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Upcoming Conferences to be Announced:

No current conferences or workshops available.


If you would like your Clean and Sustainable Energy workshop or conference to be on the EPA Web site, please contact:

Thomas L. Baugh

USEPA, Region 4,



Information on Past Conferences:


Clean and Sustainable Energy

Atlanta, GA

December 11-12, 2007

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 4 office in Atlanta, GA, convened a conference in Atlanta in December 2007 to explore clean sustainable energy efforts in the Southeastern United States.  The primary goal of the meeting was to initiate a dialog among key stakeholders in the environmental and energy arenas that to help promote clean, affordable, and sustainable energy options across EPA Region 4 over time.   Example areas of discussion included the strategies to facilitate growth of clean and sustainable energy sources from laboratory scale to commercial scale and the mitigation of obstacles confronting the growth of existing clean sustainable energy sources (e.g., regulatory and economic barriers). Additional information and downloadable presentations are available at 2007 Clean and Sustainable Energy Conference website. A copy of the conference meeting minutes is available here. The EPA Region 4 Biofuels Conference website is available here.





For information about the contents of this page please contact Thomas L. Baugh


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