater Operator Training Program

EPA makes grants to States to provide wastewater operator onsite training and assistance. The program focuses on the needs of Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) under five million gallons per day that are out of compliance and attempts to bring them back into compliance. Onsite assistance is provided by wastewater professionals from either state environmental agencies or their designated state environmental training centers. The program includes small treatment system security issues. Funds for the grants are authorized by Section 104(g)(1) of the Clean Water Act.

Additional information about the program is available from the EPA Headquarters site for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Onsite Assistance Training Program which includes a State contact list. Number 66.467 of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Exit EPA Disclaimer also contains information about the program.

The Region 4 contact for this program is Sam Sampath (sampath.sam@epa.gov) at (404) 562-9229.

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States Underground Water Source Protection Program

EPA provides annual grants to state environmental protection agencies to provide financial assistance for the implementation of their UIC Program. The fundamental goal of the pgoram, and the grants is to ensure that underground sources of drkinking water are protected from endangering injection activities. The program is authorized by the Safe Drinking Water Act.

More information about this program is available from Number 66.433 of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.

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State Public Water System Supervision Program

EPA provides annual grants to state agencies to provide financial assistance to develop and implement a public water system supervision program adequate to enforce the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act. The priority for this grant program is to ensure that the propluation served by community water systems will receive drinking water that meets all applicable health-based drinking water standards.

More information about this program is available from Number 66.432 of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.

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State Water Protection Coordination Program

EPA awards grants to state agencies to assist states with critical water infrastructure protection as authorized by Section 1442 of the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Department of Defense and Emergency Supplemental appropriations for Recovery from and Response to Terrorist Attacks on the United States Act, 2002, Public Law 107-117.

More information about this program is available from Number 66.474 of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.

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Targeted Watershed Initiative Grants Program

The Targeted Watershed Initiative Grants Program is a national competition grant program with the objective to support innovative, community-based watershed approaches aimed at preventing, reducing, or eliminating water pollution.

More information about this program is available from Number 66.474 of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance the Catalog of Federal Funding Sources for Watershed Protection and grants.gov

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Beach Monitoring Program

EPA awards grants to state agencies to develop and implement beach monitoring and notification programs.

More information about this program is available from Number 66.472 of the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.

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For information about the contents of this page please contact Ed Springer (springer.ed@epa.gov)

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