Personnel Manager (Sample Letters)

Listed below are a number of the commonly used Personnel letters, available in wpd format (can be used in WordPerfect). These forms can be downloaded to your computer or if you have WordPerfect on your computer, you can configure your internet browser to execute the program and call the letter directly into it (see the manual for your web browser for complete instructions).

NOTE: We strongly urge you to coordinate any use of these letters with your Personnel Office before issuance. Bureau, agency or local policy (including negotiatied contracts) may require changes to the format and/or content.

Letter - Notice of Reprimand

bullet6.gif (863 bytes)General Management bullet6.gif (863 bytes)EEO bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Classification bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Labor Relations bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Employee Relations bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Staffing bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Employee Development bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Electronic Forms bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Sample Letters bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Related Sites bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Email bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Help
Revised: 11/18/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior